The temperature of this blue flame is very high. A distance of 100 meters, both Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying can feel the hot temperature. The surrounding low temperature of tens of degrees below zero instantly rose to tens of degree.

During this process, the temperature difference has reached Baidu!

The ice layer on the ground quickly melted and turned into white smokey water, and the moved towards of’hua hua’ was flowing low.

As soon as the ice melted away, the black rocks appeared.

What surprised Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying is that there are countless human corpses among the messy black rocks.

These corpses may be because they were frozen under the ice, not at all rot, but the skin of the whole body was burned to black.

Some of these corpses are still holding weapons, some are wearing armor, and some are hugging each other…

As the ice layer melts, the area becomes larger and larger , More and more bones were exposed, dozens, hundreds! Thousands…

A big war must have happened here very early!

Moreover, many people besieged these two strange beasts, but they were all burned to death here.

Perhaps, these two alien beasts came here on their own initiative and attacked the humans living here.

The second probability is relatively large, because there is a huge temple-like building here, which will never be built by two strange animals. From under the melted ice, among the messy black rocks, you can see traces of the foundations of human houses.

The rising water vapor, like mist, quickly surrounded the two alien beasts, and the alien beast whose body was close to transparent could no longer be seen. The alien beast with fleshy whiskers on its body looked like it was floating in the clouds.

Moreover, this temperature is still rising.

Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying looked at countless corpses with a look of surprise, involuntarily retreating rapidly, until they retreated outside several hundred meters, they felt that it was not so uncomfortable.

Now, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying finally understand that the giant wind and fire beasts here are actually two alien beasts. The alien beast whose body is close to transparent should be a wind beast, because it can Spit a swift air current, forming a violent wind.

The strange beast with countless fleshy whiskers is the fire beast. Its body can burn and produce high-temperature flames.

Two alien beasts are combined together…

Yang Tian thought of this, suddenly eyes opened wide, and said to Qu Yan Gu Ying: “Run! Your speed is not good, The farther you run, the better, and be careful of being burned by the fire.”

Qu Yan Guying is also very smart. At this time, like Yang Tian, ​​she has already thought about the combination of these two strange beasts. What kind of attack. As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, she turned around and ran.

The first target that the two alien beasts attacked was the little blue dragon flying in the air!

Perhaps for them, Xiaoqinglong is the biggest threat.

Just now, the wind beast sprayed air currents on the little blue dragon.

And now, the fire beast’s body began to burn, and its large amount of burning whiskers suddenly stretched out again, and penetrated into the wind beast’s body, the wind beast’s body within the The body part has a lot of blue flames at once.


The wind beast moved towards the little green dragon’s airflow again.

At this time, you can see a large amount of blue flames gathered in the wind beast within the body. When it breathes airflow, it actually ejects a blue fire column!

The temperature of this pillar of fire is very high, and the little blue dragon dared not directly use his body to resist, facing the rapidly attacking blue pillar of fire, he immediately avoided.

“Bang… Bang… Bang…”

More than just a pillar of fire!

After the first pillar of fire was formed, more pillars of fire spewed out from the body of the wind beast, and the space where the little green dragon could move was almost sealed.

Little Qinglong had to lift the head, his body was firm, and he flew straight towards the sky, only to avoid the attack of hundreds of fire pillars.

Next, it is Yang Tian’s turn.

Two alien beasts not at all forgot the existence of Yang Tian.


When the little green dragon quickly escaped from the attack range, a blue pillar of fire was suddenly launched from the wind beast, rushing towards Yang Tian.

This pillar of fire has at least several meters in diameter. It hasn’t touched Yang Tian’s body, and there are several dozen meters away from Yang Tian. Yang Tian felt a heat wave coming.

In this instant, Yang Tian kicked his feet on the ground, and his body moved towards the side and shot out, avoiding the attack of this blue flame.

The blue pillar of fire lasted for almost three seconds. At the place where Yang Tian originally stood, a black rock was roasted. Across this distance, the temperature of the blue flame is at least two thousand degrees!

These two strange beasts are too abnormal!

Yang Tian flashed to the back of a huge stone, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart!

So far, Yang Tian has not found a way to deal with these two strange beasts.

Because he has no chance to touch the two alien beasts, the temperature around the two alien beasts is too high. Even if you get close to them, how can you kill them? These two alien beasts are really too big, and the local damage will definitely not make them die.


Yang Tian is hiding behind the boulder, when he is thinking quickly, the little green dragon has turned his head, and the lightning flashed between the two dragon horns, together A thick electric current was formed, and it struck the fire beast with a bang.

“zi zi 嗞……”

The powerful electric current envelops the two strange beasts, and countless electric wires flash on the surface of their bodies, making the sound of’zi zi’ electric current.

In this process, Yang Tian obviously saw two strange beasts trembling non-stop.

Moreover, the blue flame on the fire beast suddenly became much smaller, and it was about to be extinguished.

Unfortunately, this powerful current only lasted less than two seconds.


As soon as the electric current disappeared, the blue flames on the fire beast re-burned, and it looked more vigorous than before.


When the little green dragon saw that the electric current he split had a certain effect on the two strange animals, he struck a powerful lightning again and landed on Two giant beasts.

The situation is the same as before.

The difference this time is that after the current disappeared, with a’bang’, the wind beast moved towards the sky and the little blue dragon spewed out a blue fire column again.

This pillar of fire is bigger and faster than all the pillars of fire it sprayed before!

Little Qinglong had long been prepared for the attack of the two alien beasts below, and his body was swiftly swimming in the air, avoiding the attack of the wind beast like lightning.


The little green dragon that drew away, struck a bolt of lightning again.


The two alien beasts fought back again with a pillar of fire.

With the small blue dragon temporarily attracting the attack of the wind beast beast, Yang Tian has the opportunity to carefully observe and think about the weakness of these two strange beasts.

In this process, Yang Tian found that after the wind beast sprayed out the air current, its body was like a deflated balloon, shrinking rapidly, and it supplemented the air in the body, obviously following Not on consumption.

And the fire beast?

Yang Tian also found out that the blue flame on the fire beast suddenly became smaller every one minute. The substance that produced the blue flame was obviously the liquid on the fire beast.

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