The light gradually dimmed, and dozens of large luminous balls appeared above the manor, emitting bright beams of light that crossed and connected each other, forming a light net, projecting a bright light curtain on the entire manor.

This kind of rays of light is similar to the rays of light of the stars, so that people in this manor seem to have returned to the day from the evening.

In this situation, many people are not surprised, looked up, and then continued to chat.

More than a dozen humanoid robots carrying drinks, various cakes, barbecues and other food, shuttled among the crowd, appearing very busy.

Yang Tian looked up at the top light curtain, lowered his head and took a sip of wine.

Since the announcement of the formation of the Long Family, the three of them have been silent for a long time.

Yang Tian is thinking about forming a family.

And Zhu Wei and Qi Guanghao want to hear Yang Tian’s thoughts.

This is a major event, and it costs countless money. With the financial resources of the current Shuangjiao Group, it is far from being able to provide the level of forming a family.

Yang Tian never thought of drawing money from Shuangjiao Group. He knew that for the group company that was developing, doing so was undoubtedly killing chickens.

After a long time, Yang Tian said indifferently: “Don’t care, let’s play the banner before talking.”

After speaking, Yang Tian couldn’t help but laugh.

Zhu Wei also laughed.

Only Qi Mitsuhiro was confused.

Originally, this banquet of the nature of staff gatherings went on peacefully. Didn’t expect that when the sky outside was completely dark, a luxurious blue extended maglev sedan drove into the manor. .

When human science and technology develop to a certain stage, the cars, spaceships, etc. designed using mathematical principles, even the two planets that have never been connected, are similar.

Except for the lack of wheels, the cars of this World are all similar in appearance to those on Earth.

In Yang Tian’s view, the appearance of some cars is not as good as those designed by Earth humans. Of course, there are also reasons for different aesthetics.

The door opened, and first six big men got out of the car. Then, a youngster got out of the car.

The six big guys and this youngster are both cultivators. The body exudes waves of energy.

The six big guys who got out of the car first are obviously bodyguards, and the cultivation base is the planetary king realm.

And surrounded by six bodyguards, it seems that the youngster, who is in his twenties, is only in the realm of planetary warlord class.

Yang Tian took a look, then turned his head, and asked Zhu Wei: “You alone can protect the two of them?”

Zhu Wei shook his head and said : “I wanted to find more people. I had found a batch before. As a result, those people couldn’t work for a few days, so I was dismissed. It was too difficult to find someone who I trusted.”

After finishing speaking, Zhu Wei immediately added: “Don’t worry! They have joined the business alliance, and ordinary people don’t dare to make their ideas.”

After that, Zhu Wei gave Yang Tian explained what kind of organization the business alliance is.

The Universe Business Alliance is a huge organization, and the net worth of its members must reach a certain amount. At the same time, it has decision-making power over some large companies.

After becoming a member of the business alliance, you can get the protection of this organization by paying a certain membership fee every once in a while.

Of course, another prerequisite is that the protected member cannot be a cultivator.

This is a strange rule, but it is very practical.

The ordinary person and the cultivator are people of the two worlds, and the business alliance does not want to be involved in the battle between the cultivator.

In Zhu Wei while speaking, the youngster had walked in front of Qiguangyu and looked extremely attentive. He was talking and laughing with Qiguangyu holding a drink.

These are simply not dangerous. The six bodyguards of this youngster are still distributed around him, keeping some guests away from his Qiguangyu.

“Who is this person?” Yang Tian turned his head, looked at this youngster carefully, then turned around and asked Zhu Weidao.

This youngster has short hair, the hair is silver white, and he is wearing white casual clothes. He looks very energetic.

“The Taichu family’s name is Taichu Yuchen. That’s all, a rateless child of the Taichu family.” Zhu Wei said with disdain.

Qi Guanghao also understands a little bit. At this time, he said: “I have heard from the students that this man has many women and is not a good man.”

After falling, Zhu Wei couldn’t help but laughed and glanced at Yang Tian.

A powerhouse, whether it is in money or in the realm of cultivation, as long as one of them is achieved, it is normal to have many women.

Zhu Wei doesn’t believe it, Yang Tian has no women like it yet.

Zhu Wei knows, there is Solli in the academy, and Qiguangyu, I heard that a woman named Qu Yan Guying came to the academy recently, and she has some relationship with Yang Tian.

Yang Tian naturally knows the reason for Zhu Wei’s laugh, so he can only shook the head helplessly, he has never had the idea of ​​playing Qiguangyu.

In the beginning, Yuchen came, and it didn’t take long for several youngsters to turn up without being invited, and they all put on a big show.

The bodyguards brought by these people will drive the three hundred people who came first.

The originally peaceful banquet suddenly changed.

After many people greeted Qicai, they left with helplessness.

Seeing Qiguangyu surrounded by several youngsters, frowning from time to time, Yang Tian finally stood up and walked over.

