
The little green dragon appeared in front of the eagle beast like lightning, blocking its path, and then opened a big mouth, spouting a hot dragon flame.

Faced with the fast-struck high-temperature dragon flames, this eagle beast suddenly stiffened its body, a flap of wings, and a whirlwind in front of it, and the little green dragon sprayed towards its dragon. Homura was blocked by this whirlwind, forming a white’tornado’ that rushed to the sky.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian was surprised. This eagle beast is not without means. It is at the master level in terms of controlling the airflow.

An unexpected look also appeared in Xiao Qinglong’s eyes.

After dissolving the dragon flames that the little blue dragon spit, the eagle beast turned its head again, trying to escape.

This time, it is faster than just now.


What’s more peculiar is that when it turned around, a strong wind suddenly sounded, blowing the little blue dragon that was leaping on it into the sky. few times.

After waiting for the little green dragon to settle down, he found that the eagle beast was more than fifty meters away from it.


The angry little green dragon let out a low roar.


If fire doesn’t work, then use electricity!

In the dragon horn of the little blue dragon, a strong electric current suddenly appeared. After gathering together, a thick lightning struck the eagle beast with the sound of thunder.

At this moment, the eagle beast’s whole body trembled, and its huge body rolled a few times in the air. With a boom, it fell to the ground again.

This time, Xiao Qinglong will not give this eagle beast the opportunity to come back to his senses.


The little blue dragon swooped down from in the sky, pressing the eagle beast’s head with its strong claws.

The head of the eagle beast was plunged into the ground by the powerful force of the little blue dragon.

“peng peng peng ……”

The eagle beast kept slapping the ground with its powerful wings, struggling hard, fanning the red sand and gravel on the ground. Splash, forming a red sand mist.

The three black clothed persons have long since got up from the ground and stared at everything in front of them dumbfounded.

“Small dragon, don’t dare, get rid of it! There are two other animals!” Yang Tian said loudly.


The little green dragon raised up to the sky and let out a roar, then lowered his head and breathed dragon flames at the eagle beast.


The sound of blasting sounded. As soon as the feathers of the eagle beast encountered the high-temperature dragon flames, they immediately burned, making the sound of’zi zi 嗞’. It emits black smoke and smells of burnt fat.

“hong hong hong…”

The eagle beast whose body was burned by the fire, with its wings on its shoulders in pain, the flames soaring, and the fire star flying all over the sky by the wind.

Little Qinglong let go of the eagle beast in good time.

The eagle beast is finally liberated, like a big Fireball, moving towards the sky and flying away.


The little green dragon raised his head, opened his mouth, and breathed out dragon flames again, adding another fire to this’Fireball’.

The body of the eagle beast was all wrapped in flames at once.


During this struggle, the eagle beast’s painful roar seemed very sad.

At this moment, the three black clothed persons saw the eagle beast burned and screamed. There was no sympathy on their faces. Instead, they clenched their fists and gritted their teeth, looking extremely excited.

In their hearts, this eagle beast didn’t know how many clansman he had killed. Ten thousand deaths were not enough for forgiveness. The eagle beast’s painful way of death made them very relieved.

Yang Tian looked at all this calmly with his eyes, at this moment, in his mind, he was already thinking about how to deal with the next Tyrannosaurus called the’Fire Beast’.

Speaking of which, that Tyrannosaurus is the most powerful of the three alien beasts. It just won’t fly like this eagle beast. It will be much harder to kill it. Times.


During Yang Tian’s thoughts, the eagle beast whose feathers were burned out fell from in the sky.


The eagle beast that has lost its feathers looks more than 30% smaller than before. At this time, it not at all died, and after falling to the ground, it still made a low cry.

Depending on the situation, this eagle beast is already an arrow at the end of its flight, and it will die soon.

Yang Tian walked down the hillside in big steps, passing in front of two or three black clothed persons who were watching the battle.

At this time, three black clothed persons were still staring at the eagle beast that lost its feathers and kept shaking its body.

“It’s your turn…”

When passing in front of the three, Yang Tian lightly saying.

Hearing Yang Tian’s voice, the three talents came back to his senses.

At this time, the little blue dragon has already flown in the sky, and his body shrank quickly. In a few blinks, he changed back to a mini-dragon and landed on Yang Tian’s shoulder.

The three black clothed persons now focused all their attention on the eagle beast. They pulled out the black short blade on their waists, looked at each other, and moved towards the eagle beast rushed over.

“puff puff puff……”

Yang Tian walked back and forth along the path without turning his head back. Behind him, there are intensive and constant chopping sounds, returning from time to time Mixed with the weak cry of the eagle beast.

Yang Tian left the mountain range area, turned his head, and walked towards Southwest.

The next goal, Tyrannosaurus!

In one hour.

“He actually killed the wild beast?” He Gula, who got the report from his subordinates, said with an incredible expression on his face, very surprised.

This eagle beast is the most difficult beast to deal with for the Hela tribe.

A black clothed person nodded and said: “There is a magical beast beside him. It has no wings but can fly. It can be big or small. If that person did not take action, the eagle beast was The alien beast was killed.”

The black clothed person who spoke was covered with blood. Although he and the other two hacked the eagle beast to death, they were not arrogant enough to say that the eagle beast was himself. Killed.

Hearing what his subordinates said, He Lagu laughed, and picked up the hair on his chest with his hands, indifferently said: “The next strange animal, I want to see in person… …”

“Small dragon, the next Tyrannosaurus rex, let me deal with it!” While walking, Yang Tian had already considered it, turned his head, and said to Xiao Qinglong with a smile.

When saying this, Yang Tian was full of confidence.

“zhi zhi zhi ……”

Little Qinglong cried a little dissatisfied. The previous battle, it hasn’t been fun yet!

Yang Tian looked at the terrain ahead, smiled and said: “In the future, there will be opportunities to fight. I feel that I haven’t fought for a long time. I have to practice my hands.”

The environment where the dragon is located is similar to the grassland environment on Earth.

In this place, there are red vegetation and many herbivorous animals.

When Yang Tian entered this area, while walking, many grotesquely shaped beasts were shocked.

Some of these strange beasts resemble snakes, some resemble large frogs, and they can jump, but they have fur on their bodies. Their mouths are sharper than the frogs on Earth, and some resemble ostriches. , A herbivorous animal that can’t fly…

In addition to beasts, there are many insects, one is bigger than a fist. When Yang Tian passes by, he keeps throwing around in the grass, some There was also a cry of “jiji”.

When he came here, Yang Tian felt alive and his mood was much better.

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