This red metal chain is very fast!

Looking at the metal chain that came quickly, which was thicker than the thumb, Yang Tian moved, like a teleport, and appeared beside a stone pillar.

Because the gravity here is small, Yang Tian’s speed is faster.


The metal chain hit the place where Yang Tian originally stood, a stone slab was all split up and in pieces by the iron chain, and rubble splashed.

The power of this blow is very strong, and the sound of the impact reverberates in the great hall constantly, and the entire great hall trembles slightly.

One shot missed, the one-eyed man on the high platform opened his mouth wide and wanted to make a sound, but from his mouth, he could only make an inhaling sound like’hehe’, and the sound on his face The expression was very angry.

Does this soulless dead still have emotions?

Yang Tian was a little surprised, but soon he discovered that the one-eyed man’s expression was very stiff and unnatural. It turns out that this expression is just an imitation.

Perhaps he had this expression when he was angry.

The soul is dead, but the body is still alive. Whether it is walking, fighting, or expressing, it is estimated that it is an instinctive activity of the body, touching it before life.

It’s like human beings are familiar with certain actions, which can be done without thinking, forming a kind of conditioned reflex, which is the so-called muscle memory. Even without consciousness, this powerhouse’s body will still make various movements according to the surrounding environment.

How powerful is this person’s fleshy body? Even if you die for a long time, you can still fight, and the power is so powerful!

What also makes Yang Tian feel strange is that the metal chain used by the one-eyed man does not look long, only two circles around his waist, and does not exceed ten meters, and he is away from the high platform The one-eyed man was far more than ten meters away.

Why does this metal chain become so long?

Is it a magic weapon!

In the fantasy of human beings on Earth, the magic weapon possessed by mythological characters is very magical. It does not seem to conform to the laws of science at all. In fact, it is just that humans do not understand it. For example, ancient humans imagined thousands of miles of sound transmission tools, and after hundreds of years, humans will have such tools as mobile phones.

As for flying in the sky, diving into the sea, and going to the moon… these, human beings have already achieved it with science.

So, this vast Universe World is nothing impossible, only unexpected. It cannot be done, but human science has not developed to that extent.

For such a magical thing as magic weapon, Yang Tian firmly believes that it exists. Just like the sword named fifteen in Yang Tian’s hand, it is actually a magic weapon.

Looking at the metal chain that the one-eyed man can suddenly extend in his hands, Yang Tian covets. This metal chain can not only be trained into a weapon, but also can be used as a tool.

With a sound of “oh la la”, when Yang Tian flashed away and countless thoughts flashed in his mind, the one-eyed man retracted the metal chain, and suddenly, the red light in the red eyes suddenly lit up a lot of.

At this time, Yang Tian sensed that more powerful energy fluctuations radiated from the body of the one-eyed person.


Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, holding a knife in both hands, moved towards the one-eyed man on the high platform and cut out a knife.

This blade, Yang Tian used spirit strength, and the wind blade sent out was very condensed.

The corpse guards outside, in the face of this attack, will not dodge, and even if the wind blade slashes on their body, Yang Tian has lost hundreds of corpse guards without using it for half an hour. Attack ability.

The situation is different this time.

Faced with this sharp knife, the silhouette of the one-eyed man suddenly flickered and became blurred.

This is a visual effect produced when the height moves.


red’s wind blade did not hit the one-eyed man because he had disappeared in place, and the wind blade hit the wide seat.

I don’t know what material this seat is made of. Yang Tian’s knife left only a crack on it, not at all, to chop it up.

A knife fell through, Yang Tian heart startled, because the one-eyed man has disappeared from his sight.

What a fast speed!


At this moment, a wind sounded in Yang Tian’s body.

Yang Tian kicked his feet on the ground and flashed to the side.


The metal chain of the one-eyed man rubbed Yang Tian’s body and hit the stone pillar with a diameter of three meters. This thick stone pillar was shattered by the metal chain at once, and there were many cracks on the surface. It broke from the bottom position, suddenly fell to the ground, and made a’boom’, breaking into countless pieces. Small black stones.

The power of this blow is even stronger than before!

“pa pa pa ……”

After the stone pillar collapsed, some boulders with patterns fell from the top, and there were a few chucks in the great hall. The sound.

Hearing this sound, Yang Tian glanced upward.

A huge gap has been cracked in the dome above.

A’chi’ sound.

When the one-eyed man retracted the metal chain, Yang Tian quickly turned around and cut out a knife.

Relying on the instinctively active corpse, without consciousness, although the power possessed is very powerful, the reaction is still slower.


The red wind blade sent by Yang Tian impacted the chest of the one-eyed man.

What surprised Yang Tian was that the fleshy body of this guy was terrifying, and the power of this blade fell on him, only making him step back. He stretched out his hand, and the metal chain moved towards Yang Tian again. The speed is much faster than before.

Yang Tian dodges quickly.

At this time, Yang Tian finally realized that it was wrong!

The power of this one-eyed man becomes stronger after every attack, and faster!

What surprised Yang Tian even more is that a kind of life Aura suddenly appeared on this corpse.

Yang Tian doesn’t know whether people have souls, because he hasn’t seen a person who has been dead for a long time, the matter of coming back to life again.

But, how could Life Aura appear in the corpse of this one-eyed man? Although very weak, similar to the Life Aura of an ant, there is Life Aura after all.

If this continues, it will definitely not work!

What if it comes alive?

With the means before his death, a finger can make Yang Tian die!

The feeling of Xiaoqinglong is more sensitive than Yang Tian, ​​without Yang Tian’s reminder, he has already sensed the situation on the one-eyed person. It jumped from Yang Tian’s shoulder, flew into the air, and quickly turned into a dragon more than ten meters long.


After the one-eyed man attacked Yang Tian again and was pushed aside by Yang Tian, ​​the little blue dragon suspended in the air opened his mouth and moved towards the one-eyed man spouted a line High temperature dragon flame.

Faced with the swiftly attacking dragon flames, the red light emanating from the red eyes of the one-eyed man became thicker and disappeared in a flash.


Immediately, a sound of wind sounded, and the metal chain suddenly struck from diagonally below the little green dragon, entangling the little green dragon at once.

At such a fast speed, Yang Tian and Xiao Azure Dragon One have no reaction.

When the little green dragon was entangled, the metal chain suddenly tightened!

“ao ~” was strangled by the metal chain, and the little green dragon let out a painful howl.

Yang Tian was shocked, and came to the sky above the little blue dragon, and slashed on the metal chain with one knife, wanting to cut this metal chain.

didn’t expect When the blade touched this metal chain, a powerful force came from above, shaking Yang Tian’s hands numb, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably,’ With a bang, it hit a stone pillar.

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