After both hands become dragon claw, it is much more convenient than using tools. Yang Tian’s double claws can easily be inserted into the cave wall, allowing him to go down the cave wall extremely quickly.

After more than a minute, almost dropped more than a hundred meters, Yang Tian finally reached the bottom of the cave.

Yang Tian took the flashlight down and found that he had come to a huge space.

The top of this space is in an isolated shape with many holes of three meters in diameter, and Yang Tian came down from one of the holes.

The temperature in the cave is much lower than outside, and the air is very humid.

It is uncomfortable, but there is a strong smell in the air.

This space is very large, and Yang Tian can’t see the end of this underground space under the light of a flashlight.

“The insects just now must have gone out of these holes. If this is a wormhole, it will be troublesome.” Yang Tian looked at the top of the space again, like a honeycomb-like hole Said.

“hong long long ~”

At this moment, the ground under Yang Tian’s feet moved.

This kind of movement is not a vibration, but a translation, and Yang Tian can clearly feel it.


Yang Tian immediately illuminates his feet with a flashlight hole,

Under his feet, it is moist red sandstone, but it looks very thin, and the distribution is not very large. uniform.

Yang Tian drew the knife from the waist and drew it on the ground.

A strand of white thing flashed in Yang Tian’s eyes, and then was covered by scattered sand.

The ground under your feet seems to have something!

Yang Tian eyes opened wide, immediately squatted down, put the knife in his hand flat, and the blade of his hand scraped on the ground.

The red sand on the surface was scraped away, revealing something white, like an eggshell.

Yang Tian was curious, and used a knife to scratch the surface of this eggshell.

“pu ~”

Suddenly, this white hard shell broke open, and a white fleshy whisker rushed out from it, and it rolled over like Yang Tian like lightning.

Yang Tian will roll it with one knife, and the thick white flesh beard of the arm will be cut off.

The fleshy whiskers are soft, just like the tentacles of an octopus, but there is no sucker on it.

That knife made Yang Tian realize that this fleshy beard possesses extremely strong resilience. Even if an average person holds a sharp knife in his hand, it is estimated that he cannot cut this fleshy beard down. .

“zhi zhi ~”

At this time, Xiao Qinglong exclaimed twice in excitement.

Next, something surprised Yang Tian happened, Xiao Qinglong actually enlarged his body, grabbed this tentacles, and swallowed it into his stomach in a few swallows.

Can this food be eaten?

Yang Tian opened his eyes wide, and looked at Xiao Qinglong with a somewhat intoxicated expression after eating this tentacles in surprise.

“Small dragon, what is this?” Yang Tian couldn’t help curiously asked.

“zhi zhi……”

The little Qinglong cried, explaining for Yang Tian.


Little Qinglong told Yang Tian that this thing is a goblin.

It also told Yang Tian that it was because of the sudden awakening of inherited memories that he knew this.

In Xiaoqinglong’s explanation, goblins exist in the universe. They are half-animal and half-vegetable. Goblins are very big and big. Small ones have only big fingers, and big ones. Enough to swallow a planet.

The word’Goblin’, in Yang Tian’s impression, is like a creature in a Western fantasy novel, very clever, and a short intelligent life like a human.

Didn’t expect, the “goblin” Xiao Qinglong said is such a thing.

Yang Tian crouched down curiously again, scraping off all the red sandstones under his feet with a knife.

Soon, a huge’egg’ appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes,

This’egg’ is like a very big egg, with an oval shape, the most The long place is more than 20 meters long.

Yang Tian knew that after coming down from the cave, he actually stepped on such a thing.


At this moment, in this large underground cave, there was a burst of intensive cracking, some thick white inner beards , Protruding from the ground, and then directly into the caves above.

Yang Tian understood that the huge insects on the ground were all the fleshy whiskers that the goblin protruded underground.

After these fleshy whiskers stick out of the ground, they are hidden in the sand. Once a living thing passes by, they will be preyed by these fleshy whiskers and become food for this huge goblin.

Predation is generally the way animals live, while plants take root in the ground and use their roots to absorb nutrients from the ground.

Then, this half-plant, half-animal goblin must have a root system.

Goblin is a kind of creature without intelligence, all living by instinct.

The arrival of Yang Tian only aroused a part of the nerves of this goblin and produced an offensive conditioned reflex.

“zhi zhi zhi……”

When Yang Tian was stunned, Xiao Qinglong called out again, and it told Yang Tian that he was going to devour this goblin.

Yang Tian nodded, he certainly would not object.


In this huge space, Xiao Qinglong suddenly transformed again and howled.

Yang Tian immediately returned from the road.

“hong long long ~”

After Yang Tian climbed out of the ground, the ground began to vibrate, as if an earthquake had occurred.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the huge little green dragon, a huge dragon head, suddenly got out of the ground.

Yang Tian immediately carried his backpack and walked away.

The little green dragon has become huge. A dragon head is the size of a house. When it comes out of the ground, it squeezes the ground around it.


After drilling out of the ground, the little Qinglong howled again and his eyes widened!


With another loud noise, half of Xiao Qinglong’s body has rushed out of the ground, and his two paws are constantly pulling on the ground, behind him, like There was a huge thing about to be slowly pulled out of the ground by its two hind paws.

hong long long ……

As the little green dragon exerts force, a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the rock layers within a kilometer of a radius are turned up and arched into a hill .

At this moment, suddenly, hundreds of huge white tentacles protruded from the ground, wrapped the body of the little green dragon, and then stretched instantly, dragging the little green dragon underground.

Little Qinglong didn’t panic, turned the dragon’s head, took a bite, and bit on one of the white fleshy whiskers, swallowing a large mouthful of white flesh into his stomach.

This whisker, which was bitten by the little green dragon, suddenly retracted.

The little green dragon took a few bites again, and more than a dozen thick white flesh beards were injured and retracted one after another.


The little green dragon roared, the dragon’s head lowered, and the two strong front paws patted the ground again.


There was a loud noise.

Little Qinglong’s front body was stretched straight.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian clenched his fists nervously, looking forward to it very much, wanting to see what the goblin who was finally pulled out by Xiao Qinglong looked like.

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