The town of No. 001, because it is the nearest to the manor of the star mine owner, did not mess up and was in order.

When Yang Tian and Qiguangyu left the manor of the star mine owner, under the advice of Qiguangyu, they moved towards the nearby town No.01. .

In the process of coming out, surrounding the manor, the soldiers wearing armor ignored Yang Tian and them. These soldiers have naturally received the above instructions and let Yang Tian and them leave.

The process was very smooth, but the reaction of Master Mi made Yang Tian feel a little strange.

No. 01 town is said to be a small town, but it is similar to the average small city on Earth. The houses in the town are more beautiful and taller than No. 703 town. The layout of the houses in the town is also More reasonable.

A habitable star is impossible to completely isolate from the outside, and it also requires commercial activities. Even if the ruler does not allow the common people to conduct frequent commercial activities, they still need it!

Beside the town of No. 01, there is a large spaceship take-off and landing site. Even if the entire planet has been messed up now, various spaceships for transporting materials will take off every once in a while, landing.

Here, you can also buy interstellar tickets to leave here.

Of course, the departure ticket price is also very expensive.

Yang Tian, ​​who has obtained a large number of star crystals, certainly hopes to buy a spaceship instead of leaving here, although he listened to Qiguangyu’s introduction, the spaceship price here is twice as expensive as outside.

Yang Tian doesn’t care, on the one hand because he is a little impatient. In addition, if they leave this planet with Qiguangyu and their three brothers, whether it is to buy a ferry ticket or send it directly, they can buy a small spaceship for the combined price.

The control of the star mine owner over this planet is really abnormal. If it were on Earth, the rulers of those cities would have dared to mess around like this, they would have been overthrown long ago.

“The star crystals you get must be exchanged first. If it is inconvenient to carry, you can go to the branch of the Universe Bank and replace the star crystals with a crystal card for easy carrying. If you have a large enough The storage space can also be exchanged for a standard volume of star crystal.” After entering the 01 town, knowing Yang Tian’s plan, Qi Guangyu said to him.

Until now, the three sisters and brothers of Qiguangyu are still a little worried, this planet, they don’t want to stay any longer, pin their hopes on Yang Tian.

Yang Tian knows Qiguangyu and their mood at this time, but they didn’t say anything, when the time comes, they will naturally understand.

Coming to this planet, encountering Qiguangyu is also a kind of fate, even if you leave Le Guxing and never see it again, Yang Tian will try his best to help them.

Although Qiguangyu has never been to No. 01 Town, he is more familiar with this planet than Yang Tian. Under her guidance, the four quickly came to the Universe Bank branch.

This is a ten-story building, which is very impressive. This is the same as the major bank buildings on Earth, rich! Even if it is a waste of resources, the construction will be eye-catching and impressive. To put it bluntly, this is also a means of propaganda, showing the huge financial power of the bank, so that depositors can rest assured.

After entering the door of the Universe Bank, the situation that appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes gave him a very modern feeling.

On the extraterrestrial, Yang Tian finally saw the things made by science and technology.

In the lobby, there are many windows. Inside each window, there are robots operating. Outside the window, the business handled by the window is written. People who are doing business standing outside the window have an operation panel floating beside them, and they may operate on it as needed. Inside the window, there are robots talking with people…

At the top of the hall, there is a bright light source. The light projected by it is very similar to the constant starlight. Of course, between these light sources, there will definitely be surveillance devices such as cameras and even powerful weapons with formidable power.

The ground is soft, the green grass is very neatly built…actually this is simulated. Although Yang Tian felt his feet were soft when he was walking, he saw his feet go through the grass.


Many things highlight the power of technology.

In the lobby, there are also many people who are waiting to handle business. Opposite the business windows are rows of seats. They sit on them and wait. When the next time comes, the seats will automatically move forward. , Go to the window.

As soon as the star mine owner died, Le Guxing was in chaos. There were many people who wanted to leave here. There were no empty seats in the hall. Some people stood beside them holding crock-shaped storage tanks. Anxiously waiting…

Although he is already studying the universal characters of the universe, Yang Tian still doesn’t quite recognize these characters.

However, Qi Guangyu and the three of their brothers and sisters could understand, Qi Guangyu took Yang Tian and came directly to an empty window.

“We want to exchange the standard volume of Star Crystal, the number is more than 20,000.” After arriving at this window, Qi Guangyu said to the humanoid robot inside.

The robot inside immediately opened the special door next to the window and let Yang Tian enter.

This window should be a VIP window! Yang Tian thought.

The next process is very simple. Yang Tian and the others were taken to a clean quiet room, and a real human worker walked in.

At the request of the staff, Yang Tian took out a part of the star crystal.

After weighing these star crystals, and deducting the 0.1% handling fee, Yang Tian obtained hundreds of standard volume star crystals.

And the star crystals of different sizes that Yang Tian took out were taken into the Storage Equipment by the bank staff.

In this process, the three sisters and brothers of Qiguangyu saw that Yang Tian took out so many star crystals, all of them opened their eyes wide. Don’t say that hundreds of thousands of star crystals are piled together in a box, even if they are 10,000 piled together, they have never seen it.

At this moment, Qi Guangyu regretted even more thinking about the Star Crystal she had forgotten in the shop.

The three were surprised, but not surprised, a powerhouse like Yang Tian, ​​if there are not a large number of star crystals on the body, that would be a strange thing!

After changing the star crystals, Yang Tian collected hundreds of thousands of star crystals into the storage bracelet.

hundred thousand yuan, 0.1% of the handling fee, there are more than one thousand stars crystal.

“It’s too dark!” After leaving the Universe Bank Building, Yang Tian muttered.

Seeing that there are so many star crystals in Yang Tian, ​​Qi Guangyu also felt a little more relieved. Hearing Yang Tian’s muttering voice, Qi Guangyu laughed and said: “This The price of a planet is inherently high. The branch of Universe Bank opened here requires a portion of the profits to be handed in to the star mine owner.”

Hearing the words of Qiguangyu, Yang Tian realized that in the universe, the ruler who controls a large number of livable planets is the richest!

Like the star mine owner, sitting at home, you can constantly get a lot of star crystals.

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