Seeing Yang Tian, ​​there was no reaction, and Juliang City said again: “Zhi Shulan! She once openly refused to become the Goddess of Super Star God Temple, but is more beautiful and famous than Goddess, and is loved by people. She is also the first Super Star God Temple takes a woman she can’t help but. Although it has been in the past more than 200,000 years, it is worth at least 100,000,000,000 Star Crystal!”


Hearing this number, Yang Tian opened his eyes with surprise.

100,000,000,000 star crystals, Yang Tian’s ten black storage bracelets can’t fit.

“For a corpse, who is willing to produce so many star crystals?” Yang Tian asked even though he felt a little uncomfortable.

Juliang City Road: “Many people, don’t underestimate those families. They are tens of thousands. The wealth accumulated in the years of hundreds of thousands, 100,000,000,000 is just a fraction that’s all. Especially the Zhishu family…”

Juliang City said this, Yang Tian raised his hand, preventing Julian City from speaking.

Selling corpses, he will never do it.

Yang Tian did not ask how Juliang City knew about Zhishulan, because this guy spends more time on the Internet, and it is not surprising to see such news.

200,000 years is too long for human beings on Earth, so long as there is no historical record, only myths.

But for the entire universe, it is a very short time.

Yang Tian has indeed made a fortune.

Of course it’s not the female corpse in the box, but in the silver white storage bracelet, there are that many Yang’s star crystals, which will last a while.

Before returning to Earth in the future, you can use these stars to acquire some technology companies and bring advanced science and technology back to Earth.

There is also rune, which is a good thing. Yang Tian believes that in this universe, no one can compare with strange programs in terms of rune capabilities.

Yang Tian quickly released the second box.

Try it, the password is the same as the box just now.

After opening the box smoothly, fortunately, there is no longer a female corpse inside, but some precious mineral materials.

The weapons and armors used by cultivators require a variety of synthetic materials that are both hard and tough.

These materials are also very valuable. Yang Tian asked Juliang City to check on the Internet. These ores are rare and expensive materials, and the amount is not large, but they are extremely precious.

These materials were very valuable before counting 1 billion years ago, and now the prices have doubled several times.

One of the reasons is that the number of cultivators is increasing. The second is that the storage bracelets used by cultivators cannot be opened after their deaths, which leads to a shortage of cultivation resources.

This is also the reason why many cultivator cultivation choose to travel the universe. Perhaps luckily, when you can find a Star Domain with rich resources and no one has set foot, then you will make a fortune.

According to the calculations by the city of Juliang, the value of these rare ores is about 1 billion star crystals.

Seeing such a value, Juliang City has eyes opened wide. Just take a piece in it, which is worth millions of stars!

In the envious eyes of Juliang City, Yang Tian closed the box and put it into the silver white bracelet.

Next, is the third box.

The password is also the same as the first two boxes.

After opening, the box is full of blue beast cores.

Each beast core has a transparent shell, which is randomly stacked in a box, full of boxes.

These are all stellar warrior-class beast cores, at least thousands of them.

In the past, beast cores were relatively easy to obtain, and there were many alien beasts in the universe, but now they are extremely rare.

“What is the current price of beast cores?” Yang Tian looked at so many beast cores, took one at will and looked at it, and asked Julian City.

Juliang City immediately checked again.

Soon, a price list was listed.

Because the price of beast core fluctuates, and the fluctuation range is still very large, it may now be worth 10,000 star crystals, and after a few minutes, it will rise to hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

Guan Jian depends on the number of people who need it.

The reason for this situation is that the acquisition of beast cores is not like other things. It is said that if you can find a different beast and hunt it, you can immediately find a different beast of the corresponding level.

The most numerous beast cores are of course the beast cores with perishable stars. The value of this beast core is not high, and the price fluctuates from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The beast cores of planetary stars range from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

When it comes to the constant star rating, it is tens of millions to 1 billion. The number of super-star beast cores is the least, which cannot be estimated. If one appears, it will be auctioned. There is a sky-high price of more than tens of billions.

However, because of the rumor that the cultivator can be transformed in the two temples, the price of the beast core has dropped many times.

The blue beast cores in this box are all stellar warrior-level beast cores, even the lowest price of 10,000,000! It is also worth tens of billions.

This is just a conservative price, maybe the actual price can be ten times higher.

Juliang City saw these beast cores, and his eyes were shining.

Yang Tian looked at this guy’s appearance, laughed, and said: “Send you ten.”


I heard Yang Tian like this When I said that, Juliang screamed again, and then he was stunned.

“Don’t you want it?” Yang Tian asked with a smile.

Juliang City realized this, and quickly shook the head, immediately took ten beast cores from the box and put them into his Chu’s wristband.

“Thank you, Brother Yang!” After collecting the beast core, Juliang City chuckled thanked him.

The ten stellar warrior-level beast cores are worth hundreds of millions at the current price! The valuation of the beast core in Juliang City is not as low as Yang Tian.

After Juliang City took the beast core, Yang Tian closed the lid and put it in the silver white storage bracelet.

Next, is the fourth box.

After opening the box, as expected, it was still an animal core.

Because the energy content of beast cores is higher than that of star crystals, most cultivators like to collect beast cores. Even if you don’t use it, you will collect it if you have the opportunity.

This thing will appreciate in your hands. Because over time, there are fewer and fewer exotic animals that can be hunted.

This can be considered an investment method for cultivators!

The fourth box is full of silver white stellar warlord-level beast cores.

Compared with the box of Stellar Warrior-class beast cores just now. The value of these beast cores is several times higher.

This time, Yang Tian didn’t give Juliang the beast core anymore, although the eyes of Juliang were full of expectations.

Yang Tian knows a truth, that is, the more you give to others, the more they expect, and until later, they can no longer satisfy their appetite.

Of course, this also varies from person to person. It seems that Ural is not the kind of greedy person.

Yang Tian didn’t give himself this kind of beast core again. In fact, Juliang City’s heart was still very disappointed, but he quickly threw the disappointment that naturally appeared in his heart into his mind.

Even if there were only these ten stellar warrior-level beast cores, he did not run with Yang Tian this time.

After looking at the beast core in the box, Yang Tian immediately closed the box lid and put it in the storage bracelet.

Next, is the fifth box.

As the value of the things taken out gets higher and higher, Yang Tian also looks forward to it more and more.

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