After everything was ready, Yang Tian stepped on the Transmission Formation Plate.

After the blue light in front of the eyes disappeared, what appeared in front of Yang Tian’s eyes was a grassland that was too wide to see the edge.

The place where he is now is a high platform with a Transmission Formation Plate inlaid on it.

The spherical auxiliary device also appeared beside Yang Tian.

At the same time, the helper reminds Yang Tian that he has successfully deducted hundreds of thousands of star crystals.

As soon as I entered this virtual world, the hundreds of thousands of stars are gone…

After the fee deduction prompt, the helper prompts the primary task to start again, probably in Earth time. In about a minute, hunt ten swift beasts. Velociraptor is a stellar warrior-class alien…

Although this is a virtual battle world, it is essentially a virtual game.

When Yang Tian walked off the transmission platform and moved towards several hundred meters in one direction at will, suddenly ten green rays of light flashed around.

When the green rays of light disappeared, ten animals with a body length of ten meters, resembling tigers, and exotic animals with scales on their bodies appeared.

As soon as these strange beasts appeared, they glared at Yang Tian, ​​his body fell slightly, and it seemed that he would rush over at all times.

The scene is very virtual, and after these strange animals appeared, there was a smell of stench in the air.

Just entering this World, Yang Tian still has no weapons in his hands. It looks like he can only fight these strange beasts with bare hands.

In fact, this level is also a test for the cultivator who entered this virtual world for the first time.

If you can’t defeat these ten monsters, you can immediately return to the teleportation platform and leave. This is a chance to give up to the cultivator who came here for the first time!

Although this is a virtual world, injuries and deaths can also cause harm to the body of the real world.

“ao ~”

Suddenly, one of the swift beasts howled and moved towards Yang Tian rushed over.

Yang Tian stepped on the ground with both feet, and rushed toward the strange beast.

a man and a beast, at a distance of about 20 meters, the swift beast suddenly jumped up, opened its huge mouth, and bite Yang Tian’s neck.

The speed is very fast, no less than the speed of the Stellar Warrior cultivator.

Faced with the swift beast that suddenly jumped up, Yang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly accelerated.

In an instant, Yang Tian appeared under the belly of the swift beast, and hit the belly of the swift beast with a punch.

This blow into the sky fist, knocking the huge swift beast into flight.

“ao ~”

When the swift beast’s body rolled in the air, it let out a mournful cry, and then slammed it on the ground with a’boom’. motionless anymore.

At this time, another swift beast also rushed over.

“peng peng peng 蓬……”

Yang Tian silhouette flashes continuously, and within two minutes, ten swift beasts will be killed.

These virtual swift beasts died. After a while, the green light flashed and the corpse disappeared.

After Yang Tian killed ten swift beasts, he immediately got the prompt of the auxiliary device, the primary task was completed, and a thousand battle strength value was rewarded.

“What is the value of battle strength?” Yang Tian asked.

The helper said: “The battle strength value reflects the combat ability value of the virtual world experiencer. During the battle, whether it is hunting or killing other animals, you can get it Corresponding battle strength value. The more times you win, the more battle strength value you get.

At the same time, for battle strength value, there is also a battle strength list. For some virtual world activities, you must You have enough battle strength value to participate.

So, Sir Long, after you enter this virtual world for the first time, you must increase your battle strength value as soon as possible, so as not to miss some high reward activities.”

Yang Tian nodded, he asked again: “If you enter the experience of this World first, isn’t the battle strength value high?”

The helper replied: “Yes, However, the farther you go, the harder it will be to obtain the battle strength value. Those who enter the virtual time later have enough time to catch up. Moreover, if there are rewards, there will be penalties. For example, if some tasks cannot be completed, the battle will be doubled. The value of strength.”

After the helper was finished, a question appeared in Yang Tian’s mind. He asked: “In reality, every cultivator, even the same realm, must have different battle strengths. Yes, then, how do you judge the basic battle strength of the cultivator?”

Like Yang Tian just now, a task that others may take ten minutes to complete, he completed in two minutes.

This is a big difference, which must be related to the body of the real world.

The helper replied: “It’s very simple. The virtual world reads the information in the experiencer’s brain, and the experiencer’s brain truly records the experiencer’s cultivation and battle process in the real world. , And then, the virtual world intelligent system will analyze this information, and add the experiencer’s ability and power’s attributes to the experiencer’s virtual body.”

Hearing this analysis method, Yang Tian Unexpectedly, he asked again: “In this way, the virtual battle world of Yuxing can fully know the power’s attributes of the experiencer, the habitual battle trial, etc., is this a leak?”

If it is as expected by Yang Tian, ​​the developer of this virtual battle world is too terrifying!

The helper is replied: “Little Sir Long, you don’t have to worry about it at all, because, no matter how detailed the data obtained by the virtual world, it’s just data, it’s just a simulation.


For example, the power you have, what we get, is only superficial information, and we cannot create this power in reality because of this information.

Moreover, in the brain of the experiencer The virtual system cannot read the information completely. Once you try to read the deeper information in the experiencer’s brain, rejection will occur.

After the helper is finished, Yang Tian thinks about it. , Finally understood some, but he was still a little worried.

For example, the person who entered this world created special energy in the current world, just like Yang Tian, ​​created the original Li, then, has this virtual world read the information of this creation process?

Thinking of this, Yang Tian has the urge to quit this virtual world.

His brain As soon as this thought came to me, suddenly, I felt the world around me tremble and became a little fuzzy.

“Little Sir Long, do you want to quit the virtual battle world of Yuxing? “At this time, the auxiliary device asked.

Yang Tian decided to calm his mind, put out a long breath.

The surrounding world regained clarity at once.

At this time, Yang Tian said with a smile: “Cultivation is a complicated process, and creating energy that suits you is also a complicated process. What if you know the process? Everyone’s physique is different. “

After speaking, Yang Tian turned his head and looked at the auxiliary device and said: “Next, what am I going to do?” “

Now, Yang Tian no longer rejects this virtual world.

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