The strange program of’interference’ without Yang Tian consciousness can control Yang Tian’s body. And at this time, the strange program also noticed that Yang Tian was in need of energy supplement.

So, the strange program controlled Yang Tian’s body, opened the storage bracelet, and took out a green spar box from it, and after opening it took out a black, stellar star main-level beast core… …

Because of being able to read the information in Yang Tian’s brain, the strange program also appears to be very proficient in controlling Yang Tian’s body.

So… If Yang Tian loses consciousness completely, can this strange program completely dominate Yang Tian’s body?

This is the so-called body possession.

Of course this is not possible. If Yang Tian loses consciousness, of course he loses his life. Without Yang Tian’s consciousness, his body cells will die very quickly.

If it is an ordinary person type body, the strange program may also be able to try.

But cultivator…their bodies have evolved to a new state of life. The cells of the body are more closely controlled by consciousness, and they are more closely connected. Even if the strange program has some crooked thoughts, it can’t be done.

As for ordinary person, their brains simply can’t accommodate strange programs.

Yang Tian in the dark, when he was a little anxious, suddenly, some dense light spots appeared around.

As soon as these light spots appeared, the entire Dark World gradually brightened.

Yang Tian’s vision is restored, and the consciousness has felt the body’s existence again.

With the supplement of sufficient energy, those light spots are getting brighter and brighter, and the broken spirit strength world fragments also clearly appear in Yang Tian’s vision.

Next, the strange situation happened again.

Those shattered fragments recombine at an extremely fast speed to form a planet one after another.

And the original spirit strength world has actually become a universe!

Although Yang Tian’s vision cannot see the edge of this universe, he knows that this universe is not like the universe outside the body, it is infinite.

This process of fragmenting stars, in Yang Tian’s feeling, only has a short ten minutes. But outside, ten days have passed.

Feeling that the energy of Yang Tian within the body gradually stabilized, Xiao Qinglong finally let go of his mind.

Actually, even if the strange program did not send out to help Yang Tian before, Xiao Qinglong would also think of ways to supplement the energy that Yang Tian needs.

Because Xiaoqinglong has a mysterious connection with Yang Tian, ​​he can naturally perceive what Yang Tian needs.

When the planet is fully formed, the process of this time has not yet been completed.

This universe still needs a lot of energy to supplement.

Just now, the strange program controlled Yang Tian’s body, and the process of taking out the beast core was naturally remembered by the brain. After Yang Tian came back awake, he did not blame the strange program.

He knows this kind of critical situation, and the singular procedure is very correct. After getting along for so long, Yang Tian also trusted the strange program extremely.

Know that it was the nucleus of the main star of the star that was swallowed before. This time, Yang Tian directly took out a red permanent Star Domain main-level beast core from the storage bracelet.

This energy consumption made Yang Tian very surprised.

Because the fleshy body was promoted to the realm before, it only swallowed a star warlord-level beast core and completed the promotion.

And the promotion of spirit strength has actually swallowed the beast core of the permanent Star Domain main level.

Maybe this beast core needs a lot of energy after it is digested. I don’t know if in the end, will even the only superstar warlord-level beast core be swallowed…

This red permanent Star Domain main-level beast core enters the body, then After that, not only Yang Tian’s spirit strength world, but also Yang Tian’s fleshy body, also reacted.

Yang Tian patronized the spirit strength world before, but ignored that when he swallowed the beast core, at least 20% of the energy was absorbed by his body.

The body cells that have absorbed enough energy have also changed. Unconsciously, Yang Tian’s Fleshly Body Realm was actually upgraded to the star star king level!

And the azure’egg’ in his Dragon Ball world has also changed. Before it was azure, and at this time, golden-yellow spots have appeared on it.

And the colored ring surrounding this’egg’, the rays of light emitted are brighter.

At this time, Yang Tian hasn’t noticed this change yet, and he has completely focused on the spirit strength world.

If Yang Tian notices the changes in the body at this time, then the next thing may not happen…

cultivation is a very precise process, at the same time, It is also an adventurous and exciting process.

Some cultivators may be mediocre and seem very mediocre at a low level, but when they are promoted to a higher level, suddenly their battle strength becomes extremely powerful, far surpassing other people in the same level. .

Perhaps it was because of something unexpected happened during the promotion process.

And this kind of accident may be able to create a genius.

To put it bluntly, this is the same as the evolution of the ordinary person class. Body cells like ordinary person also have mutations.

And this kind of accident in the cultivator is like a mutation.

Of course, this kind of accident, if one out of a thousand people can survive it, it’s not bad. So no cultivator wants something unexpected to happen when it is promoted.

Cultivation cultivators with more energy types are more likely to have accidents in the process of promotion than a cultivator with a single energy.

In Yang Tian’s body, there are at least four types of energy.

Dragon Ball Power, Bloodline Strength, Spirit Strength, in addition to these three, there are three kinds of force generated after the fusion of energy.

With a cultivator with three types of energy, the chance of unexpected changes during the promotion process is about 50%.

There are four energies within the body like Yang Tian. If there is no accident, God is blind.

What is the accident?

When the energy of the main level beast core of Constant Star Domain is absorbed by Yang Tian’s body cells, spirit strength world, dragon ball power, bloodline strength, and force.

First of all, the situation of spirit strength world has changed.

On those newly formed planets, a beautiful habitable environment appeared, but the luminous points in this universe suddenly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, it was Yang Tian’s Dragon Ball world, that azure, golden-spotted’egg’, suddenly cracked on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, the strengthened original force began to rush in Yang Tian’s body uncontrollably.

In the spirit strength world, it gradually became dark.

In the Dragon Ball world, after this’blue egg’ was broken, what Yang Tian had guessed was not a giant dragon, but a dazzling ball.

As soon as it appeared, it looked like a star, emitting hot rays of light.

At this time, Yang Tian noticed the change of Dragon Ball world.

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