“It’s like this again…”

“Yes! I thought there would be a wonderful battle between humans and beasts at the end. Who is that guy? It’s useless!”


“People are smart. If they stay, they will be over.”

“Go back! Let’s work hard too.”


The battle is over, there is no excitement to watch, the students talked about it, and soon dispersed.

“zhi zhi ~”

The little green dragon turned into a mini-dragon again, fell in front of Yang Tian, ​​and screamed in excitement.

Little Qinglong is still the same!

Seeing the little green dragon whose eyes were still the same as before, Yang Tian laughed.

Standing up, put the knife into the storage bracelet. Little Qinglong still jumped on Yang Tian’s shoulder.

At this time, the thick clouds in the sky began to disperse at an extremely fast speed as the battle ended.

The principle of the formation of the clouds above is nothing mysterious. It is also an energy response.

Yang Tian looked around and saw the dragon horn that Xiaoqinglong had knocked off when he was advancing, and immediately walked over.

These two dragon horns were dropped when the little blue dragon became a giant dragon. It looks like two big trees fallen to the ground.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Yang Tian is directly collected into the storage bracelet.

It’s good to keep a memorial!

One man one dragon, soon returned to the academy.


“pa ~”

“This kid, who gave Lao Tzu the beast core to Xiao Fei, actually ate the star beast, What a waste!” When Yang Tian’s silhouette disappeared, on a short mountain in the distance, the Immeasurable Star Master smashed a stone, and said with some dissatisfaction.

“The Star Military leader was given to Yang Tian by Lord Goddess.” The young guard next to the Star Master Wuliang said while packing up some outdated camera equipment.

“Hey~” The immeasurable star master sighed, rubbing his head and said: “It’s not easy to have a daughter! You have to prepare double copies of good things. You will give Xiaofei another one in a few days It’s the past. She now…should need it.”

“Yes! Star Military leader.” The young guard said with a smile.

The immeasurable star master said again: “Tomorrow, I will leave Ketra, another trouble. You stay here and watch.”

The young guard nodded , Curiously asked: “Star Military leader, what kind of thing is it? I actually want you to go out in person.”

“A woman, a very troublesome woman…” The Star Master Wuliang frowned, muttered.


2nd day early in the morning.

Yang Tian got up early.

After getting ready, Yang Tian came to the entrance of No.186 small building in the intermediate student area.

As soon as I got here, the door opened.

Sorri walked out in white casual clothes.

Looking at Yang Tian, ​​Suoerli’s mouth curled up, and a smile appeared on her face, saying: “Let’s go!”

Yang Tian nodded.

After the battle ended yesterday, when he returned to Villa 099, when Yang Tian opened the academy system, he received a message from Solli.

Sorli asked Yang Tian to go out to exchange for Star Crystal.

Yang Tian thought for a while, and agreed.

So Yang Tian came to Solli’s door early in the morning.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong habitually crawled on Yang Tian’s shoulders, and was sleeping with his body curled up.

After completing the promotion, Xiaoqinglong needs a process of adaptation. It tells Yang Tian that its adaptation process is to sleep.

Little Qinglong can also dream. In the dream, it can learn a lot.

This makes Yang Tian feel very speechless, people and dragons are always incomparable! Not only is the fleshy body not as powerful as the dragon, but even training requires hard work.

And dragon, just need to sleep.

It’s no wonder that in ancient Chinese myths, many weird Divine Beast and so on are sleeping most of the time. Daring lovers are practicing their fighting skills in their dreams!

After leaving the intermediate student area, the two got into the car prepared by the college.

When the car left the college and was driving at high speed, Solli said directly to Yang Tian: “I want to learn from you the battle skill you just learned.”

Solli refers to the martial arts that Yang Tian learned from Zhu Wei.

“This…” Yang Tian hesitated.

Seeing Yang Tian’s hesitation, Solli was a little disappointed, and said: “I shouldn’t make such a request, I’m sorry.”

Yang Tian said with a smile:” You misunderstood, it’s not that I don’t want to. But… let me tell you about our rules. Both Zhu Wei and I came from the same Earth, but we are not people of the same age.

When I was born, I didn’t think much of this rule, but in Zhu Wei’s era, the inheritance of a skill required the consent of the elders…”

Yang Tian said After that, Solli finally understood, nodded, “In other words, you need Zhu Wei’s consent?”

“Yes!” Yang Tian said.

Actually, if Yang Tian passed martial arts to Solli, Zhu Wei would not say and so on, but Yang Tian felt that letting Zhu Wei decide is a kind of respect for Zhu Wei.

The car rushed forward and soon entered Kaye City.

As soon as she entered the city, Sorley let the car’s intelligent driving system slow down.

At the intersection of the wide avenue, three-dimensional advertisements are being played.

A very beautiful woman is walking in high heels. The walking posture looks very wonderful to a man.

“That woman is quite beautiful!” Yang Tian said with a smile.

In fact, Yang Tian originally wanted to say that the woman’s walking posture was very beautiful, so she changed her mouth when she felt it was inappropriate.

Sorrie said: “That is the famous movie star, Star Sea Ziye. She is the only heir to the Star Sea family. She is powerful and powerful, but unfortunately she doesn’t like cultivation.”

Sorri finished speaking, Yang Tian nodded with a smile, he didn’t expect, such a woman with a special status would actually advertise for the company of Qiguangyu and Colorful!

After walking through the city for a while, the car stopped in front of the Universe Bank.

The two got out of the car and walked directly into the door of the Universe Bank.

More than three hours later, Yang Tian and Solli came out of the bank gate.

The faces of both of them are full of smiles.

Everyone took out half of the star crystals obtained from the previous experience and exchanged them into standard star crystal blocks.

Yang Tian has more, more than 60 million. If you count the ones that are not exchanged, there are more than 100 million. This is a huge number.

If you know that the Glory spent 5,000,000 at the beginning, you can invite the star guards of the star king class.

Sorri’s gain is less, but there are also more than 40 million.

With so many star crystals, just like the dead primordial star said, after a long period of time, Yang Tian and Solli don’t have to worry about training resources.

Becoming the cultivation path of Powerhouse, training resources are indispensable, especially the hard currency such as Xingchenjing.

A cultivator with innate talent is likely to run around the universe to make money because of lack of training resources, thus wasting a lot of cultivation time.

After getting in the car, the two went straight back to the college.

Yang Tian doesn’t want to cause trouble to Qiguangyu and the two sisters, he knows that he might be monitored!

When Yang Tian returned to the high-level area of ​​the college and returned to the door of the villa, he saw Professor Shenwu sitting at the door, as if waiting for him for a long time.

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