When the blue light in front of him disappeared, Yang Tian had already arrived in a small town, and what appeared in front of him were two rows of low stone buildings.

The formation at the foot of Yang Tian is about three meters high. It is at the crossroads of the town. Standing at the current position of Yang Tian, ​​you can see the situation on the streets on all sides clearly.

The streets that are about ten meters wide and paved with bluestone can be described by the words’people flow like weaving’.

The appearance of these people, from the perspective of Yang Tian, ​​most of them are relatively normal, and there are also a small number of humans who are somewhat different from humans.

For example, humans with bare heads and cyan-green skin all over; there are also slender sexual + sexy beauties with sharp ears, wearing tight clothes, and strong stature, up to 2.5 meters. , The’giant’ with red hair all over…

In addition to people, there are of course all kinds of strange animals. Most of the strange beasts are ridden under the body, the tools of the modern step, and some small strange beasts, like the little Azure Dragon One, lie on the shoulders of human beings.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian feels a cosmic breath assaults the senses.

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian’s shoulders also eyes opened wide at this time, with curiosity in his eyes.

These people in front of them, no matter who they are, are wearing weapons, and the aura that emanates from each person is very powerful.

“Let’s give in, don’t get in the way!” Yang Tian looked at the situation in front of him, and after being stunned, as soon as he stepped out of the formation, a middle-aged man’s voice sounded behind him.

At this moment, Yang Tian squinted his eyes slightly, moved towards the right and let go, the big man behind Yang Tian wanted to push Yang Tian a bit, but Yang Tian got out of the way, his hands were lost, and he couldn’t help one. Staggered, almost fell to the audience.

Yang Tian just turned his head, glanced at this person, and walked down the Teleportation Formation Platform along several stone steps.

The breath radiating from this big man is not strong, and Yang Tian does not want to cause trouble.


“You, courting death!” Yang Tian’s feet just touched the stone slab of the street, and there was a big man’s shout behind him, and at the same time, a strong sound The wind sounded behind him.

The big man behind Yang Tian is very strong, wearing black shiny tight clothes, holding a bone-spur-shaped weapon similar to the Yuyang clan in his hand, it seems that his temper is very hot, Even a little thing can get angry, when Yang Tian just walked off the Teleportation Formation Platform, he quickly stabs Yang Tian’s back with the bone spur weapon in his hand.

In this instant, Yang Tian body moved, swiftly fleeing sideways, slapped the big man on the chest with the knife in his hand.

A slapping sound of’Peng’ sounded, the big man groaned, his body was shot by Yang Tian this blade and all flew, moved towards the dense crowd on the other side of the array and fell.

Just come here, Yang Tian still doesn’t understand the situation, and doesn’t want to kill people, otherwise the knife just now can cut this big man into two directly.

Most of the people here are cosmic cultivators. Seeing the big man’s body moved towards himself, he immediately flashed aside and gave way to a clearing.


The big man’s body hit the street heavily, and he slid several meters before he stopped.

The bluestone slab on the street was very hard, and was hit by the strong body of this big man without even a single crack.

After staying on that purple planet for more than half a year, Yang Tian’s strength has increased a lot. With a random blow, he can shoot a big man weighing more than 200 kg into the air.

The weight of more than 200 kg is not because this man is too fat, but because the gravity of this planet is stronger than that of Earth.

This blow of Yang Tian, ​​not at all, caused the big man to be seriously injured, he immediately got up from the ground, and then looked at Yang Tian coldly, turned and hid in the crowd.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian laughed, and it turned out that no matter where he went, he would not be bullied by others if he had strong power. If Yang Tian’s strength is not as good as that big man, it is estimated that he has become a corpse now.

When that big man acted on Yang Tian just now, he was very hostile, obviously he was murderous.

For this kind of thing, the people here seem to be taken offense, after looking at Yang Tian for a few times, they did their own things.

Yang Tian aimlessly walked forward along the street, constantly scanning the shops on both sides of the street.

In this process, Yang Tian clearly felt that someone was watching him behind him.

Yang Tian didn’t care, he thought it was the big man who was humiliated just now, and he was not reconciled, if he came to provoke himself again… Yang Tian raised the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Walking in this complicated world, it is absolutely impossible to just be patient.

Most of these shops on both sides of the street are very small. The piles of things inside are messy. There are shops selling weapons; shops selling various colored stones; there are shops selling food, clothing, and daily life. Appliances etc.

Sure enough, wherever a person goes, clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are indispensable.

Walking, Yang Tian suddenly saw a shop that looked neat and tidy. There was a transparent display cabinet in the shop with many spaceship models.

This kind of shop made Yang Tian immediately interested.