Seeing Yang Tian coming, several black clothed han immediately stopped in front of Yang Tian.

This is too much!

Yang Tian slowly raised his hand, and it appeared to be casually patted on the arm of a black clothed man, said with a smile: “Please let me.”

By Yang The black clothed man who Tian was shooting was dumbfounded immediately, his body trembled slightly, and the expression on his face suddenly became ugly.

Because Yang Tian sent a trace of force into this person’s within the body.

Faced with the weird force of Yang Tian, ​​this person immediately called all the power within the body, and finally consumed the force.

But it was not over yet, after consuming the force, my whole body was numb, and it was difficult for me to speak smoothly.

“Please let…” Yang Tian said with a smile, while raising his hand, touching these black clothed big men.

Everything touched by Yang Tian is the same as the black clothed man before.

Soon, Yang Tian came more and more to stop him, came to Qiguangyu’s side, and naturally lived up to Qiguangyu’s waist, and said to the pampered young master with a smile : “I’m sorry, she’s already very tired, there is something, can you talk about it later?”

Yang Tian suddenly appeared, making these people stunned.

Yang Tian is holding Qiguangyu’s waist, this kind of intimate movement, Qiguangyu’s expression is also very natural, as if this is normal for her.

Could it be that Qiguangyu is often hugged by this man…

At the beginning, Bai Chen, = and the other six family children, looked very ugly.

“Who are you?” At the beginning, Yuchen looked at Yang Tian and asked with frowning.

“introduce myself.” Yang Tian smiled and said: “Blue Long Family, Yang Tian.”

Yang Tian?

When several people heard this name, they all felt very familiar. As for the Green Long Family, they have never heard of it.

“xiu ~”

When these people were in doubt, the blue shadow flashed and appeared on Yang Tian’s shoulder.

Now, someone finally knows who Yang Tian is.

In the early days, Yuchen remembered it first, Kantian Yang Tian smiled, he gritted his teeth, and said to Qiguangyu: “Since you are tired, I won’t bother you.”


After speaking, Bai Chen turned around and left immediately.

Who is Yang Tian?

The Taichu family knows best, even the Supreme Beginning Stone star in the superstar realm has just been defeated by Yang Tian.

And the Taichu family immediately cancelled the reward order for Yang Tian, ​​and strictly ordered the children of the family not to have any conflicts with Yang Tian.

This is of course not that the Chu Family suddenly became weak, but that Yang Tian became a powerhouse that made them somewhat dreaded. Because to kill a powerhouse in the superstar realm, the price to pay was too great, which harmed the interests of the family.

In the early days, Yuchen was just a rateless member of the family. Of course, he didn’t dare to provoke Yang Tian and could only leave immediately.

He wants to report this matter immediately. It seems that to obtain Shuangjiao Jili’s controlling stake, he has to find another way.

In the beginning, Yuchen left dingy, and the remaining six people may know who Yang Tian is, or maybe they don’t know, no matter what the situation, they also bid farewell to Qiguangyu one after another, with The bodyguard team left the manor.

After all gone, Yang Tian let go of Qiguangyu and laughed sorry to Qiguangyu.

At this time, Qiguangyu’s face was already red, put out a long breath, and then smiled and said to Yang Tian: “I was doing pretty good just now?”

“En!” Yang Tian nodded with a smile.

“haha! This is the name of the Long Family. You have to design a family crest…” Zhu Wei haha ​​smiled and walked over.

After Zhu Wei finished speaking, Yang Tian grabbed the small blue dragon on his shoulder.

In the blank eyes of Xiaoqinglong, Yang Tian put it in N kinds of postures. Finally, he erected his upper body, lowered his head slightly, and opened his four claws…… This appearance satisfied Yang Tian some. However, there are still some flaws.

“Small dragon, cooperate and open your mouth.” Yang Tian thought for a while and said to Xiaoqinglong.

It was the first time that Xiao Qinglong was fiddled with by Yang Tian, ​​but it knew why Yang Tian did this, so it opened its mouth with sharp eyes.

“Okay! Just like this, take it down. This is the badge of our Blue Long Family.” Yang Tian was finally satisfied, and said to the colorful.

“Okay!” Qicai immediately took out a palm-size instrument from the storage bracelet, and quickly photographed the appearance of Xiaoqinglong.

After taking the photo, Yang Tian let go of the little green dragon, and said with a smile: “small dragon, in the future you will be the symbol of our green Long Family.”

“zhi zhi!” Xiao Qinglong yelled in excitement and responded twice.

Qicai soon designed the family badge that Yang Tian wanted for Yang Tian to see.

The shape of the badge is round, and the little green dragon is surrounded by a golden circle, looking domineering.

This makes Yang Tian very satisfied, nodded.

In this way, the badge of the Blue Long Family finally became, from now on, and it has been passed down in the universe…

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