When the body of the Tyrannosaurus was submerged by the colony of beasts, the colony of beasts dispersed within ten minutes, revealing a huge skeleton.

Beast ants are not without natural enemies.

A beast and ant are holding pieces of Tyrannosaurus flesh and blood in their mouths as they prepare to leave. In the distant horizon, a group of’red clouds’ suddenly floated.

This’red cloud’ is not a real cloud, but is formed by a large number of Winged Dragons with fleshy wings.

The group of Winged Dragons came to the sky above the group of beasts and ants in the blink of an eye, and they rushed down quickly.


After a sound of wind, Winged Dragon grabbed an ant with its claws and flew into the sky and flew away.

These ants can’t fly, they can only escape at a very fast speed, hoping to avoid the predation of Winged Dragon.

Thousands of Winged Dragons hovered in the sky, swooping down from time to time, knocking away the beasts and ants. They come fast and go fast, just a few minutes. Except for dozens of unrewarded Winged Dragons still hovering in the sky, the other Winged Dragons have returned.

Yang Tian originally thought that this kind of thing was over, but not long after.


In the sky, suddenly it sounded like an eagle.

A huge red giant eagle uttered a loud chirp and came like lightning. It came to the top of a Winged Dragon that was fleeing in a panic. With a clasp of its claws, it caught it. Only Winged Dragon pecked the top of Winged Dragon’s head with a hook-shaped eagle beak, and then pecked Winged Dragon to death.

After that, this giant eagle grabbed the dead Winged Dragon, flew to the distant horizon, and quickly disappeared from Yang Tian’s sight.


At this moment, Yang Tian put out a long breath.

What happened just now was like a big scene, with various creatures taking turns to play, exciting and exciting.

The powerful Tyrannosaurus rex preys on herbivores, but is preyed by the ants, and the ants will be preyed by the Winged Dragon, and the Winged Dragon will be preyed by the giant eagle. At the top of this food chain, It should be the red giant eagle.

The natural world is so cruel. Yang Tian saw the creatures on Earth predating on TV before, and thought it was nothing, but now he saw with his own eyes that the scenes of this scene made Yang Tian deeper I realized that when I came out, I would either be the powerhouse at the top of the food chain, or simply stay at home.


Yang Tian is preparing to carry on with the little green dragon, didn’t expect in the sky, a Winged Dragon that was originally shocked and fled back , It couldn’t find the beast ant, but it found Yang Tian, ​​suddenly swooped down.

Looking up from the ground, a Winged Dragon is not big, but when it rushes down, Yang Tian feels that a piece of sky above his head is covered.

A Winged Dragon, with a body length of seven or eight meters, looks bigger when it spreads its wings.


Faced with the Winged Dragon that rushed forward, Yang Tian raised his head and hid the two claws of the Winged Dragon, hurried out the knife, and a white light flashed away.


Winged Dragon, whose neck was cut off by Yang Tian, ​​hit the ground at once.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ ~”

The Winged Dragon before dying, flapping its wings vigorously, hoping to fly in the sky again, stirring up the sky and gravel .

A lot of blood, gushing from its wound… A few minutes later, the Winged Dragon was motionless and closed his eyes.

Yang Tian carried the knife and walked forward.

This Winged Dragon is similar to the shape imitated by humans based on fossils. It has a pair of pointed mouths with two rows of sharp teeth. The body is covered with pale red fur.

Animals must also adapt to the environment. Most of the animals on this planet are red. This is because red allows them to better integrate into the surrounding environment and prevent the enemy from discovering them.

“pu ~”

Yang Tian slashed away the head of this Winged Dragon, wanting to see if there is any beast core in the brains of these species of beasts.

But as a result, Yang Tian was disappointed.

It seems that the alien beast on this planet, within the body simply has no beast core.

The alien beast on Earth is due to the mutation of the YS virus, and within the body will produce a strange beast core. The alien beast on this planet is originally very powerful and does not require a mutated virus. Stimulus.

In the sky, there is no threat from Winged Dragon. At this time, an ant crawled out of the ground again.

When the smell of blood radiates with the airflow, a large number of animal ants gather here.

“Small dragon, let’s go!”

Yang Tian didn’t want to be surrounded by a colony of beasts and ants, and said to the little green dragon, running towards the north.

“zhi zhi ~”

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian’s shoulder called twice, and responded to Yang Tian, ​​appearing very happy.

For Xiaoqinglong, in such a place, it feels freedom.

This planet is much larger than Earth.

If you want to move forward quickly, you can make the little green dragon transform, but Yang Tian knows that every time the little green dragon becomes, it will consume a lot of energy, and maybe there will be a big battle waiting for them! Yang Tian doesn’t want to let Xiaoqinglong use up the energy in his body for convenience.


Below a crimson high mountain stands a huge building.

Its shape is like the arena of ancient Rome. It is all made of huge blocks of red rock. It is circular, with a diameter of several kilometers and a height of 100 meters.

In the middle of this building is a field twice the size of a football field, and the ground is covered with red slabs that have been polished extremely smoothly.

These stone slabs are a little broken, and some of them have sunken pits. In the gaps between these stone slabs, dry blood can be seen.

Around this huge building, there are densely distributed circles of low stone houses.

Although these stone houses look extremely simple, they are well planned. With the huge huge building in the center as the center, one concentric circle is formed. Between these ring-shaped stone houses, It is a wide street.

There is an avenue that passes through the circle formed by the circle of stone houses.

This avenue leads directly to the huge circular building in the center, and at the end of this avenue is a cluster of dense buildings built on a mountain dozens of kilometers away.

These buildings next to each other are like the Kings Cluster of Palaces in a fairy tale. From the appearance style, they look better than simple stone houses, and they have more imposing manners.


Qin Zhengyang’s hands and feet were shackled. This kind of black shackles is denser and heavier than gold. Up to hundreds of catties.

Such weight is not so heavy for a Level 9 martial artist. However, it was very hard. When Qin Zhengyang was walking, his hands and feet were worn out very uncomfortably.

“pa ~”

A whip sounded.

Behind Qin Zhengyang, a big man wearing black iron armor threw a whip on Qin Zhengyang’s back.

This whip directly whipped Qin Zhengyang’s clothes apart. Because of the thorns on the whip, it not only tore Qin Zhengyang’s clothes, but also tore the skin on Qin Zhengyang’s back, creating a terror. Scars.

The blood immediately soaked out of this long whip, and Qin Zhengyang’s back was wet.

The severe pain stimulated Qin Zhengyang’s nerves, but he didn’t even hum, but his cheeks bulged a few times, as if clenching his teeth vigorously.

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