Two days later, Yang Tian and four other gods who were selected by the Super Star God Hall were taken to the entrance of the main hall of the Temple Palace.

The five people are Yang Tian, ​​Solli, Kista, Haoyu Moyan, and Black Star Infinity.

In the main hall of Goddess Palace, Qin Fei aloof and remote, on both sides of which stood dozens of sacrifices.

It looks very solemn and majestic.

While waiting outside the hall, Yang Tian said a few words to Solli’s novel, and he was called into the hall.

Except Yang Tian, ​​the other four people bowed to Qin Fei.

An old priest stood up and talked about a lot of rules beyond the Star God Temple. Next, it was time to arrange the ministry.

In addition to Yang Tian, ​​what the other four want to hear most is the next arrangement of the Super Star God Hall for themselves.

The first is Chista, he is arranged to guard the nine barbarians Star Domain.

As soon as the voice of the old sacrificial priest fell, Kista looked very excited, one-knee kneels, and gave a salute to Qin Fei of aloof and remote.

Guarding the nine barbarians Star Domain is a very rewarding ministry.

The reward of 100 million star crystals every year, Chista is now at the Super Star Warlord level, so he can also get a Super Star King level beast core.

This beast core alone is equivalent to the reward of guarding the nine barbarians Star Domain for hundreds of years.

Of course, this beast core will not be available until Kista expires. If during his tenure, his realm rises to the superstar king level again, then he will be able to obtain a superstar main level beast core.

In addition to the rewards of the temple, when guarding the Jiuman Star Domain, you can also use the official authority for private interests. Super Star God Temple does not object.

Actually, this is the big head!

If it is not for completing the plan, Yang Tian will strive for such a ministry.

However, although the rewards are very generous, they have to work hard to get them!

After announcing Chista’s ministry, next, it was Yang Tian’s turn.

Unsurprisingly, Yang Tian’s ministry is to stay in the temple on standby, temporarily living in the universe. The reward is much less than the Kista, only 10,000,000 star crystals per year.

After the old sacrificial ceremony was announced, he glanced at Yang Tian.

Yang Tian embraces both hands, turning his head.

This kind of action, in the eyes of others, is very dissatisfied with the arrangements made by the temple. But the fact is that Yang Tian doesn’t want to salute the wife above.

The old priest didn’t say anything about Yang Tian’s rudeness, and then announced the appointment of Haoyu Moyan and Heixing Wuji.

These two people are all arranged to go out to guard the Star Domain, and they are the same Star Domain, acting as the deputy of a god general.

This kind of ministry is very safe, the reward is average, the two have no complaints, just like Chista, they salute Qin Fei.

They saluted Qin Fei, but in fact they worshipped the Star God Hall that’s all.

Everyone knows that Lord Goddess is just a decoration.

Then it’s Sollie’s turn.

Sorri was placed next to a woman named Roman High Priest as a captain of the guard. Sorri is only in the realm of stars, and has no complaints about this arrangement, so she bows to her respectfully.

For this arrangement, Solli is actually very satisfied, because she and Yang Tian both stay in the Super Star God Hall, and they can see it in normal times.

In the past two days, Sorri has inquired about that in the Super Star God Hall, the gods and generals can communicate with each other.

After finishing the ministry arrangement, Qin Fei got up from the high seat, in the eyes of everyone. Slowly walked down the steps.

Today, Qin Fei wore a gorgeous black gown and painted some light makeup to look mature, giving a noble feeling.

“Congratulations to you for being a god general in my super Star God Temple. I hope you will work hard for the stability of the Temple and the peace of the universe…”

After stepping down, Qin Fei said lightly while walking.

These are almost formulaic language. When Qin Fei spoke it out of Qin Fei’s mouth, Chista and others heard it, but were a little excited.

When they came to the five people, the five white robe maids brought five certificates of ministry, that is, five scrolls made of special materials.

Qin Fei took the scroll from the tray and handed it to five people one after another.

Except for Yang Tian, ​​the other four people took it with both hands.

Yang Tian grabbed the scroll in his hand and unfolded it to see that this thing was actually like a portrait of a person.

On Yang Tian’s ministry certificate, it is Yang Tian’s own portrait, next to the portrait is the ministry description. On the other side, there is a string of glowing red talisman texts.

This kind of rune equivalent to Earth is a seal used by humans, but with its anti-counterfeiting function, the rune above will only light up if the person holds this proof.

If there is no this method, with the ability of cultivators, it is estimated that most of the gods sent by the Super Star God Temple will be impersonated.

After handing over the ministry certificate to the five people, Qin Fei and other five people will read the certificate, and after receiving it in the storage bracelet, they indifferently said: “Yang Tian stayed, and the rest were gone. Come on!”

When Qin Fei said so, most of the priests frowned.

This is not in compliance with the rules, but at this time they cannot refute Qin Fei, because it will affect Lord Goddess’s status in people’s hearts.

Yang Tian stayed, Solli and the four gods also left, and most of the sacrifices also left.

Finally, in the empty great hall, only Yang Tian, ​​Qin Fei, an old sacrificial priest and Qin Fei’s maid were left.

Hong Yujiu, who has been with Qin Fei, is not there, but there is an old priest left behind. Qin Fei saw the old priest staying behind, turned around, looked at the old priest and said, “Did you not hear what I said?” Qin Fei’s sullen look is to the old priest , Of no use at all. The old priest said with a smile: “For the safety of Lord Goddess, I can’t leave.”

“What about you?” Qin Fei looked at a group of white-robed maids again, coldly said.

These maids didn’t dare to violate Qin Fei’s orders. After giving a salute, they immediately retreated. In the end, only Larry stayed.

Larry stay, this is what Qin Fei ordered.

In Yang Tian’s eyes, Qin Fei’s body at this moment really has the majesty of a superior. It is a pity that the old priest ignored her.

“small dragon.” After the maids left, Yang Tian winked at the little blue dragon lying on his shoulders.

Little Qinglong understands the meaning of Yang Tian, ​​jumps down from Yang Tian’s shoulder, and turns into a giant dragon.

The dragon that Xiaoqinglong becomes incarnation this time is very big, the largest Yang Tian has ever seen. After it was transformed, it curled up.

And Yang Tian and Qin Fei are right in the middle of Xiao Qinglong’s body. At this time, no matter which direction you look at, you can’t see Yang Tian and Qin Fei.

At this time, the sight of the old priest was blocked by Xiao Qinglong.

The little green dragon raised its huge dragon head and stared coldly at the old sacrifice.

The old priest frowned and looked at Xiao Qinglong, not knowing what to do for a while. Because Xiaoqinglong is Yang Tian’s beast pet, although it turned into a giant dragon, he didn’t take the initiative to attack him.

The rule of the temple is that no fight is allowed in the temple.

Yang Tian and Qin Fei seized this very short time and kissed each other together. In this direct way, they expressed their longing for each other for a long time.

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