Why doesn’t this giant fox burned by the dragon flame struggle?

When he smelled an unpleasant burnt smell in the air, this question popped up in Yang Tian’s mind and realized something was wrong.

This thing is very abnormal.

Under Yang Tian’s doubts, soon, the dragon flame was extinguished.

When the dragon flame goes out, what appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was a human corpse. Because it was burned by the hot flames of the high-temperature dragon flame, only the human-shaped black ashes remained.

When I thought of what I smelled just now when the human body was burnt, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying both had the urge to vomit, but both of them forcibly held back.

This human corpse must be the one who failed to pass the barrier. I don’t know why this giant fox didn’t swallow it.

Or…It might be a phantom.


At this moment, there was a loud noise over the stone chamber.

Immediately, Xiao Qinglong’s huge body hit the ground, and a fiery-red shadow flashed in the air and rushed onto Xiaoqing’s dragon body.

This fiery-red silhouette is the giant fox just now!

Didn’t expect this giant fox actually used the illusion to hide Yang Tian, ​​Qu Yan, Gu Ying, and Xiao Qinglong. But it hid silently above the stone chamber, and at this time seized the opportunity to attack Xiaoqinglong.

The giant fox opened its mouth and moved towards Xiaoqinglong’s neck and bit it.


There was a thunder.

With a sound of’Peng’, the body of the giant fox was knocked out by the lightning from the little green dragon, and the body fiercely hit the stone wall.

The reaction of the little green dragon was very quick. Before the giant fox had bitten it, he was struck by the lightning from it.

The little blue dragon is not to be trifled with. Judging by the aura radiating from his body, the little blue dragon is much stronger than this giant fox. This giant fox can attack the little blue dragon because of its unique stealth ability.

The giant fox hitting the stone wall suddenly flashed red on his body and disappeared again.

Illusion Technique again!

This giant fox uses spirit strength very skillfully. Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying both possess spirit strength, but they imperceptible the existence of a giant fox. This shows that the red giant fox is higher than both of them in terms of spirit strength cultivation base.

The little green dragon let out a low howl, opened his mouth slightly, turned the dragon’s head, and looked around the stone chamber. Its body was also constantly swinging, always beware of the sudden appearance of the giant fox, again Attack it.


At this moment, Yang Tian heard the wind on the left.

On the left is Qu Yan Guying.

Yang Tian’s reaction was quick, grabbing Qu Yan Gu Ying and pulling it hard.

Qu Yan Guying was pulled into her arms by Yang Tian, ​​and a red light flashed by where she just stood.

Fortunately, although this giant fox can hide in front of them, it cannot violate the rules of physics. When it moves quickly, it will still disturb the surrounding airflow.


I noticed the little green dragon with abnormal air currents around him, and once again sent out a flash of lightning, strikes on the stone wall.

The lightning of Xiaoqinglong failed. The lightning blasted out a large hole on the stone wall, and the debris was flying.


Suddenly, another wind sounded, and the giant fox once again attacked the weakest Qu Yan Guying.

Yang Tian eyes slightly narrowed, holding Qu Yan and Gu Ying’s body twisted, the right hand pierced out with a knife, the blade rubbed against the air, making a sound of’silk’.


The sound of the blade entering the body sounded, and at the same time, a cloud of blood burst out.

This blade obviously stabbed the giant fox, and Yang Tian felt the resistance of the blade.

It was almost at the same moment that the clever little Qinglong seized this opportunity and threw a bolt of lightning, hitting the place where the blood blossoms appeared.

With a’bang’, this time the giant fox was struck by the lightning from the little green dragon again, and the huge body finally appeared and hit the stone wall.

The body of the giant fox hit the stone wall. When the body rebounded, Yang Tian moved. He suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already reached the place where the giant fox was about to land. , Stabbed out.

For Yang Tian, ​​this should be a killer.

However, when the giant fox’s body was about to touch the tip of the knife, it suddenly disappeared. But Yang Tian this blade was left empty.

“Huh~” Yang Tian couldn’t help but let out a surprise. didn’t expect Under such circumstances, the giant fox was able to avoid his this blade.

Immediately, the light in the entire stone chamber dimmed and brightened.

In this flash, Yang Tian was surprised to find that they were already in the red desert.

In the sky, there are two stars hanging, and the temperature is as high as fifty degrees. Under their feet, it was full of red sand. This environment was so similar to the desert outside of the Earth Palace, which made Yang Tian feel very familiar.

Don’t think about it, Yang Tian knows that this kind of scene is just a kind of illusion that’s all. Moreover, it is still a simulation of the desert environment on the Red Flame Star.


At this moment, Qu Yan Guying waved his cane and muttered to herself.

It seems that Qu Yan Guying had already prepared for this situation.

A powerful spirit strength suddenly broke out from Qu Yan Guying. At the same time, there was a wave of fluctuations in the entire space. Illusory World was like being hit by water, constantly Shaking, sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy.

In this process, Yang Tian, ​​who was highly concentrated, finally saw a gap in this World and a red shadow.

The giant fox has appeared!

In this instant, Yang Tian estimated the direction and speed of the giant fox’s action, and when he raised his hand, the red long knife in his hand flew out.

‘this blade obviously hit the giant fox and made a’poof’. And the entire phantom world collapsed, and the scene in the stone chamber reappeared in Yang Tian’s eyes.

“Hmm~” The phantom disappeared, and you can see that Yang Tian’s long knife was inserted in the waist of the giant fox. This blade hurt the giant fox so badly that it could not even hold the phantom. He was crawling on the ground, making a scream like a woman groaning.

Good opportunity!

Yang Tian silhouette flashed and came to the front of the giant fox, drew out the long knife, and cut off the head of the giant fox with a single knife.

This time really killed the giant fox. When the head of the giant fox fell, blood poured out from the neck of the giant fox like a fountain.

The head of the giant fox rolled a few times on the ground, and a red ball the size of a ping-pong ball fell out of the giant fox’s neck.

As soon as this red bead fell on the ground, the red mist radiated from the surface, which quickly dissipated. At the same time, Yang Tian also felt waves of energy on this red bead.

What is this red bead?

Yang Tian opened his eyes wide and looked at it with a curious look.

At this moment, Qu Yan Guying, who burst out of strong spirit strength at once, sat on the ground, as if he was extremely tired.

Yang Tian glanced at Qu Yan Guying, and seeing that she was fine, he set his eyes on the red beads on the ground.

“zhi zhi ……”

Incarnation, the little green dragon who became a mini-dragon jumped onto Yang Tian’s shoulder, zhi zhi cried.

Little Qinglong told Yang Tian that this is the inner core of the giant fox, just like the dragon ball of Yang Tian within the body, it is an energy body. Almost all powerful beasts have inner core within the body.

Little Qinglong also told Yang Tian that this pearl and Yang Tian can be swallowed.

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