“Come here, bring up my strange beast picture.” After He Gula and Yang Tian had talked, he didn’t look back, lightly saying.


A maid in the dark answered.

Yang Tian found that the woman in front of her liked the environment under dim light very much, and even her people were hiding in the dark. Yang Tian was aware that there were at least twelve people in the darkness of this room. Two of them were the black clothed guards who wanted to capture Yang Tian before.

After instructing his hand to take the picture, Hegula sat down beside Yang Tian, ​​she was very close to Yang Tian, ​​and her body was about to be next to Yang Tian, ​​and when she sat down, she deliberately Rub Yang Tian with his chest.

This kind of small action is not a threatening action, and Yang Tian did not avoid it either.

After sitting next to Yang Tian, ​​He Gula, who was still serious just now, glanced at Yang Tian with the eyes of sexy bearing and charming temperament, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Although Yang Tian saw it, he didn’t respond. He knew that this was just Hegula’s habitual action that’s all, and this was also her a method as a woman.

In the previous incident with Yuyang Nansi, Yang Tian felt sorry for Qin Fei, and now he didn’t want to provoke other women, so he moved a little aside, keeping a distance from Hegula.

Although this space is very large, but a fire is burning, the temperature in the room is still very high, Yang Tian feels that the fragrance radiating from He Gula is getting stronger and stronger.

He Gula wanted to deal with Yang Tian in this way before, and Yang Tian smelled this good smell at this time, and became more alert.

After sitting down beside Yang Tian, ​​He Gula looked at Yang Tian with a smile, making Yang Tian even more uncomfortable. Fortunately, one of Hegula’s maid quickly fetched what Hegula referred to as the’exotic animal map’.

He Gula’s maid’s dress is much stricter than that of He Gula, and she wears a white short skirt made of animal hair. After the maid took the picture of the alien beast of Hegula, she immediately retreated into the darkness.

At first glance, you can see that this alien animal picture is made of animal skins, and there are also exquisite, carved scrolls, which look precious and give Yang Tian a Treasure Map. feel.

After He Gula took the alien beast picture, he unfolded directly in front of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian turned his head and looked curiously.

Although this picture is made of animal skins, it is white and bright. The material is like thick cotton cloth. On the back of the picture, you can also see fine fluff.

The image of the alien animal is expanded. The image above is composed of red lines. Each image is a strange animal. The drawing method is the same as the simple strokes used by humans, with simple lines. , Outlines the form of the alien beast, very vivid.

Beside each picture, there is a vertical text description.

Yang Tian didn’t recognize the words above, and just waited for Hegula’s explanation.

After being unfolded, this alien beast is actually three meters long, with more than ten kinds of alien beasts painted.

After He Gula looked at it, he pointed to one of the strange beasts and said to Yang Tian: “This is a sand beast. It likes to live in soft sand. Everywhere he goes, It turns the surroundings into an environment made of sand, generally lurking underground, launching a sudden attack on people or alien beasts. This is the weakest of the three alien beasts, but because it lives underground, when it encounters danger, It can dive underground quickly, it is difficult to kill it……”

When He Gula explained to Yang Tian, ​​he deliberately slowed down his speech, fearing that Yang Tian would not understand it.

This sand beast looks like a sand worm in Yang Tian’s eyes. He Gula told him that this sand beast is about fifty meters long and its body diameter reaches three meters. The whole body is covered with hard scales, and there are two rows of densely packed legs on the abdomen. When attacking other creatures, it can spray red sand mist, covering the opponent with sand mist.

Although the main component of this kind of sand mist is tiny red sand, it contains narcotic toxins. Once ordinary persons inhale this kind of sand mist, they will quickly fall into a coma, and finally be dragged in by sand beasts. Nibble away.

This strange beast was also tributed by the Hela tribe, and cultivated a conditioned reflex. In the place of activity, it would get tens of thousands of catties of meat every month, otherwise, it would get from the ground. Drilling into the city directly destroyed the houses built by the Hela people.

The second powerful alien beast is an alien beast that Yang Tian has seen before, like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The body of this strange beast is extremely large. He Gula described that when it walks and runs, its head is more than 50 meters above the ground, and its body part plus the tail section is estimated to be 80 Around the meter, it will breathe fire, and the body is also covered with hard scale armor.

This Tyrannosaurus is many times bigger than the one Yang Tian saw before. This is the real Giant Overlord!

The Hela people call it “Fire Beast” because it emits high-temperature flames.

This strange beast went mad, and it has done great harm to humans. He Gula described that tens of thousands of humans have died in the mouth of this strange beast in the past 100 years. .

The third strange beast is very familiar to Yang Tian, ​​it is the strange beast that Yang Tian has seen before, like the red feather eagle, the body is equally huge.

This strange beast is the most difficult to deal with because it can fly in the sky.

Don’t underestimate this strange beast, its destructive power is even more terrifying than Tyrannosaurus rex. It will not only destroy human buildings, but also directly attack humans, killing humans as a way of venting. .

For the first two strange beasts, Hegula can also use his own special spirit strength to soothe, but for this Ying beast, Hegula has nothing to do. If it goes crazy, it can only hide. Go underground and wait for it to vent its anger before leaving.

There are more human beings who died under the mouth and claws of this eagle beast.

Hela people call this eagle beast a’mad beast’.

After He Gula finished talking about the three strange beasts, he told Yang Tian where the three strange beasts were.

Yang Tian thought for a while, these three strange beasts are not difficult strange beasts to him, such as the eagle beast, the little green dragon can get rid of it when he goes out. As for the two on the ground, Yang Tian intends to use it to practice hands…

However, Yang Tian not at all despise these three different beasts, as for how to deal with it, you have to observe on the spot to know.

“Okay, I know, let’s go!” After knowing what he wanted to know, Yang Tian stood up, picked up his backpack, and was about to leave.

“I don’t know your name yet?” He Gula was about to leave when he saw Yang Tian, ​​said with a smile.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “My name is…… Yang Tian!”

“Yang Tian, ​​you know, for these three strange beasts, I spent a lot of energy , Don’t you know, besides these three strange beasts, there will be additional rewards?” He Gula said, blinking at Yang Tian.

Yang Tian knew what He Gula was talking about, after laughing, he turned and left.

“Send someone to follow him and take a look!”

After Yang Tian left, the smile on Hegula’s face disappeared, calling a black clothed person and confessing.

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