Yang Tian’s knife uses high-tech means, whether it is in the configuration of alloy materials or in the process of refining, it is controlled with extreme precision, and this black knife is purely hand-made.

Hand-made, certainly can’t compare with scientific refining methods, then, it is a matter of material.

The hardness of the material used in this black blade is at least comparable to that of the YT element alloy.

More importantly, in terms of the same material volume, the black metal is lighter.

Seeing the result, the middle-aged man proudly said: “How about? My knife is good?”

Yang Tian shook the head, “So so… It’s almost the same as my knife…, isn’t it…you have this… ability?”

“ha ha ha……”

Yang Tian finished speaking, middle-aged man laughed heartily up.

Yang Tian looked at this middle-aged man, smiled and said nothing.

“These weapons on the outside are the cheapest. If you want better ones, please come inside. But the weapons inside are not cheap.” The middle-aged man finished laughing. , Proudly said.

Yang Tian just came here, naturally there was no money on him, although he couldn’t buy it, but it was good to take a look and understand, so he nodded towards this middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man laughed and made a gesture of please towards Yang Tian.

Yang Tian squinted at a person who had always followed him not far away, smiled slightly, and then followed the middle-aged man into the shop.

This stone house is very shabby, with a total of three rooms.

The outermost one is the middle-aged man’s workshop. There are two inside, one is a bedroom, and the other is a kitchen and display room. Yang Tian saw it because there were no doors in the two rooms inside, only the storefront outside had broken wooden doors.

“You are not afraid of…things…lost?”

When the middle-aged man brought Yang Tian into the weapon display room and the kitchen, Yang Tian reminded Tao.

Middle-aged man said with a smile: “The punishment in our clan is very strict. If you steal something, your hands will be cut off. No one dares to steal something.”

Yang Tian laughed and did not comment on this.

If the punishment here is extremely severe, the young man I met before will not let the beast fly in a crowded place. It is very possible that the system here works for the common people, but for the nobles, it’s just a piece of paper that’s all.

In the display room of this weapon plus the kitchen, most of the space is occupied by hanging bacon, and there is also a large tank of grain, filled with red oval particles, similar to the grains eaten by Earth humans. , But much larger.

The food is abundant, which shows that the middle-aged man’s life is pretty good.

The weapons here only take up a small part of the space. On the side of the wall, there is a weapon rack about five meters long.

A knife on the weapon rack with a length of five meters, a width of about five centimeters, and some arcs attracted Yang Tian’s attention.

Not only the shape of this knife, but also because the blade of this knife is red, and it is engraved with peculiar rune.

The blade is very shiny, as if it has been greased.

“This knife…” Yang Tian pointed at red’s long knife and said with interest.

Because of the existence of this knife, Yang Tian ignored all other knives made of black metal.

Seeing Yang Tian’s eyes shining brightly, the middle-aged man shook his head quickly and said: “I don’t sell this knife!”

The middle-aged man said very firmly .

“Why?” Yang Tian asked curiously.

After Yang Tian asked this question, he was ready to listen to this middle-aged man rejecting himself with various reasons. For example, this is an ancestral, it is a shop protecting treasure, or that this knife is a relic of a loved one and cannot bear to sell it, etc.

The middle-aged man also gave the reason, but his reason surprised Yang Tian.

You can’t use this knife!

This is the reason the middle-aged man told Yang Tian.

“Why?” Yang Tian asked again.

middle-aged man said with a smile: “You can try it. If you can use it, I will sell it to you at a low price. You must know that in our Hela people, no one can use it. This It is a treasured sword, otherwise, it would have been snatched away.”

The middle-aged man said with confidence, Yang Tian became more curious.

This knife is longer and wider than the knife currently used by Yang Tian, ​​but it is in line with Yang Tian’s wishes. There are countless materials in the universe and materials that are better than YT element alloy do not know How many weapons made of these materials will be better.

At the same time, in addition to the material problem, the peculiar means used on weapons to enhance the destructive ability of weapons is also an important reason why Yang Tian wants to replace weapons.

For example, this red knife is covered with marvelous runes.

This kind of ornamentation does not seem to make this knife more beautiful, but obviously has its effect.

“Okay! Then I will…try!” Yang Tian said with a smile.

The middle-aged man let it aside, holding both hands in his arms, looking at Yang Tian with a smile on his face. In his smile, there was a trace of contempt, he did not look down on Yang Tian, ​​but was full of disdain for all those who wanted to use this knife.

Yang Tian took off his backpack and put it aside.

At this moment, Xiao Qinglong eyes opened wide, through the gap on the backpack, looking at Yang Tian curiously, as well as the red knife.

Yang Tian put his hand on the handle of the knife more than 20 centimeters long, and wanted to pick up the knife from the weapon rack.

What didn’t expect is that this knife is extremely heavy!

This makes Yang Tian very surprised, the power he used just now is enough to lift three-four hundred catties! But this knife is completely motionless.

Yang Tian couldn’t help but frowned.

Seeing Yang Tian frowning, the middle-aged man laughed.

Yang Tian added some strength, no, add…

At the end, Yang Tian could only use his hands, but it still didn’t work. This strange knife seemed to be glued to a weapon rack.

“Can’t you do it?”

The middle-aged man saw that Yang Tian couldn’t take the knife with both hands, said with a smile.

Yang Tian didn’t answer, he let go of his hands.

At this moment, the middle-aged man stepped forward, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, and took the red knife from the weapon rack, looking very relaxed.

This situation makes Yang Tian very surprised!

This person in front of me, is it possible that is a hidden expert?

“This knife has spirituality. No one can use it except me. It is a pity that I cannot be a fighter. It is a waste of this knife to stay with me.” middle- As the aged man said, his curved finger flicked on the knife.

“weng weng weng……” The blade trembled, making a dragon roar-like sound.

“It’s…what…name?” Yang Tian opened his eyes wide and asked.

“It’s called fifteen.” The young man replied.


What a strange name.

“zhi zhi zhi……”

At this moment, Xiao Qinglong suddenly screamed and rushed out of Yang Tian’s backpack, his voice was full of anger.


The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw Xiaoqinglong come out. The knife in his hand almost fell.

“Small dragon, what is going on?”

Yang Tian looked at Xiaoqinglong and asked in confusion. He understood that there must be a reason why Xiao Qinglong got out of his backpack angrily.

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