Seeing the hatred in this woman’s eyes, Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking, will she destroy this huge ball?

This woman’s hatred, Yang Tian also guessed something, this red giant sphere is the place to seal her, to her, it is like a cage.

In the sky, after those dense small red foggy spheres exploded, the falling lightning disappeared, and the sky became clear.

This is only temporary. That huge red ball will continuously produce many small red balls. Then, after the small red ball explodes, there will be another one, like endless general.

Yang Tian didn’t understand a bit, after the white clothed person’s body was refining by the one-eyed person, how could so many star crystals be produced. Also, how are these star crystals formed in the red sphere?

These are all questions in Yang Tian’s heart at this time.

Yang Tian has no chance to understand anymore…

Suddenly, the woman’s body moved, moved towards the sky, and the red ball rushed straight, like a stream of light, In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in Yang Tian’s sight.

A few minutes later, with a bang, a violent explosion occurred in the sky, and the entire space was instantly enveloped by dazzling red light.

The shock wave produced by the explosion first landed on this piece of land suspended in space. It was blown by a hurricane. The small white stones and sand on the ground were blown up by the airflow to form The swift red sand mist rushed towards Yang Tian from the diagonally forward moved.

Yang Tian was shocked, turned around and ran. When a huge stone pillar appeared in front of him, he stopped and hid behind the stone pillar.


Just as Yang Tian was hidden, the violent white sand mist arrived and hit the huge stone pillar. The broken stones carried in the wind smashed the stone pillar into a straight crackle, and the stone pillar weighing several thousand jin was scraped and rolled.

Fortunately, this’white sand storm’ is just the shock wave of the explosion. It did not last long, and it began to weaken before one minute.


Yang Tian stood up from behind the stone pillar, shook his body and a short hair, and spit out the gravel splashed into his mouth.

The little green dragon body lying on his shoulders is also covered with white lime, just like a white dragon-like. It shakes its body and shakes the lime off its body.

But it’s not over yet…

After the white sand, in the sky began to fall dense, red fragments.

“pa ~”

When Yang Tian just stood up and spit out the sand in his mouth, a small piece of red ball fell not far from Yang Tian and fell Got all split up and in pieces.

Thinking of the previous experience in that red ball, and seeing this thing, Yang Tian felt a little nauseous. You must know that these pieces are the eyeball tissue of the one-eyed person.

Most of these fallen red fragments are burning. When they fall, they are like falling stones dropping from the sky. After falling on the ground, most of them have been It was burnt black, emitting bursts of black smoke, and there was a smell of barbecue.

Yang Tian covered his nose with his hand, and moved quickly, avoiding the’meat pieces’ that fell in the sky.

After a few minutes, I finally calmed down.

At this moment, Yang Tian raised his head to look at in the sky.

The situation that appeared in his eyes immediately made him opened wide with excitement in his eyes. It turned out that after the huge red ball in the sky exploded, a large number of star crystals were produced.

These stars are floating above the sky, reflecting blue rays of light. They look like dense stars in the sky, and they look very beautiful.

“Great! Small dragon, let’s go up!” Yang Tian immediately said to the little green dragon lying on his shoulder.

“zhi zhi ~”

Little Qinglong screamed in excitement, and soon transformed into a giant dragon.

Yang Tian immediately jumped onto the back of Xiaoqinglong, Xiaoqing dragon body swayed, swam a circle close to the ground, then raised his head and rushed to the sky.

After rising the height of several hundred meters, Yang Tian was delighted to find that without that huge red ball, the resistance layer above this piece of land disappeared.

Little Qinglong took Yang Tian, ​​and soon came to the height of thousands of meters. What appeared in front of him were countless star crystals.

These star crystals are like pieces of broken stones, irregular in shape, the big ones are as big as a cow, and the small ones are smaller than rice grains.

These star crystals are attracted by the land below, and are slowly descending, and within half an hour, these star crystals will fall to the ground.

When that powerful woman brought Yang Tian back to this piece of land, there were no people who came here to get star crystals, and there was not even a ghost shadow.

The star mine owner has long stipulated that people who come here can only have one day at most. After the time is up, they must go out, otherwise they will be severely punished.

This is also the cleverness of the star mine owner, because in this way, there are not many dead people who enter here once, and it will not cause a lot of psychological shadow to those who come here. .

After the people who came here went out, after the night, they adjusted their minds.

No one is better, and no one will compete with Yang Tian for these star crystals, and Yang Tian can collect them calmly.

“Receive~” Looking at a large piece of star crystal, Yang Tian shouted loudly and opened the storage bracelet.

Countless star crystals poured into Yang Tian’s storage bracelet space like a tide.

After receiving a piece of star crystal, without Yang Tian’s reminder, the little blue dragon rushed to the next piece of star crystal.

The choice of the little green dragon is very reasonable. The star crystals it chooses are all closest to the ground, because when these star crystals are in the air, it is best to collect them. If they fall on the ground, they will be mixed into the broken pieces. In the stone, that would be difficult.

While the little green dragon is moving fast, large tracts of star crystals have entered Yang Tian’s storage bracelet.

“I have made a fortune! I have made a fortune…” In the process of collecting these star crystals, Yang Tian was so excited that he kept screaming.

Be aware that these star crystals can not only be used to attract energy, they are also hard currency in the universe.

Receiving these star crystals is no different from picking up money.

Xiao Qinglong’s eyes also emit excited rays of light, the speed is getting faster and faster, sometimes Yang Tian is too busy to come, or when he encounters a small star crystal, he directly flies over , Opened his mouth and sucked these star crystals into his mouth.

Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong both understand that when the huge ball in the sky disappears, there will be no more star crystals here, and the star mine owner who gets the news will definitely come immediately. Here.

The strength of the star mine owner, Yang Tian has already seen, he doesn’t want any accidents.

When Yang Tian collected the star crystals, the powerful woman had already landed on the ground at some point. She was looking up at Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, her mouth was slightly raised, her face turned Smile.

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