No matter how big the Super Star God Hall is, it is just a cage!

Yang Tian couldn’t help sighing in his heart, and at the same time, he also understood Qin Fei’s feelings. He can easily leave the Super Star God Hall, but as the Goddess of Super Star God Hall, Qin Fei cannot.

Super Star God Palace shouldn’t need a role like Goddess…

But soon, Yang Tian saw Lord Goddess under the rule of Super Star God Palace. The status in the mind of the ordinary person category.

After the Black Dragon spaceship flew away from the Super Star God Hall, Yang Tian asked the spaceship’s intelligent driving system to open the interstellar map and found the eclipse on it.

Yang Tian didn’t put the white chip that the Super Star God Hall gave him into the card reader on the spaceship bridge.

The nine barbarians Star Domain is on the interstellar map, but it is not absent.

He didn’t even want to follow the route prescribed by the Super Star God Temple to go to the Jiuman Star Domain.

At the same time, after those things when he left, Yang Tian also worried that the chip was manipulated.

What if there is a virus on it, or the interstellar coordinates are fake? It’s not a good thing to be lost in the starry sky.

Spaceship’s intelligent driving system soon opened the interstellar map for Yang Tian, ​​and enlarged the Star Domain where the eclipse was located.

The universe is very big, and there are many planets with the same name. If the names of planets are repeated, there will be special instructions when searching on the interstellar map.

There is no planet with the same name as the eclipse. Yang Tian immediately let the intelligent driving system set the route to the eclipse, and ordered the spaceship to fly to the eclipse at the fastest speed.

After the order was issued, the Black Dragon spaceship immediately moved towards the eclipse star and flew away.

The eclipse is not far from the Super Star God Hall, it will be there in about twenty minutes.

Spaceship came out of the Space Jump state, and after flying for a few minutes, the eclipse star was displayed on the big screen in the cockpit.

When you hear the name’eclipse star’, it gives the impression that it is not a planet with a good environment.

After the situation of the eclipse star surface appeared on the screen, Yang Tian changed his impression of it.

It turns out that the eclipse is a very beautiful planet.

From the data of planet, it is one third larger than Earth. The surface of planet and the ocean area account for most of it, reaching 60%.

On land, the area covered by vegetation has reached 50%.

Because it is a modified planet, the plants and animals on it have been carefully selected and arranged very delicately by humans.

From outer space, the ocean is blue, while on land, there are circles of plants of different colors, green, red, purple…there are dozens of colors Much. The brightly colored plants and the exquisite layout make the large areas of land look like blossoming flowers.

Because it is close to the Super Star God Temple, the residents on the planet are strictly selected and loyally support Super Star God Temple’s rule over this Star Domain.

The buildings on the planet are not very high because the population is not very dense. Compared with the Earth before the YS virus outbreak, the population is too far away.

The biggest buildings on this planet are those temples dedicated to Goddess.

The temples displayed on the big screen of the cockpit are very magnificent and exquisitely built. The outside is clean and tidy, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

They believe in Goddess, just as the humans on Earth believe in spiritual gods.

Because it is a small spaceship, Yang Tian showed the code on the black card again, and the Black Dragon spaceship was allowed to land on the planet.

During the 20-minute sailing time, this guy from Kura City actually fell asleep, and the spaceship landed in the eclipse’s Yugang. He hasn’t woken up yet, and is still playing. Very loud snore.

Seeing the saliva flowing out of the corner of this guy’s mouth, he wetted the seat and looked very disgusting. Yang Tian wanted to make Xiaoqinglong burn his ass.

After the spaceship stopped, Yang Tian said to Xiaoqinglong: “Small dragon, wake up this guy.”

Little Qinglong is nodded.

Looking at Juliang City, Xiao Qinglong’s eyes had a playful look.

The little Qinglong who hovered in the ear of Juliang City suddenly opened his mouth.

“ao ~”

A majestic roar came from Xiao Qinglong’s small mouth.

Stunned by this sound, Juliang City suddenly opened his eyes and was so scared that he dodged in the cockpit blankly. After he was completely awake, he realized that it was Xiao Qinglong.

Moreover, spaceship also stopped.

“I have arrived, disembark.” Yang Tian forcibly resisted a smile, said lightly, turned and left the cockpit.

And Xiao Qinglong waved the dragon claw to Juliang City before flying to Yang Tian’s shoulder.

Juliang City just put out a long breath, secretly scolding oneself for disappointing, too courageous…

From then on, when walking with Yang Tian, ​​as long as Xiaoqinglong is there, He never dared to fall asleep again.

This time Xiao Qinglong woke him up with a roar, next time?

Will you burn him with fire and strike him with lightning?

I have to say that Juliang City has already produced a psychological shadow on Xiao Qinglong.

Out of the spaceship, Yang Tian couldn’t help but take a deep breath. The oxygen content on this planet is particularly sufficient.

At the same time, the temperature is not high, and the face is blown by the breeze, very cool.

To transform a planet so perfect, I have to say that it is all due to science and technology.

Yang Tian couldn’t help thinking at this time, if this universe had no cultivator, what kind of situation would it be like.

Is there no war and everyone lives on a planet with a beautiful environment?

It is wonderful when I think of it, but in fact, it is impossible.

Because as long as humans have greed, even on the same planet, there will be wars, let alone the entire universe.

Without the existence and constraints of a cultivator, it is estimated that the biochemical weapons manufactured by human beings will turn the entire universe into a bizarre and motley, a world where survival is difficult.

Also, without a cultivator, it is difficult for humans to defeat the insect race. In such a world, human survival is even more difficult.

Yang Tian already knows that besides this universe, there are other universe worlds. Does the universe without cultivator also exist?

Thinking indiscriminately, Yang Tian took the Black Dragon spaceship into the storage bracelet, handed over a piece of Star Crystal at the management office of Yugang, and left Yugang with Julian City.

Yang Tian does not intend to leave this planet immediately, because he still has one thing to do, which is to purchase the micro-machines that the strange program allows him to buy.

“Yang…Brother Yang. Jiuman Star Domain is very dangerous. As a surveillance, you are not welcome, so…” After leaving Yugang, he went for a distance, Juliang City Just speak.

When it comes to the word’so’, the city of Kura does not continue.

“So what?” Yang Tian asked while walking without stopping.

Juliang City laughed, “Let’s go slowly! The environment of this planet is so beautiful, we can stay for more time.”

Yang Tian said: “In that case , You can’t go to the top.”

Juliang City’s eyes rolled and said, “Brother Yang, you are believing or not. The above does not stipulate when you will arrive. It is all the people below. “

Of course, Yang Tian understands this truth, but just laughed and walks towards a shopping mall in front.

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