Just out of the valley, not only Solli, but even Yang Tian was a little nervous. This is not fear, but a novel excitement in my heart.

Climbed up to the face, it looked like an octopus with a helmet on its head and an eight-legged monster insect under its belly.

This is the cap worm, which can spit extremely corrosive venom.

Seeing this insect crawling over, Yang Tian and Solli both stopped and looked at each other.

Both of them clenched their weapons, ready to kill this insect at any time.

Fortunately, this insect stopped more than ten meters away from Yang Tian and they moved towards and crawled aside.

In this situation, Yang Tian and Sol Li both sighed in relief.

The two continued to move forward, and neither of them spoke in order not to expose themselves.

There are many insects, almost every few steps forward, one insect passes by.

When there are no enemies and prey, these insects behave very calmly and appear extremely leisurely.

These insects seem to be very hungry. When Yang Tian and Solli were walking forward, most of the surrounding insects ate the black rocks on the ground.

Because these rocks are rich in organic matter, there are also some metal minerals and water, which can provide energy for their activities.

After walking for a few minutes, Yang Tian saw thousands of insects! If the insect density is the same on the entire planet’s land, it is estimated that it will not be long before the organic layer on the planet’s surface will be eaten up, thereby reproducing more insects.

When the food is digested, the insects will become confused and start fighting each other. At that time, migratory insects will be born.

Walking forward for about half an hour, Yang Tian stopped on the top of a low mountain and took out the Telescope from the storage bracelet.

Yang Tian glanced around with Telescope, and what caught the eye was all densely packed insects.

There are still not many insects in the valley, because of the symbol array, the insects will not be close.

At this time, there are as many as dozens of insect types appearing in Yang Tian’s eyes.

There are insects that are as large as a hill, and there are also insects the size of fingers…

Because of the existence of these insects, this planet has become alive and well. . It is a pity that plants are missing.

However, even if there are plants, it is estimated that these insects will soon be eaten up!

Putting down the Telescope, Yang **** Solli made a gesture to express the meaning of going back.

At this time, it is almost dark. Once the night is over, and half of the day is passed, the time for this level of assessment will come.

Sollie is nodded.

Although she has a worm brain on her body and will not be attacked by an insect, Sorri still has no sense of security, and she still stays comfortable in the talisman before.

The fly in the ointment is that after taking off the armor in the valley, I feel a little uncomfortable…

The two of them just walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped together.

The little green dragon lying on Yang Tian’s shoulders also turned around, looking behind Yang Tian, ​​his eyes widened with a vigilant expression.

The two of them are a dragon, and they both noticed a strong energy wave passing over.

From the energy fluctuation of this level, we can know that it is a super star powerhouse.

Yang Tian learned through the last experience that at any time, at any moment, other cultivators are potential enemies to him.

Yang Tian and Suoerli immediately turned around and looked towards the direction that exuded strong energy fluctuations.

At this time, even without Telescope, you can see the situation ahead.

That are two cultivators.

One of them was wearing green armor and looked like he was running away, while another strong black-armored person was chasing behind him.

From the perspective of the realm, the escaped green armored person is obviously inferior to the black-armored person behind him. In a few blinks, the black-armored person overtakes him.

Soon, the green armored man was bombarded and killed by the black-armored person.

The whole process, not even one minute.

This clearly reflects the gap between the stellar realm and the superstar realm.

After the green armor cultivator was bombarded and killed by the black-armored person, the black armor cultivator in the Superstar realm disappeared in a flash.

The green armor cultivator that fell on the ground was instantly overwhelmed by the insect swarm.

The fighting of others has nothing to do with him. Yang Tian was about to leave with Solli. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and a tall black-armored person appeared at several dozens away from them. The place of meters.

An insect noticed this black-clad cultivator, and immediately rushed over, was kicked to pieces, and made a sound of’puffing’.

The visitor is not good!

Yang Tian and Solli both frowned, and both of them clearly noticed that this black-armored person was full of hostility towards them.

The visitor was Uyala. After he killed a green armor cultivator again, he found Yang Tian and Solli. For him, the two are his next prey.

After kicking an insect to pieces, Uyala took a look at Yang Tian and Sol, and suddenly the body moved and rushed towards Yang Tian.


Yang Tian is not comparable to those of the cultivator of the stellar realm. Uyala’s blow was punished by him.

The two fists collided and there was a loud noise.

This fist, Yang Tian stood in place from beginning to end, but Uyala stepped back dozens of steps before stopping.

Yang Tian will not emit a strong aura when he does not use the original force. Only then did Uyala know his realm by using power.

It’s actually a superstar realm!

Uyala did not expect, such a seemingly ordinary cultivator is actually a cultivator in the superstar realm!

The movement of the battle immediately attracted a large number of insects.

Yang Tian stared at Uyala who had stopped, and said to Solli: “You stay away.”

Sorli immediately nodded and flashed into the distance .

Yang Tian shook his numb hand, smiled and said to Uyala: “Your strength is not very good!”

Uyala heard Yang Tian In this way, although he could not see the face behind Yang Tian’s mask, he also guessed that Yang Tian was a disdainful smile.

The opponent is obviously a level lower than himself, how can he stop his punch?

The powerful force of Yang Tian surprised Uyala very much.

Know that Uyala is a cultivator of Super Star Warlord level, one level higher than Yang Tian.

The more the cultivation realm goes to the back, the more difficult it is to improve. Correspondingly, there is a big difference between the battle strength and the small realm in a great realm.

“You are courting death!” Uyala was irritated by Yang Tian’s words, deeply shouted, and moved towards Yang Tian again and rushed.

Seeing Uyala pounced again, Yang Tian flashed aside.

Because the singular program told Yang Tian, ​​let it experiment a new project.

What project?

At this time, the middle-aged god on spaceship was also excited, and the situation he was looking forward to finally appeared.

The two most powerhouses in this assessment finally met.

Not only the middle-aged god generals, but also the other staff members, have set their sights on the surveillance screen of the two.

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