On the high ice peak, standing in the temple in the cold wind, the two subordinates of Star Master Boundless are already packing things up.

The bald Elderly sitting at the entrance of the temple closed his eyes, indifferently said: “You don’t see that Little Brat? He is coming soon.”

Squatted aside The immeasurable star master stood up, stretched his waist, said with a smile: “I already know what I should know, I changed my mind, and will not see him temporarily.”

The immeasurable star master finished speaking, he Two of his men had packed their things, walked out of the temple, and bowed to him.

“Let’s go~”


The Immeasurable Star Master looked up at the sky, said, bent his legs, and became physically. Make a ray of light and shoot towards in the sky. The powerful bounce force shook the temple for a while, and the’sweet’ drop ice.

In the place where the immeasurable star master stood, two deep footprints were left.

Elderly eyes opened with a bald head and looked at the two footprints, shook the head slightly, and reached out to smooth it.

The two subordinates of the Star Master Immea were dumbfounded when they saw this situation. The two looked at each other, squatted down, ejected into the sky, and followed the immeasurable star master.

In the temple, there is a formation that has been silent. When the immeasurable star master left, this formation suddenly lit up. A few minutes later, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying appeared here. On the formation, walked down from the formation.

“zhi zhi…”

As soon as he left the battle, Xiao Qinglong yelled in a panic. It told Yang Tian that there was a very powerful and powerful lifeform outside. .

Yang Tian’s feeling is not as good as Xiaoqinglong’s, he didn’t feel any threat, but he believed in Xiaoqinglong, he immediately heightened his vigilance, glanced at Qu Yanguying, and walked out of the temple.

When they walked to the entrance of the temple, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying first saw the bald Elderly sitting at the entrance of the temple.

This Elderly is very thin, and the gray robe is swinging in the cold wind.

At first glance, Yang Tian, ​​they only saw the back of this Elderly, they didn’t know who he was, but from the bottom of their hearts they felt that this was a person they could not defeat.

Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying walked out of the temple gate nervously and came to this bald Elderly’s side.

Faced with this powerful person in front of them, Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying wanted to stay far away from this bald Elderly, but they had to pass by him.

“Congratulations! You came out of Death Star Domain alive. Since you are only the descendants of the exiles, if you are qualified, the old man will not be embarrassed for you.”

Suddenly In between, Elderly closed her eyes and opened her eyes, lightly saying.

The bald-headed Elderly’s voice is very gentle, kind eyebrows and good-natured, just like an accomplished monk, let Yang Tian give birth to a sense of closeness in his heart.

“Master, what is this place?” Yang Tian asked, scratching his head.


Faced with Yang Tian’s question, Bald Elderly not at all answered immediately. There was a sound of’ka ka’ from the front.

Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying only noticed that under the huge statue in front of the temple entrance, there was a middle-aged man holding a big knife. This man was using the big knife in his hand, constantly The ice is scraping the skirt of the statue.

It’s so strange!

Seeing such a situation, both Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying felt very strange.

In fact, when they walked out of the temple, they also saw the huge statue in front of the temple, but did not notice that there was actually a middle age person under the statue.

When Yang Tian and Qu Yan Guying turned their attention to the middle-aged man, the bald Elderly replied faintly: “This is the place to leave the Star Domain of Death.”

“Can we leave?” Yang Tian asked again.

Elderly nodded bald.

Qu Yan Guying looked inside the temple. There was only one formation in the innermost part, which was still the formation when they came. At this time, the formation had stopped working.

“Excuse me, how can I leave?” Qu Yan asked, Gu Ying frowned.

Elderly indifferently said: “There are many ways to leave, you can choose by yourself. For example, leave by teleportation, leave by spaceship, or leave directly.”

Yan Guying said: “Where is the Transmission Formation Plate? We don’t have a cosmic spaceship.”

The bald Elderly said: “The cosmic spaceship, the old man is long gone. I have the formation plate here. Where do you want to go? “

As soon as the voice fell, a formation suddenly appeared beside the bald Elderly.

“I want to go to a Star Domain. According to our planet’s ancient records, it is a very beautiful Star Domain. There, there is a very large tree that exists in the universe with roots On hundreds of planets…”

Qu Yan Guying recalled and told.

“There, it didn’t exist a long time ago. When your ancestors were exiled, they were destroyed.” Qu Yan Guying finished speaking, bald Elderly lightly saying.

“You know that place!” Qu Yan Guying was very surprised.

The bald Elderly said: “Yes, the old man went there a long time ago. The situation there is still hard to forget. It is a beautiful place…Unfortunately, in the universe, a beautiful place If things don’t have strong power to guard them, they will be like the perish stones in the universe, and they may be destroyed at any time.”

“Impossible!” After Elderly finished speaking, Qu Yan Guying widened. Eyes, shook his head and said: “That is the Star Domain that our ancestors have. It has a lot of Spiritual God. How can it be destroyed?”

“If you don’t believe it, you can go take a look.” Bald head Elderly still lightly saying: “That piece of Star Domain, called the Star Domain of the music world, is now completely dark there. The stars are destroyed, there is no light, and there are messy planet fragments everywhere. With your current Realm, it’s impossible to survive in that Star Domain. If you want to see it with your own eyes, you can go to the nearest habitable star.”

After bald Elderly said, his side array lights up. .

Qu Yan Guying knows that it’s time to leave. Although she believes what Elderly said, the Star Domain that Mr. Zu has saved is the ultimate hometown in her heart. The bliss world called by the Earth humans is general In any case, she has to take a look.

“I’m leaving, I hope I can see you again in the future.” Qu Yan Guying looked at Yang Tian, ​​and said very reluctantly.

Yang Tian looked at Qu Yan Gu Ying, and felt very unwilling to give up. He didn’t know what to say for a while, and finally could only say: “Goodbye! I hope you are safe!”

Qu Yan Guying nodded, hugs Yang Tian, ​​and then resolutely stepped on the Transmission Formation Plate, and the silhouette quickly disappeared from the formation.

“I, I want to go to the Zichen Empire.” After Qu Yanguying left, Yang Tian looked at the bald Elderly with expectation and said.

Didn’t expect Elderly to hook the head, “No!”

“Why?” Yang Tian puzzled.

The bald Elderly did not answer, and the middle-aged man carrying the big knife came over at some point and said to Yang Tian: “If you can catch my knife, you can leave here.”

This… is clearly a different treatment!

Qu Yan Guying can leave at will, but his Yang Tian has to accept the test!

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