Super Star God Temple is a powerhouse organization, but in fact, it is the actual ruling organization of many Star Domains.

However, it does not ask about the political affairs of the countries under its Star Domain, and the rulers of these countries need to hand in a portion of their wealth to the Super Star God Palace at regular intervals according to their financial income. .

In addition to paying tribute and money, the people of these Star Domains are also not allowed to slander the Super Star God Temple or appear to be against the will of the Super Star God Temple.

Also, if there is a war between countries, one of the parties can apply for the mediation of the Super Star God Temple, and the Super Star God Temple has the final decision.

Each empire must report to the Super Star God Hall before the ruler inherits.


In addition to these, there are many detailed regulations.

This kind of rule is somewhat like the rule of ancient China during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and it is also like the rule of the vassals; some are like the political and religious rule of the Western countries.

Hundreds of worshippers like this, hold a meeting with High Priest, and of course all discussions are major events.

In the generation of Goddess in Xichen, and in the previous era, Goddess will be there to hold such meetings. But since Xichen Goddess, although the temple has not made explicit regulations, it defaulted not to allow Goddess to participate in such meetings.

At the same time, the freedom of Goddess is also subject to certain restrictions.

Among these hundreds of worshippers, especially the High Priest, everyone has a Peak skill.

For example, the omniscient High Priest Kaya; the perceptible High Priest Hong Yujiu; like Feiyun High Priest, he is proficient in the rune technique, High Priest Taiyu……

Super Star God Temple is an organization, there is no absolute ruler, so there will be such a meeting.

“The old man and Yuheng High Priest have calculated that within this cosmic calendar, a major event that threatens our transcendence of the Star God Temple must occur. The last cosmic calendar, that accident Although the source was extinguished by our Seniors, its roots still exist…”

A rickety High Priest slowly stood up in the eyes of hundreds of people, using a low The voice said.

What he said is a cosmic calendar, equivalent to Earth 50,000 years. And that change refers to the trouble that Xichen Goddess and the mysterious youngster have brought to this universe.

Many cultivators will guess that although this universe is big and looks like it is infinite, there is another universe, the same space as this universe.

However, when the Super Star God Temple was established, in order to establish its dominance in this universe, it declared that it was the only cosmic space, and the top realm of the cultivator was the Great Star God.

But with the ebbing of time, countless years have passed, and more and more people doubt these claims.

Even some of the Super Star God Halls have practiced to the top, that is, the powerhouse that became the Great Star God, all mysteriously disappeared.

These powerhouses have left the Super Star God Hall, apparently to pursue higher realm of life.

Although everyone knows it, others are not allowed to speak out, so as not to make the Super Star God Palace lose its majesty.

This is like the constitution of a country. If the constitution loses its majesty in the hearts of the people, the country will definitely be doubted by the people and even shake the foundation of a country.

So, everyone understands things, but people outside are not allowed to announce it everywhere, lest the Super Star God Temple collapses like a rotten building.

This rickety Elderly, named Guanyu, and Yuchen High Priest, are the two prophets in the Super Star God Temple.

The so-called prophet is a cultivator that can Foreseeing Future.

Foreseeing Future, this is not a mysterious thing, because there is time and energy that make up this universe. As long as you can use some Time Rule to see the future, it is not difficult.

The sages on Earth said that everything has a cause and an effect. If it is seen by these prophets, then the result can be changed.

At the end of Guanyu High Priest, he also mentioned Yang Tian. He said, Yang Tian is the key to cutting off the root cause.

Hearing the name Yang Tian, ​​Hong Yujiu frowned and looked up at the expressions of Guanyu High Priest and Yuchen High Priest.

Hong Yujiu is the most adept at observing beauty and knowing how to make choices. He is a person who knows the world. So during this period of time, Qin Fei contacted Yang Tian through the immeasurable star master. After he knew it, he opened one eye and closed one eye.

Because the black clothed masked man Hong Yujiu saw before was really shocking. In front of that man, he dared not even think of resistance.

So, he doesn’t interfere much with matters related to Yang Tian and the current Lord Goddess.

He watched the eyes of the two prophets mentioning Yang Tian, ​​as well as the expressions on his face, and the subtle movements on his body. He wanted to know why Qin Fei was selected as Goddess.

The process of Qin Fei becoming Goddess really made Hong Yujiu a little confused.

Although Qin Fei was brought to the Super Star God Temple by himself, he was just a runner in the whole process. At that time, Hong Yujiu was not yet High Priest, so, Guanyu High Priest said, then he went…

“Yang Tian, ​​it must be that Yang Tian…”

Seeing the two prophets mentioning the word’Yang Tian’, the same expression appeared in the eyes of Guan Yu and Yu Chen, Hong Yujiu was sure that all this was related to Yang Tian.

Soon, Hong Yujiu thought about it again. This may be a game set by several Old Guys.

On the last cosmic calendar, Xichen Goddess and the mysterious youngster won several Old Guy plots against.

It is indeed Hong Yujiu who can read people’s hearts. He just glanced at it and got some answers he wanted to know.

Guanyu High Priest finished speaking and sat down slowly.

What this prophet said, is actually waiting for Yang Tian to come back and bring back Feiyun High Priest and that mysterious youngster’s corpse, the problems he will face, and how to deal with them.

In the words of Guanyu High Priest, this is to cut the source of the accident.

Why do you want to do this?

Naturally, it is to maintain the dominance of the Super Star God Temple, obscurely, of course, to maintain the interests of these people.

This major event has made up his mind and set up many solutions, and then began to talk about the selection of gods in Superstar Academy.

If the Super Star God Temple is a government organization, then the priests are a group of politicians, and the gods! In fact, they are the thugs of these’politicians’.

Speaking of this issue, a High Priest named Tahe stood up and told the ministry that each of the five gods recruited this time would be assigned.

The universe is huge, and the Super Star God Temple needs a lot of’thugs’, and some rebellions and so on often occur. Although the Super Star God Temple is very good, there are many forces opposed to it.

Faced with such a situation, it is necessary for the gods to intervene, so many gods will inevitably die in battle, which requires new gods to supplement.

Tahe High Priest proposed that the chief gods selected this time need to guard the nine barbarians Star Domain.

As soon as the voice fell, many priests couldn’t help but their eyes opened wide, and they seemed a little surprised.


Because the Jiuban Star Domain is a place of extreme danger, the Super Star God Temple almost completely abandoned the Star Domain.

Send the gods to pass, isn’t it obvious that people will die?

Tahe ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, turned his head and glanced at the two prophets, then sat down.

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