The question Yang Tian wants to ask, Kaya High Priest already knows.

When Kaya High Priest remembered the question Yang Tian wanted to ask him, he recalled a beautiful and magical Star Domain that he encountered when traveling in the universe a long time ago.

That Star Domain is rather peculiar, because both stars and planets are more than ten times larger than ordinary planets.

Of course, the gravity of these planets, and the entire Star Domain formed by these planets, are extremely powerful.

Kaya High Priest discovered this Star Domain and was about to enter, but was stopped by a powerful man.

The power of that person is so terrifying that even today’s Sky God High Priest is far from being compared.

The man only took a breath at Kaya High Priest, and Kaya High Priest’s body moved towards the back uncontrollably. At that time, Kaya High Priest only felt that the sky was spinning, and his eyes could not see any rays of light. It was dark…

When Kaya High Priest woke up, he was surprised to find that he actually Being blown away from hundreds of thousands of distances.

Everywhere in Kaya High Priest, the coordinates of the star map are always recorded in detail.

Although he was blown away from the Star Domain, Kaya High Priest still followed the star chart coordinates and went again to see what was in the Star Domain.

However, when he arrived for the second time, he found that this mysterious Star Domain had disappeared, not where it was.

It’s like, dozens of stars and tens of thousands of planets in the entire Star Domain, plus countless death stones, were moved away by life.

This shocked Kaya High Priest, and it was also the strangest thing he encountered during his travels.

Although the Star Domain that originally existed in this starry sky has disappeared, Kaya High Priest has not given up at all, and is searching hard in the vicinity.

The hard work pays off.

Several years later, the mysterious Star Domain reappeared. This time, Kaya High Priest saw many star beasts, which is what Earth humans call dragons.

In the huge planets in Star Domain, the color of each planet is different, there are golden-yellow, azure, blue, black…

and various colors The star beast lives on the planet of the corresponding color.

Through high-tech equipment, Kaya High Priest photographed many star beasts playing and fighting in space. In this Star Domain, these powerful star beasts are not harmonious, and there will be battles between various races.

Finally, Kaya High Priest was also surprised to discover that the powerful star beasts in this Star Domain can actually transform into a human form and live a life like a human.

Also, in this Star Domain, there are not only star beasts, but also the big azure bird; the white one has long hair, sharp teeth and four strong A strange beast with claws…

Kaya High Priest is like a voyeur, staying in front of this star Foreign Domain for a long time.

When he was about to enter this Star Domain again, the human powerhouse transformed into a star beast discovered that Kaya High Priest this time was not blown away, but was shot flying with the palm of a person.


Until now, whenever I think of the situation at that time, a loud noise echoes in Kaya High Priest’s ears.

The powerhouse that shot him flying, not at all wanted to kill him.

This time, after Kaya High Priest woke up, he found that he was farther away from the Star Domain.

After waking up, there was a sentence in his ear: “Don’t come to the Star Domain of the Dragon again, otherwise, kill!”

From then on, Kaya High Priest I have never been to that piece of Star Domain.

When Yang Tian said’Dragon’s Star Domain’, Kaya High Priest opened this long dusty memory.

After lying on the ground for a while, the singular program designed the detection program, and Yang Tian turned over from the ground.

Taiyu High Priest has set the cracking difficulty of the symbol array to the highest level. If Taiyu High Priest is asked to crack it in person, it will take a long time.

All the High Priests looked curiously at the picture of Crystal Ball. They were all extremely patient characters. They came to observe Yang Tian, ​​and naturally they would leave after watching the whole process.

So, they all waited with Yang Tian for more than an hour.

The cultivator of cultivation rune, memory is also very powerful. Taiyu High Priest saw that the gestures used by Yang Tian now are very different from before.

Circle of rune energy radiated from Yang Tian’s hand again.

Just like last time, in Yang Tian’s mind, the rune energy lines covering this space appeared.

Very dense!

When the singular program simulates the picture, after displaying it in Yang Tian’s mind, Yang Tian thought he was wrapped in a big colored silkworm chrysalis.

Countless energy lines in space, layered on top of each other, seem to have no gap at all.

Whether it is on the top of the head, on the ground, or around, it is all.

Detected out, the next step is to crack.

The method of cracking is the same as last time.

Furthermore, the singular program also told Yang Tian that as long as it was modified in the previous cracking program, it would do.

This will undoubtedly save a lot of time.

When the strange program began to calculate and designed a cracking program for this space, Yang Tian walked around at will. From time to time, he squatted down and touched the ground.

“What is he doing?” Seeing Yang Tian’s actions, a High Priest asked aloud.

Taiyu High Priest said: “He is touching the energy line of the rune.”

Taiyu High Priest said that, no need to explain in detail, everyone understands Up.

If you can sense the energy lines of a rune array, it also represents the time before the rune array is broken, already not far.

“He is very difficult to deal with! I can’t believe it, he is so young, he can have such a high level of accomplishments on rune…” After a while, Taiyu High Priest muttered Said to himself.

Before Taiyu High Priest finished speaking, Kaya said: “I think, what tools did he use! Didn’t Feiyun be found by Yang Tian? Maybe he left from Feiyun In things, I found some rune tools.”

However, Taiyu High Priest shook the head, “This is even more impossible. If Feiyun High Priest is to crack this rune array, it will not be so easy. It seems that he didn’t use any rune tools either, at least I didn’t see it.”

“If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” Yuchen High Priest suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Yang Tian is the person I have encountered, who will change the most in the future. No matter how we calculate, it is impossible to predict his future. Just like the last time, we calculated that he will go to Jiuban Star Domain… After going through an assessment, his future has changed.”

The Sky God High Priest stared at the picture on Crystal Ball, frowned and asked: “Why is this? You two The Prophet’s previous calculations are very accurate, including the arrival of Goddess, which will give us what we want.”

Yuchen High Priest shook his head said with a bitter smile: “The future is changeable, so Everything we do, including our calculations, will change its future invisibly…”

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