In the process of copying data, Yang Tian was still a little nervous, because he didn’t know when someone would arrive.

The people who enter here are all High Priests. The cultivation base of these people can kill him and Xiao Qinglong with a finger.

More than three hours later, the 100th chip has been copied.

“Master, I found it.” Suddenly, Ding Dang reminded Yang Tian.

When Yang Tian listened, his eyes brightened, and he eagerly said to Ding Dang: “Open and see!”

Ding Dang opened a projection window and projected a three-dimensional image in the air Come.

What appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was a small galaxy, very similar to the solar system.

Yang Tian saw one of the blue planets, and said to Dingdang: “Enlarge this planet and have a look.”

Dingdang immediately made this one similar to Earth Planet zoomed in, and Earth’s data is also marked above.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Dang said: “Master, this is the coordinates of an exile star.”

In the universe, there are actually many galaxies similar to the solar system, but they are both satisfying. With multiple conditions, Yang Tian is certain that this is Earth, although the shape of the land above is different from that of Earth today.

“Has the data replication of this chip been completed?” Yang Tian took a closer look, and after confirming that this was the Earth he was looking for, he asked Ding Dang.

“The copy has been completed.” Dingdang replied.

Yang Tian rolled his eyes and said to Ding Dang: “Replace the coordinates of this planet on this chip.”

“Which coordinates should be replaced?” Ding Dang ask.

Yang Tian thought for a while, “Do whatever you want! The farther away from Earth, the better.”

“Master, Dingdang understands.”

Dingdang Back to complied, a few seconds later, he said to Yang Tian: “The data on the chip has been changed. The date above remains unchanged.”

“Good!” Yang Tian nodded with a smile.

In this way, if Yang Tian takes Qin Fei back to Earth in the future, no one remembers the coordinates of Earth. Even these High Priests beyond the Star God Temple, it is impossible to find Earth in a short time. Right!

Yang Tian believes that there should not be any sacrificial priest in the Super Star God Hall, who will remember the coordinates of some exiled planets.

After replacing the data, Yang Tian took the chip off the clang and replaced it with a new chip.


Superstar Academy, in the private room of Dean Xingyi.

The Dean Xingyi lying on the bed is already dead. The energy of his within the body is quickly dissipating, and Professor Fu Wei has to use the talisman formation to maintain his life.

At this moment, there are dozens of professors in this room, and everyone has a sad expression on their faces.

Not only because Dean Xingyi is about to pass away, they are also sad that there is always an end to their lives, thinking that they will have such a day.

Dean Xing Yi is a kind old man. After so many years in Chaoxing Academy, the professors in the academy convince him.

Not because of his strength, but because of his profound knowledge.

If it weren’t for spending a lot of time on things of interest, Dean Xingyi could live a long time.

Like the humans on Earth, Dean Xingyi called so many people here to explain the funeral.

“The new dean is Yaoxing Guna, that is, the god general you met last time. This person is not easy to get along with. Please don’t argue with him in the future, especially Shenwu, Fu Wei, Zhao Hong…you guys have weird tempers… Try not to see him in the future! I don’t want to build any graves after I die. I don’t want my tomb to be a training project for the students.”

Speaking of which, Dean Xing Yi couldn’t help laughing.

His voice is extremely low.

Shenwu, Professor Fu Wei and the others whose names were mentioned by Dean Xingyi, their eyes became warm.

Once the emperor and the courtier, these people who had no ambitions in the Super Star God Hall, came out of the temple and entered the Super Star Academy, and they had a comfortable life, all thanks to Dean Xing Yi’s Take care, otherwise, with the temper of these people, it is estimated that even Superstar Academy can’t tolerate them.

Dean Xingyi was struggling to speak at this time. After a pause, he continued: “The old man knows that you have all accepted Xichen’s invitation. The old man wants to persuade you not to get involved. Go inside. If the academy really can’t stay any longer, go to die Star Domain…wait.”

“Why die Star Domain?” a professor asked curiously.

Dean Xing Yi did not answer, but closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

It seems that Dean Xingyi didn’t want to say anything more about this matter.

“My dean, you can rest assured that we will take care of your little granddaughter.” Professor Shenwu said indifferently.

Dean Xing Yi has no relatives. The only thing he cares about is the little girl he brought back from a habitable star when he went out thousands of years ago.

The little girl’s name is You Yinxi.

This little girl is very strange. Thousands of years have passed. She is still eight-nine years old and has not grown up at all.

But the appetite is so amazing that even an ordinary person cannot support her.

Hearing what Professor Shenwu said, Dean Xingyi opened his eyes and glanced at Professor Shenwu with gratitude.

This is the last glance of Dean Xingyi, Professor Shenwu’s appearance slowly becomes blurred in his eyes, the light is getting darker and darker, and finally, it is darkness…

After a while, the body of Dean Xingyi lost Life Aura.

Faced with the body of Dean Xingyi, the professors bowed.


The little red-clothed girl who was walking in the mall when she was taken out of Superstar Academy by the female assistant beside Dean Xingyi suddenly started to cry.

This little girl has long red hair. This red hair is not the red of the Yuyang clan, but the golden color in the red. Her pair of eyes are very beautiful saphire blue, which is very cute. Everyone who has ever been Emperor Scripture in her will take a look involuntarily.

Though a thousand years have passed, You Yinxi’s body has not grown up, and his intelligence has remained at eight-nine years.

During these millennia, Dean Xingyi has often observed her body cells and found that there are no signs of aging, as if the ebbing of time had no effect on her.

Dean Xing Yi has lived for a long time. Of course there were women and children when he was young, but after a long time, his women and children have passed away. Now those of the Star Yi Family clan People don’t know how many generations it will be.

Many years ago, Dean Xingyi severed his ties with the family, and You Yinxi became Dean Xingyi’s only relative.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing You Yinxi cried, the female assistant came to her and knelt down and asked.

“grandfather is gone…wu wu wu…”

As You Yinxi said, the female assistant’s eyes were also red, and she brought You Yinxi out, also Xingyiyuan Long meaning, because Dean Xing Yi didn’t want her to see her death.

However, after Dean Xingyi passed away, You Yinxi still felt it.

“Yinxi doesn’t cry, everyone has such a day, grandfather will look at you from far away…” The female assistant kept comfortable.

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