
In a very short period of time, Yang Tian’s hands and feet all turned into dragon claw. At the moment of falling, Yang Tian probed his hands and turned into Dragon Claw’s hand easily pierced into the ash-gray stone of the stone structure.

In this level, if you carry a weapon, with the sharpness of the weapon, you can dig holes in the stone, and all cultivators can climb smoothly.

Yang Tian now, it is equivalent to possessing a weapon, this level is no longer a problem for him.

“chi chi chi……”

Yang Tian no longer cares about potholes, uses both hands and feet, and moves fast on the steep stone pillar, as if walking on the ground. The sharp claw on both of his hands is three centimeters long and can easily penetrate into the rock.

“ha ha ha……”

In the process of rushing forward, Yang Tian was so happy that he couldn’t help laughing.

Yang Tian’s laughter spread far and wide, and it was particularly ear-piercing to those cultivators who gritted their teeth and climbed.

Yang Tian’s vigorous silhouette passes in front of each cultivator.

Seeing that someone passed this way, some people couldn’t help being stunned, their hands and feet messed up, and they fell straight down.


When Yuxing saw the display on the monitoring screen, his eyebrows were frowned.

At the same time, the virtual world system of Yuxing has received a lot of complaints from cultivator again. You must know that the reward activities at this time are live.

Many cultivators saw Yang Tian transform, the first thought is that Yang Tian cheated. Or, the virtual world system gave Yang Tian preferential treatment.

It is not a strange thing for the cultivator to transform. After the cultivator reaches the stellar realm, through special training, it can control a certain part of the body to change.

In this reward activity, the cultivator who can transform is definitely not only Yang Tian alone?

Then, why only Yang Tian can transform, but other people can’t?

The first possibility is that Yang Tian cheated. This is something cultivators can tolerate; if it is the second possibility…Since this virtual world has lost its fairness, what else is there to play? .

To know that staying in this virtual world for a day will cost hundreds of thousands of star crystals. If these star crystals are given to ordinary person, they can make people live a life of ease.

At the same time, the second possibility is that it violates the Universal Commercial Treaty and will be severely sanctioned.

Yuxing is the designer and operator of this system, and naturally understands this truth.

If he is a pure businessman, he will immediately exclude Yang Tian from the virtual world.

Then, he will issue a statement saying that Yang Tian is exploiting system loopholes…

But Yuxing is a cultivator, and he now desperately wants to know what is in Yang Tian What happened to me.

According to the truth, all things in the virtual world, including people and things, are virtualized. Without the permission of the system, this situation will never happen…

Yuxing is a super-star powerhouse. He has experienced more winds and waves. At this time, he is extremely calm. After a short period of thought, he indifferently said: “Look up and see what happened.”

” Yes! My lord.” The management program of the virtual world system replied immediately.

In this spacious space, I have been talking directly with Yuxing. In fact, it is the management program of the virtual world system.

The management program is also a highly intelligent program with independent thinking ability. Its role is to communicate between Yuxing and the main program of the virtual world.

And the construction of Yuxing virtual battle world is another program, that is, the main program. Its intelligence is actually not as powerful as a management program.

However, the computing power of this program is unparalleled. It can be said that it is the fastest program in the universe.

Here we are talking about “program”, not hardware system.

On Earth, everyone knows that the computing speed of a computer system mainly depends on the hardware system.

In the technologically advanced universe, it is different. The speed of calculation depends on software programs.

The main program for constructing the virtual battle world of Yuxing is not good enough for intelligence, and it is extremely difficult for Yuxing to communicate with it.

Therefore, there will be an artificial intelligence program, sandwiched between it and the main program with powerful calculation speed.

This is an extremely weird phenomenon. A program with fast calculation speed does not necessarily have independent thinking ability, that is, it does not produce intelligence.

And smart programs are not necessarily the fastest.

In the universe, some virtual world systems and some large base control systems are constructed in this way.

In the process of querying the management program, Yuxing was actually very worried.

What he is worried about is something really wrong with the system. If this is the case, he will probably lose a golden rooster laying eggs.

Yuxing is a cultivator and also an artificial intelligence program hobbyist. The core program of Yuxing Virtual Battle World was written by him through the management program, but in this process, he also used a strange and complicated program segment.

I don’t know much about this program segment, but after adding it to the program I wrote, it produced unexpected results.

The result is that the power of the cultivator can be identified and simulated, and it can be reflected in a very real way.

Other virtual worlds cannot do this.

Therefore, the virtual battle world of Yuxing will appear.

This system gives Yuxing a huge wealth and allows him to have sufficient resources to improve his realm.

With huge wealth, Yuxing has also formed a strong Great Influence……

In addition to wealth, this system can also help him obtain training information, power information, etc. from cultivators.


“Look! What’s the situation?”

“You can transform yourself! Then I will try…no!”

“That person is cheating!”

“Why can he transform, but I can’t go!”


Seeing Yang Tian passing by, some people were talking to themselves, wanting to try to transform, but they couldn’t do it like Yang Tian.

Many cultivators who participated in this level couldn’t help getting angry.

Yang Tian ******** climbed up, wanting to get the first place, but I didn’t know that the entire Yuxing virtual world had been bred for his transformation. A big storm that can destroy this World.

What’s the truth?

What I want to know most is not Yang Tian, ​​nor the cultivators who came to this virtual world, but Yuxing, the owner of this virtual world.

When Yuxing is calm on the surface, but is extremely anxious in his heart, it took 3 minutes for the management program to sound, “My lord, the main program actually produces primary intelligence, it… I am a little dissatisfied with your approach, so…”

“So, it actually went against my will!” Before the management program was finished, Yuxing said solemnly.

Yuxing’s voice is full of anger.

In Yuxing’s mind, the main program doing this is tantamount to betraying him.

“Master, not exactly.” After Yuxing finished, the management program said: “The main program does not give the small dragon the transformation data. It is caused by the small dragon’s body data mutation. As a result. This process, the main program did not stop.”

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