What to do?

Seeing others returning quickly, Yang Tian was a little unwilling, very depressed.

There is a large piece of star crystals on the top, although the shape is irregular, but the number is very large. If gathered together, a small piece of star crystals, it is estimated that there are more than 10,000 stars of standard volume. Crystal.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong still opened his eyes wide, and kept moving towards flying above.

Although it is dangerous, Xiao Qinglong is not afraid.

“zi zi ~”

At this moment, the nearest red misty sphere suddenly released a strong arc, almost touching the little green dragon and Yang Tian.


There is not much time to think about it, Yang Tian lightly shouted, raised his hand, and issued an instruction to the storage bracelet.

A small piece of star crystal above the head is already less than 50 meters away from Yang Tian, ​​and has reached the limit of the storage bracelet’s item distance. Yang Tian wants to give it a try to see if these star crystals can be collected .

“Environmental impact, collect and fail!”

When Yang Tian’s command was issued, the storage bracelet gave a reminder to Yang Tian.

When the storage bracelet collects the item, it also has certain requirements on the surrounding environment. If the object is too strong by the planet’s gravitational force, which exceeds the limit of the storage bracelet’s charging power, it cannot be collected.

For example, a small spaceship, as long as the storage bracelet has enough space, it can be retracted and placed at will in the universe. But on planet, it may not be able to collect.

At this time, the resistance around Yang Tian is very strong, like a ten thousand meters deep seabed on Earth, the object is subjected to great pressure, and the storage bracelet naturally cannot collect these star crystals.

Although the collection failed, a single thought suddenly appeared in Yang Tian’s mind.

Because he suddenly remembered that he can use spirit strength to give it a try!

When the storage bracelet returned and failed to collect, Yang Tian thought, and the spirit strength world opened up. In Yang Tian’s perception, countless little blue dragons formed by spirit strength rushed out of his spiritual world , Moved towards those irregular stars flew away.

In this process, Yang Tian discovered that the spirit strength he released was not affected by the powerful pressure around it, and it easily caught those star crystals.

The star crystal caught by Yang Tian spirit strength, swiftly moved towards Yang Tian and flies. When Yang Tian was less than ten meters away, Yang Tian lightly shouted: “Receive~”

At this point, the storage bracelet was finally no longer disturbed, and a large number of star crystals poured into Yang Tian’s storage space.

This process takes less than thirty seconds.

About 10,000 star crystals were collected into the storage bracelet by Yang Tian, ​​and the harvest was rich.

“Small dragon, let’s go back!” Although there are still many star crystals, those dangerous misty spheres are already less than 50 meters away from Yang Tian. Yang Tian doesn’t want to take any risks. Immediately said to Xiao Qinglong.

Little Qinglong immediately turned his head and dived down quickly.


At this moment, thousands of meters away, two misty spheres came into contact again, causing a violent explosion.

Together, these explosions spread all around quickly, faster than the speed of sound.

When the chain explosion came to the top of Yang Tian’s heads, Xiao Qinglong just took Yang Tian and fell to the ground, hiding behind a huge rock.

In order not to be struck by the dense red lightning, the little green dragon quickly transformed into a mini small dragon.

In the sky, the explosion time continued to be uncertain, Yang Tian immediately released a football-sized star crystal from the storage bracelet to let the little green dragon eat.

One man one dragon, waiting as before.

The explosion in the sky produced strong energy fluctuations. The star crystals that were not swallowed by the red foggy sphere were disturbed and fell quickly from the sky, like rain. .

In this situation, some people ignore the danger and come out from under the hidden stones to pick up the fallen star crystals.

This is an extreme danger behavior. As soon as many people came out of their hiding place, they were hit by red lightning, and their bodies burst into a cloud of blood mist.

Seeing such a situation outside, Yang Tian couldn’t help shaking his head.

The attraction of Xingchenjing to cultivator is really too strong. And these people are simply fainted.

A small piece of star crystal above Yang Tian’s head has been collected by him, and the falling star crystal is very few. Even if the amount is large, in this case, Yang Tian will not ignore the charge ahead of life to pick it up.

The explosion at this time was longer than the first time.

About fifteen minutes later, the explosion in the sky finally stopped.

When Yang Tian came out of the hiding place, he saw that many people had come out long ago, bending over to look for the fallen star crystal among the rubble.

At this time, Yang Tian saw a peculiar, strange animal like a fox. This strange beast kept jumping in the rubble, digging out a piece of star crystal, dang it in front of its owner, and was taken into the storage space by its owner.

In addition to this strange beast, there are some small flying beasts that hovered in the low air. When they found the star crystal, they suddenly swooped down and grabbed the star crystal on the ground. Go, fly back to the master’s side.

People who don’t have beast pets can only find them by themselves.

Many people who come here don’t have storage bracelets or storage ring tools, but they have something like a black crock on their waist.

This kind of black’crock pot’ is probably also a kind of storage space. When collecting things, someone needs to put it in. If the star crystal is too big, it can’t be put in. It needs to be smashed. .

In this situation, some people robbed them, wanting to get star crystals from others.

Almost all the targets of the robbery were people who had this black’crock pot’.

Why is this?

Yang Tian saw that after a person was killed, the person who robbed him smashed this kind of’crockery’, and the star crystals inside broke with this kind of’crockery’ suddenly Appeared in a pile of black’crock’ slag.


Various peculiar situations appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes.

And the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian’s shoulders also opened his eyes wide, watching all this curiously, and almost forgot that after those red spheres in the sky exploded, many star crystals would be produced.

When a blue light in the sky dazzled the corner of Yang Tian’s eyes, Yang Tian reacted.

Little Qinglong transformed again, carrying Yang Tian moved towards in the sky and flew away.

At this time, except Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, almost no one flew into the air, wanting to collect those suspended star crystals in the sky, because for them, in the sky, collecting star crystals, Far more difficult and dangerous than the ground.

What Yang Tian didn’t know was that when he collected the star crystal the previous time, a pair of eyes full of cold had already stared at him and Xiaoqinglong.

The master of these eyes is Ao Chu!

When Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglongfei reached the air of several hundred meters again, and worked hard, Ao Chu also flew into the air, and moved towards Yang Tian’s location quickly rushed past.

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