In this Small World, there is a large red misty sphere suspended, like a planet, incomparable gigantic.

When the little green dragon rushed through the pressure zone, such a sphere appeared in his eyes, and countless small fog-like spheres were produced by it.

Unlike the small red foggy sphere, this huge red ball has no lightning, but the color is darker, the same as the blood color of the dark red.

“pu… pu… pu… ”

The dull and dense voices continue to pass into Xiao Qinglong’s ears, and every sound represents With the birth of a small red ball, they were spit out by the huge red ball, flashing with red electric light, and moved towards the downwards.

This huge sphere actually has a strong gravitational force. The closer it is, the stronger the attraction will be. After Yang Tian’s body rushed through the pressure zone, he was attracted to the past. Faster and faster, and soon entered the huge red sphere.

When Xiao Qinglong saw such a situation, his eyes opened, and the speed of flight was accelerated again, and it couldn’t leave Yang Tian alone.

When the little green dragon passed through the dense small red spheres and was about to approach the huge red sphere, it turned its head a little nostalgic and took a look below.

At such a height, the situation below is unobstructed. It turns out that the place where they were just now was an oval piece of land floating in space. Looking down from the top, you can clearly see Many huge structures have leftover traces after they collapsed, and the humans in them are just tiny black spots.

It can be imagined that a long time ago, the floating piece of land below was full of magnificent buildings, clusters of palaces floating in the universe.

Little Qinglong just turned his head and took a look, then resolutely turned his head, pursued Yang Tian, ​​and got into the huge red sphere.

“What a fool!” On the ground, seeing this situation, the star mine owner shook the head helplessly. He really likes Xiao Qinglong.

Because Xiaoqinglong turned into a giant dragon and looked very domineering. If there is a mount like Xiaoqinglong in the future, it will definitely be domineering…

After sighed, Xingchen The mine owner’s silhouette flashed, disappeared, and soon left the Small World.

The huge red foggy sphere is like an independent world. The small Azure Dragon One enters it, and the eyes are full of scarlet lights.

In this, there are countless intertwined, tube-like objects of various thicknesses, like blood vessels, which are covered with things like sarcomas, which are stretched and shrunk, like There was a human heart beating like a “pupu” sound.

This is not a safe place. When the little green dragon is swimming and weaving among these tubular objects, suddenly, a thick, liquid’flesh whisker’ moved towards the little green dragon roll Coming over, it was immediately wrapped around it.


The burning sound immediately sounded.

The’flesh whiskers’ entwining Xiaoqinglong were burned by the azure flame emitted from Xiaoqing’s dragon body, emitting a burst of’zi zi’, and immediately retracted.

However, more fleshy whiskers appeared, and moved towards Xiaoqinglong rolled over.


The angry little green dragon opened his mouth, and moved towards the large group of’flesh whiskers’ that was rolled up and spewed out a dragon flame.

As soon as these fleshy beards encountered the high temperature dragon flame, they retracted.

But those who were not burned, still moved towards Xiaoqinglong rolled over.

There are so many “flesh whiskers” like this!

Xiao Qingyan couldn’t cope with it, and her body shrank immediately.

In this situation, the huge body suffers a bit because the goal is too big.

During this process, Xiao Qinglong discovered that those thick’scarcasses’ were all born from huge’sarcomas’. When they were not attacking, they were like a Just like an insect, it swims in the air like a snake.

The little green dragon that has become a mini-dragon has a much smaller target, and the sphere world in its eyes has also become much bigger.

In the feeling of Xiaoqinglong, this huge sphere is like a living thing.

Where is Yang Tian?

This is what Xiao Qinglong is most concerned about.

The smaller green dragon has a much smaller target for this red sphere, except for the small’muscles’ near its body and the thick fleshy whiskers, it has never been launched attack.

Little Qinglong swiftly shuttles among countless intertwined red tubular bodies and countless’flesh whiskers’, hoping to find Yang Tian. It knows that Yang Tian, ​​who cannot act, must have been swept away by the’flesh beard’.


As the little green dragon walked, suddenly, a burst of’zi zi’ sounded, and the entire red ball within the body began to shine red的current.

Being hit by this current, Xiaoqing dragon’s mouth made a painful cry of’zhi zhi’.

The little green dragon was already injured, and the use of azure dragon flames took a lot of strength. Being entangled by this electric wire, it hurts like a needle pierced all over the body.

The painful little Qinglong was randomly shuttled through the red ball within the body, and didn’t know how long this current would last. It only hoped to find Yang Tian as soon as possible.

Even if Yang Tian is dead, it will take Yang Tian’s body back.

At this time, the little green dragon is not only suffering from fleshy body, but also more uncomfortable inside.

What Xiao Qinglong doesn’t know is that Yang Tian at this time has been entangled in a sarcoma by the fleshy beard, and his whole body is covered by the red liquid. Starting from the skin, Melting little by little.

This huge red ball is actually a mysterious creature in the universe. It is controlled by people with special methods, suspended here, and plays a certain role for those who control it.

At this time, Yang Tian not at all died, he still had vague consciousness, and he could feel the pain of the body. However, he couldn’t move. He couldn’t even move his fingers or even blink his eyes.

red mucus began to decompose Yang Tian’s body. If he was digged out of the’sarcoma’ at this time, it would look like his whole body had just been burned by fire. There was no skin and bloody whole body. .

As the body disappeared, Yang Tian’s consciousness became more and more blurred, and the top of his head was like a large pot cover, pressing him down, and sinking into the dark abyss.

Soon, in Yang Tian’s eyes, a bright light appeared. In the light, Qin Fei was wearing a wedding dress, looking at him with a smile on his face, and Yang Tian’s parents were also standing by Qin Fei’s Behind him, looked at him calmly.

Yang Tian smiled, and walked towards them.


At this moment, a black robe masked man appeared behind Yang Tian and shouted to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian turned around and looked at the black robe masked man who appeared suddenly.

“Do you want to die?” The black robe masked man looked at Yang Tian and asked. There was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

“So tired!” Yang Tian replied.

Yes, Yang Tian did feel very tired at this time, the darkness around him pressed him out of breath, and at the same time, there was a very heavy sense of powerlessness.

The masked black robed man said, “You’re tired! You’re tired of the road to the powerhouse? Don’t look at it, who are they?”

The black robe masked man said, pointing at Qin Fei and Yang Tian’s parents in the bright place.

[Here, let’s talk about the dying experience above, for example, with a large pot cover on your head and sinking into a dark abyss… This description was made by the dead grandmother some time ago . A few days before my grandmother passed away, her heart stopped and skipped once, and then she woke up and called my mother to tell me. 】

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