If spaceship is really sold here, that would be great!

Yang Tian, ​​who came out of Earth, is naturally interested in high-tech things. Since childhood, he has also dreamed of owning a spaceship and traveling the universe.

Regardless of whoever spied on him secretly, Yang Tian immediately moved towards this shop and walked over.

The one guarding this counter is a relatively beautiful girl. Seeing Yang Tian’s arrival, she immediately stood up and smiled towards Heavenly Dao: “Welcome, honorable guest.”

Yang****, the girl nodded, pointed to the spaceship model in the transparent counter, and asked: “Do you sell spaceship here?”

“Yes.” The girl replied:” These are real models, we have a very detailed introduction here, you can choose according to your needs.”

After the girl said, Yang Tian glanced at the model in the counter and said: “Take them out. Take a look!”

“Okay!” The girl replied complied, and took out all the models in the counter. There were 36 models in total, each of which had almost a palm-size.

Yang Tian not at all to see the price, even if you don’t have the money to buy it now, you can also take a look first, and just round the price!

These models are very delicate, with many small characters engraved on the bottom of the spaceship model. These text descriptions should be the parameters of spaceship.

It is a pity that Yang Tian is still not able to recognize such words, so he has to ignore it.

Among the 36 models, the spaceship resembling a flat triangle accounted for the majority. The difference is the subtle layout above. There are also some spaceships, some are circular, some are like a flat top, similar to UFO.

Some of the rest, some look like high-speed fighter models made by humans.

After reading all the models, Yang Tian pointed to a black spaceship model with a flat duck beak and the main body is a flat triangle: “How much is this spaceship worth?”

The girl said: “Did you like this spaceship? You only need ten thousand star crystals, and you can get it.”

“Stars crystal! Is this the universal currency?” Yang Tian curiously asked.

When Yang Tian asked, he exposed the information he had come from when he was a child. In the eyes of the merchants, such people are natives with no money. As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, the girl frowned, but Still replied: “This planet is a free star. Of course, only Star Crystal is charged. In a huge empire, each has its own currency.”

The attitude of the girl is obviously not as enthusiastic as before. , See Yang Tian nodded, she has already started to clean up the spaceship model.

Yang Tian naturally understands the reason for the change in the attitude of this young girl. This is not to blame for her snobbery, but the reality is like this. Yang Tian thought for a while, thought, took out a piece of star crystal from the storage bracelet, and asked the girl: “Is it such a star crystal?”

The girl saw the star crystal in Yang Tian’s hand, When his eyes lit up, he immediately nodded and said: “Yes, this is a standard star crystal block, 10,000 such star crystal, you can change to the spaceship you just fancy.”

Yang Tian is helplessly said: “Unfortunately, I don’t have that many star crystals.” After saying that, Yang Tian put the star crystals in his hand on the transparent counter, and turned and walked outside.

“Please wait!” As soon as Yang Tian walked out of the store, the girl ran over with the star crystal left by Yang Tian and stopped in front of Yang Tian.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Tian frowned and asked when looking at this young girl.

Seeing that Yang Tian looked a little unhappy, the girl said with a smile: “If I guessed right, you just came out of a remote planet?”

Yang Tian nodded.

The girl said again: “Then you must be very unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, such as what you eat, where you live, how to make money, cultivation, etc., are all ignorant. If you are willing to give My star crystal, I can help you, at least on this planet, I can help you.”

“Guide?” After the girl finished speaking, Yang Tian couldn’t help but say.

The young girl didn’t understand what Yang Tian meant by’tour guide’, she looked at Yang Tian with wide eyes.

Yang Tian had no choice but to explain: “The tour guide… is what you are going to do for me. Where we are, people like you are called tour guides.”

nodded, “Yes, I want to be your tour guide.”

I just came here, and everything is not familiar. Yang Tian really needs this girl to help him, said with a smile: “Well then! But, what about your shop?”

The girl said with a smile: “The business is not good, it doesn’t matter if you close it for a while. The star crystal in my hand is just as you paid me some The price! Every five days, you need to pay another one, is it not expensive?”

Yang Tian nodded and said: “It is indeed not expensive.”

Girls see Yang Tian So generous, very happy, and said: “Well, I will take you to eat first, and then I will find a place for you to live, and then… tell you, how can a cultivator like you make a lot of money here? Xingchenjing, until enough to buy a spaceship.”

This young girl is very smart, and she plans to let Yang Tian earn enough star crystals before buying her spaceship.

Yang Tian knows that the shop opened by this girl is mostly doing the same job as an intermediary agency. He didn’t care about this either, if he could get a lot of star crystals, he couldn’t ask for it!

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