The black stone pillar is actually a container. When the black shell is separated, the contents are revealed.

From a distance, it looks like a cylindrical glass container. Under the light of the light, the contents inside shine brightly.

After the passage was opened, Yang Tian Qu Yan Gu Ying immediately noticed that it was not the opening of the stone road, but the cylindrical container and the contents in it.

The two walked quickly to the cylindrical container.

In this transparent container, there are two rings, one big and one small, which look like bracelets and are covered with round holes. The big ring is black, while the small one is red.

The surface of these two things is smooth, and the material looks like a gemstone. No wonder they reflect a little bit of light.

Yang Tian quickly noticed that there were small words on it.

“What is this?” Yang Tian lifts the head, looking at Qu Yan Guying, asked curiously.

I don’t understand the universal characters, making Yang Tian extremely annoyed, and vowed that after going out this time, he must let Qu Yan Guying teach himself. This shouldn’t be a difficult task, the language will be good, as long as the words and grammar are remembered, Yang Tian doesn’t believe in universal words, it will be more difficult to learn than English.

Qu Yan Guying bends down slightly, carefully read the text above, and suddenly surprised: “This is a micro-space bracelet!”

“A micro-space bracelet? “Yang Tian heard it for the first time, using a questioning tone.

“Micro space is a static space where a large number of items can be placed, also called storage space.” Qu Yan Guying explained.

Qu Yan Guying said that, Yang Tian’s face is full of surprises. It turns out that this kind of micro-space bracelet is the storage space he dreams of!

When he was on Earth, Yang Tian coveted the storage space carried by the Zichen Empire warriors, but after the death of his owner, those storage rings, belts and so on worn on his hands could not be used. Up.

This makes Yang Tian feel very pity.

“There are two, let’s each one, how do we open it?” The excited Yang Tian looked at Qu Yan Guying and asked some eagerly.

On Aipastar, there is also no high-tech product such as storage space. Naturally, Quyan Guying also really wanted one. She is actually more happy than Yang Tian, ​​because there are two in this container.

If there is only one, she knows that it can only belong to Yang Tian.

Faced with Yang Tian’s problem, Qu Yan Guying shook the head, she actually didn’t know how to open this container.

Yang Tian observed this container again, and wanted to see if there were any buttons and so on on it.

At this time, Qu Yan Guying also tried it with spirit strength. Her spirit strength can pass through the container to make the storage bracelet fly up, but cannot take the storage bracelet away from the container.

“hong long long…”

At this moment, the stone path they came in made a rubbing sound and began to close slowly.

Not only the stone road, the top of the stone chamber is also descending rapidly!


At this time of Guan Jian, Yang Tian hit the transparent container with a punch, and the transparent container shattered like fragile glass.

The hardness of this transparent container material is similar to ordinary steel, but it is as brittle as glass.

The stone road was about to close, Yang Tian didn’t think much about it, grabbed two storage bracelets from the container, put them in his trouser pocket at will, lifted the knife and his backpack, and pulled up the hair Qu Yan Guying, who was in a daze, ran out.

At this time, the stone roads closed to less than one meter.

“Bang~” When Yang Tian pulled Qu Yan Gu Ying and ran out of the stone road, three seconds later, the stone road closed again.

Through the formation in the small stone chamber, Yang Tian and the others returned to the cave where the mother worm was. Although several days have passed, the female worm’s body, which is more than 30 meters long, is still lying there.

This World also has microorganisms, and there is a smell of decay in the air.

Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying took a look at the giant female insect. They were unwilling to stay here for a long time, and immediately climbed out through a tunnel with a diameter of one meter.

Outside is a cave where worm eggs are piled up. Tens of thousands of worm eggs were burned by the small Azure Dragon One and all turned to ashes. This cave is not as smelly as it is inside.

When he came to this within cave, Yang Tian immediately took out two storage bracelets from his trouser pocket, and handed the smaller red bracelet to Qu Yan Guying.

Neither of them knew how to use this storage bracelet, and they held it in their hands for a long time.

Yang Tian thought for a while, and directly put it on his left wrist.

“Slow…” Seeing Yang Tian doing this, Qu Yan Gu Ying wanted to stop Yang Tian out loud, but found out that Yang Tian had already put the bracelet on his wrist, so he could only say it soon I swallowed it.

Qu Yan Guying wanted to remind Yang Tian that he could not easily bring unknown things with him. Perhaps when she was on Aipastar, she had seen this kind of use of artifacts to harm people, and she felt a little overwhelmed!

Yang Tian certainly understands what Qu Yan Guying is worried about. After putting on the bracelet, he said with a smile: “Don’t worry, my Sixth Sense tells me that this thing is fine. The person who designed this organization, Very smart, but not a sinister person.”

As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, the black bracelet worn on the wrist suddenly lit up, and the edge of the bracelet emitted a blue light. This light is very similar to the light of the Teleportation Formation Platform.

At the same time, a blunt, electronically synthesized voice sounded from the storage bracelet.

This kind of sound is very special. When Yang Tian heard the sound, he felt that this kind of sound sounded directly in his ears, not from the outside air.

This voice is the universal language.

“Welcome to use the storage bracelet produced by Yexing Company. The frequency of your thinking will be tested for the first time you use it. You can select the lock method. You will be the only user in the future. The test will begin… “

After the voice disappeared, there was a moment of silence.

Yang Tian looked at Qu Yan Gu Ying at this time, and Qu Yan Gu Ying was holding the red storage bracelet, and looked at him without blinking.

The’thinking frequency’ mentioned by the storage bracelet, Yang Tian guessed, it is estimated that it is the energy like brain waves mentioned by humans.

About 3 minutes later, the sound of the storage bracelet sounded again.

“After testing, you fully meet the conditions of use. Because different ethnic groups have different thinking frequencies, you need to answer some questions next. Please do not speak or make a sound. Your answer can only be in thinking mode “

Next, the storage bracelet asked, and Yang Tian answered with thinking.

The question asked by the storage bracelet is the request first, and then the two-choice question.

“Please answer yes!”

“Please answer no!”

“Please answer and collect!”

“Please answer and release !”

“Please answer and check!”


Because people’s thinking is very fast, and the intelligent program of storage bracelet can also ask quickly, It didn’t take ten minutes, Yang Tian answered hundreds of questions with his thinking.

When this process is complete.

“Look!” Yang Tian looked at the storage bracelet and said softly, at the same time, he thought like this in his mind.

Yang Tian’s voice did not fall, a picture appeared in Yang Tian’s mind.

This kind of picture is like in the boundless starry sky, in front of his eyes, there is a silver white, palm-sized thin plate floating.

“Release!” Yang Tian locked the only thing in the storage bracelet with his mind, and said softly again.

At the same time, this silver white thin plate appeared on Yang Tian’s left hand.

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