On Le Guxing, the price of transmission between small towns is very cheap, but the price of transmission from this planet to other planets is ridiculously expensive.

Of course, this is a means of controlling and accumulating wealth by the Star Miner.

In the town where Yang Tian was before, Yang Tian did not remember its name, but knew its number.

After entering the teleportation place of this small town, Yang Tian took out a piece of star gold and handed it to the manager: “Go to town No. 703.”

The manager of this teleportation place He was a middle-aged man with a thin stature. He saw the star crystal in Yang Tian’s hands. He did not hold out hands to receive, but the morning sun waved his hand and said: “A piece of star gold is not enough.” /p>

“Isn’t the prescribed price a piece of star crystal?” Yang Tian asked puzzled.

The thin middle-aged man laughed: “This price has been the price many years ago. Now I need two star crystals. If you don’t want to, you can leave!”

When he said this, the thin middle-aged man looked very arrogant.

Yang Tian understands that this is a private price increase by the management office, and this situation occurs everywhere.

Yang Tian has no choice but to take out a piece of star crystal again from his storage bracelet and hand it to the thin middle-aged man in front of him.

Seeing two star crystals, the thin middle-aged man laughed and grabbed two star crystals from Yang Tian’s hands, then turned around and adjusted it on the array.

“It’s okay now, send it to Town No.703.” After adjusting the formation, the middle-aged man said to Yang Tian.

When Yang Tian walked towards the Transmission Formation Plate, he saw the thin middle-aged man and put a piece of star crystal directly into his pocket…

So blatant Corruption + corruption! I don’t know if the star mine master knows such a thing… Yang Tian shook the head helplessly.

When Yang Tian walked out of the Transmission Formation Plate, he had already arrived at the small town of 703. The place where he appeared was still the crossroad where he appeared last time.

Walking out of the array, after getting off the transmission platform, Yang Tian looked around, then directly moved towards Qiguangyu’s shop and walked.

At this time, Qiguangyu was lying on her counter, propped her head with one hand, her eyes fell on the spaceship models in the transparent counter, her expression looked a little lonely.

Because she thought Yang Tian was dead, and the people who should return had already returned two days ago, but among these people, she did not see Yang Tian’s silhouette, even Xiao Qinglong did not. To.

Qiguangyu was staring at the spaceship model in a daze. Suddenly, her eyes went dark, and someone blocked the light from outside.

Qiguangyu woke up with a habitual smile on her face, and raised her head. She thought that a customer had come.

What appeared in her eyes was the appearance of Yang Tian smiling.

“Ah~” When seeing that it was Yang Tian, ​​Qi Guangyu couldn’t help but screamed and stood up.

Yang Tian laughed,: “Beauty, long time no see!”

“Why are you still alive?” Qiguangyu couldn’t believe her eyes. Raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

“zhi zhi ~” At this time, the little green dragon lying on Yang Tian’s shoulder called twice. It felt like it was ignored again.

“Little Brat, you are fine, too, great!” Qiguangyu nodded and said towards Xiaoqinglong.

Little Qinglong is only satisfied.

“I just came out, don’t tell others!” Yang Tian said again, and then blinked at Qiguangyu.

“Oh~It turns out to be like this! Then don’t tell it, it’s illegal, it would be terrible to be caught by them.” Qi Guangyu said, and glanced outside the store.

“Do you dare to stay inside for so long, did you bribe those managers when you came out?” Qi Guangyu saw that no one paid attention to her shop outside, and finally relieved, and asked Yang Tian in a low voice.

Yang Tian shook his head, then turned around and closed the store door.

As soon as the store door is closed, the automatic light inside turns on.

At this time, in Yang Tian storage bracelet, a lot of star crystals were released.

Seeing so many star crystals in front of her, Qi Guangyu couldn’t help but surprised her eyes opened wide. This was the first time she saw so many star crystals.

She opened her mouth wide and was speechless for a while.

Yang Tian points to these star crystals, said with a smile: “These star crystals are now yours.”

The star crystals that Yang Tian will naturally impossible will get, Really gave 5% to her, because there were too many, Yang Tian could not bear it. The star crystals that I took out now, replaced by standard volumes, are thousands of dollars.

For Qiguangyu, the thousands of Star Crystals are all her income for several years here.

“Your harvest this time is great!” Qi Guangyu said excitedly.

Yang Tian is just nodded with a smile.

Qiguangyu immediately took out a crock-shaped Storage Equipment from under the counter, and filled a lot of star crystals that Yang Tian gave her, all of which was packed into this kind of very crude-looking Storage Equipment in.

During this process, Yang Tian noticed that a lot of runes were carved on these storage equipment like earthen jars……

After collecting the star crystals, Qiguangyu looked Looking at Yang Tian with a smile, he said, “Now, do you have money to buy my spaceship?”

Yang Tian nodded with a smile said: “Of course!”

“Also ~ great!” Qi Guangyu exclaimed happily. For her, this is another income.

Immediately, Qiguangyu took out dozens of spaceship models from the counter and asked Yang Tian to choose them.


When Yang Tian looked at the spaceship model, a loud noise suddenly came from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled, and Qiguangyu’s shop shook.

What’s the matter?

Yang Tian frowned.

When Yang Tian turned around and was about to open the store door and go out to see what happened, he heard the footsteps of many people running outside.

Some words came.

“What are you running?”

“There is excitement to see, the star mine owner is fighting with a woman! The movement just now was caused by them.”


“Yes! I heard that the woman also ruined the Star Miner’s Small World. From now on, there will be no more star crystals in it.”

“No way! If it is true , It would be a pity, we have to find a way to get out of here, but the transmission fee is too expensive.”


The door did not open, Yang Tian heard a lot of this Talking loudly.

Yang Tian immediately opened the door, and saw that the streets were full of people running, and these people all moved towards the direction where the explosion sound came from and ran.


At this time, there was another loud noise.

The movement this time was more violent than before, and it was closer to town 703.

Yang Tian laughed, and thought, if Lord Goddess could kill the Star Miner! Even if the star mine owner does not die, under such circumstances, the star mine owner will not notice himself, it is a good time to leave…

Although he has such an idea in his mind, Yang Tian still moved immediately towards the direction where the sound came from running quickly.

Like many cosmic cultivators, the battle between powerhouses, if there is an opportunity, you must not miss it!

Yang Tian’s speed is very fast, surpassing most of the cultivators on this planet, and soon running out of the town.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Tian arrived at the battle site between the Female Powerhouse and the Star Miner.

At this time, the battle is almost over.

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