This is a tentative attack. If it succeeds…

More than one hundred young martial artists, staring at Zhao Hai’s fast running silhouette, all clenched their fists, their expressions very nervous .

One of the Zichen Empire warriors killed a martial artist with a single blow and looked up at Zhao Hai who was rushing towards him.

Zhao Hai is holding a short blade in his hand, and his eyes are full of absoluteness.

Seeing Zhao Hai’s running speed, the face under the mask of this Zichen Empire warrior showed a contemptuous look. Zhao Hai is just a Level 1 martial artist. In the eyes of this Zichen Empire warrior, he is no different from an ordinary person.

This time they came to Earth, except on the Antarctic ice sheet, they did not encounter any decent opponents.

Even Diado, the Level 9 martial artist of Ice Snow City, was quickly killed by them.


This Zichen Empire warrior dodges, came to Zhao Hai in the blink of an eye, raised his arm, and slashed with a scimitar attached to his arm armor. under.

Looking at the cut, curved thin knife, Zhao Hai sneered.

This is the time!

Zhao Hai released the detonator button in his hand.

“pu ~”

The Zichen Empire warrior cut off Zhao Hai’s head with a single knife.


But at the same moment, the ******** tied to Zhao Hai’s body exploded!

The Zichen Empire warrior who killed Zhao Hai was instantly surrounded by bright white flames, and then was lifted off by the air waves generated by the explosion, flying over a distance of more than ten meters in the air. With a’bang’, it hit the ground.

Several Zichen imperial fighters around were also staggered back by the blast, and they finally stabilized their steps. Of several martial artists nearby, two were killed and three were blown up.

This is also impossible. In the eyes of young martial artists, these martial artists will die sooner or later… In order to kill these Zichen Empire fighters, youngsters don’t care about their lives, let alone other Human.

Zhao Hai has completed the mission with his own life.

Next, look at the effect of this kind of sex!

At this time, the youngsters are most nervous.

When the explosion occurred just now, it was just an instant that the white flames that had wrapped the Zichen Empire fighters disappeared. In such a short period of time, I don’t know if the high temperature flame can hurt the Zichen Empire warrior…

The youngsters quietly opened their eyes wide, looking at lying on the ground and being bombed. Flying Zichen Empire warrior.

At this time, this person is already scorched, and there is still blue smoke.

For the two sides of the melee, this is just an episode that’s all. Whether it is the Zichen Empire warrior or the martial artist who resists the Zichen Empire warrior, they just glanced at it and started fighting again.

It is said to be’fighting’, but it is more like a massacre.

Low-level martial artists, in the eyes of the Zichen Empire warriors, are as easy to kill as sheep.

“puff puff puff…”

The sound of hacking and slashing kept ringing, blood splashing, and it sounded extremely harsh.

The screams of martial artists who are dying are all overwhelmed by this sound.

At this time, with blue smoke all over his body, a scorched Zichen Empire warrior actually moved. He struggled to stand up and walked forward staggeringly.

He didn’t know that there was a wall in front of him, and he bumped it against the wall.


The youngsters’ eyes widened.


At this moment, a martial artist seized the opportunity and stepped forward to the bombed Zichen Empire warrior, and cut off his head.

This is still the first Zichen Empire warrior to die in Wabo City.

The explosion just now did not kill this person directly, but it made him lose his combat ability.

More than a hundred teenagers looked at each other.

Since it is useful, then…

“Everyone spread out, try not to be in the same place…” Li Junyang frowned and made a final confession.

Martial artists nodded.


Li Junyang stood up and said solemnly.

The young martial artists immediately dispersed and went to various places in the city…

Such suicide attacks can only be unexpected. If they are warned by the Zichen Empire soldiers, they will be very It’s hard to achieve.

“Unfortunately, the time is too short and there are too few such explosives. If there are a large number of these explosives, the perish together method can consume thousands of them!” Li Junyang looked ahead Fight, gritted his teeth.


At this moment, standing behind Li Junyang, a young man who did not leave, cut Li Junyang’s neck with a palm.

Li Junyang stiffened and fell to the ground.

“Master, I’m sorry! You can’t die.”

The young man dragged the unconscious Li Junyang to the corner of the wall and covered it with a broken wooden board.

After doing this, the 17-18 years old boy sorted out his clothes, looked at the martial artist aid on his wrist, and then took out the detonator from his pocket.

The previous martial artists are about to be killed, and there are more than ten people left. There were already Zichen Empire fighters walking over here quickly.

The young man spotted one of them and rushed over with a knife.


Another violent explosion sounded.

Next, violent explosions continued to sound in the city.

When these passionate youngsters died, a suicide note was made public in the eyes of the world.

The first is Zhao Hai.

After he died, the city of Yunyang, where he was alive, sounded a broadcast.

Broadcast is a recording of the master’s voice after the text is translated by the martial artist assistant.

“My name is Zhao Hai, Zhao Hai, father, mother, and people who hate me, who live in 13 apartments in Zone A, hello! When you hear this broadcast, I It’s dead. I’m in Wabo City and perished with an alien. My age is 16 years old, sorry. This is the class leader who took the initiative to report the age. I didn’t want to say it.

Going back to the right, as a son, I want to thank my parents for nurturing. But as a martial artist, I also hate you, because you are all advanced martial artists. When humans are in danger, you Hidden in the city did not dare to fight.

If you don’t fight, we have to do it for us young martial artists. Although we are very weak, aliens can hack us to death with a single blow, but we Don’t be afraid of death.

You must think we are stupid, but what I want to say is that my death is worth it because I exchanged my life for the life of an alien, or He hurt him badly.

In this way, he can kill a lot of our compatriots. I kill one by myself. So how many juvenile martial artists like me, together, can kill?

Finally, I despise the martial artists in the city, masters, in our hearts, you are out, you are like a courageous mouse, facing a powerful alien powerhouse, you can only Hiding in the cave and trembling. Because you have lost the martial artist spirit! Damn! There is no time, everyone, see you in the next life!”


Such broadcasts, in short Within time, it sounded in various cities.

In Heavenly Hero City, Xu Fei, a former classmate of Yang Tian, ​​couldn’t help crying when he heard this kind of broadcast.

In Heavenly Hero City, the last words of a 17-year-old boy, Xie Feng, are played.

To broadcast this kind of broadcast, Xu Fei used his position to do it without authorization.

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