Yang Tian took off the helmet and walked into the general finger, a tall, middle-aged god general with short dark red hair and black armor was standing beside a three-dimensional star chart, frowning Frown listening to the reports from the people below.

Yang Tian got a reminder before coming. This middle-aged god general is named’Hum Dun’, and he is currently the guardian of the nine barbarians Star Domain.

This person has also just received transformation, and he has only been promoted from the superstar realm to the big star master realm.

He is not the only cultivator sent to the Great Star Master Realm of the Nine Mansions Star Domain, he is not the only one, because after the temple test, his battle strength is the highest, he became the guardian of the official position.

Before the emergence of the Temple of Eternal Life, the Star Domain of the Nine Mansions only needed a cultivator in the superstar realm. But after the battle with the Temple of Eternal Life began, the guard level increased.

Not only Jiuban Star Domain, but also in other Star Domains.

Seeing that Yang Tian had arrived, Heng Dun waved his hand, and dozens of gods around him bowed to him and withdrew from this headquarters.

“Yang Tian, ​​you are late.” After all of your subordinates have left, Heng Dun looked at Yang Tian, ​​said solemnly.

Heng Dun’s complexion appeared very serious, looking at Yang Tian’s appearance at this time, it was like looking at a subordinate who made a mistake.

“Yes.” Yang Tian indifferently said.

Hum the shield nodded and said: “Since you have admitted, in accordance with the wartime discipline, you have been disqualified as a god. Wait for the next battle to start…”

“Wait Just a moment.” Before Hum Dun finished speaking, Yang Tian raised his hand to stop Hum Dun and continued speaking.

“Are you dissatisfied with the punishment?” Hum Dun coldly said.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “Master hmph Shield, are you making a mistake? I am a surveillance sent by the temple, not your subordinate, you have no right to deal with me. Do I have any gods Qualifications are not your final say.”

After Yang Tian finished speaking, Huantun sneered and said: “Nine Mansions Star Domain is now my territory, as long as it is from the temple, everything is It’s up to me.”

Speaking, Hum Dun took out his ministry card from the storage bracelet, and a scroll.

In front of Yang Tian, ​​Heng Dun unrolled the scroll, his portrait appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes, and the portrait showed that Heng Dun had the highest authority to deal with the nine barbarians Star Domain and restrained everything. Come to the Jiuman Star Domain, worship the people in the temple below the post.

This ministry statement is true!

“Your sister!” Yang Tian in the heart cursed.

Because Heng Dun has this kind of power, Super Star God Temple should not send him this surveillance here.

Obviously, the temple is in the pit Yang Tian.

“You have nothing to say, are you?” Heng Dun saw the constant change of expression on Yang Tian’s face, said with a cold laugh.

Yang Tian saw the appearance of Huantun sneer, and also took out the job description from the storage bracelet.

The description of the ministry of surveillance means that after Yang Tian came to the Jiuman Star Domain, he could not interfere in the guarding mission of the guardian generals, and at the same time had the power to observe all guarding conditions, and was not subject to the restraint of the guardian generals . At the same time, if it is found that the guardian god will seriously damage the honor and interests of the temple, the surveillance has the power to dismiss the guardian god…

Before this, the temple surveillance was a beautiful task, just go around outside. , The benefits are more than staying in the temple for hundreds of thousands of years.

Because none of the guards of the Star Domain is clean.

It is a common practice to withhold the salaries and rewards of your subordinates. What’s more, there are people who do business with aliens privately.

Although the Super Star God Temple is very good, there are many people and organizations who oppose it. The “alien” referred to by the Super Star God Temple are these people and organizations that oppose the rule of the Super Star God Temple.

For such guarding gods, they naturally don’t want to let the Super Star God Temple know about such things. They will bribe to monitor…

In fact, these behaviors, High Priests It’s all very clear, just turn a blind eye that’s all.

If there is no good, who would do the dangerous work of Star Domain guarding? You should know that some guards of Star Domain will be killed every once in a while.

As long as you don’t overdo it, everyone will go over.

In the past, everyone wanted to get a surveillance position, and you could make a fortune after walking around! Although it will to offend the person.

Now it’s different. Surveillance is synonymous with exile. Who doesn’t want to go to dangerous places without problems?

Those other monitors are very cool, how come they have changed when they arrive at Yang Tian?

The two men’s ministry explained that there was a contradiction, Hu Dun frowned and stared at Yang Tian coldly, without speaking for a while.

Yang Tian thought for a while, smiled and said: “Master Guard, let me do this! You assume that I have never been here. I will not interfere with you in anything, even if you reverse the Super Star God Hall, I I didn’t see it. Those people sent me here and didn’t have any good intentions. Do you think that would work?”

Yang Tian can’t help saying that, because Huantun is the realm of the great star master. Yang Tian’s realm is too high, Yang Tian is far from his opponent.

If Heng Dun was only a powerhouse in the superstar realm, Yang Tian would not say that.

Yang Tian said so, in the eyes of Heng Dun, he was obviously subdued.

If it weren’t for the order above, Yang Tian would be so soft, and Huantun didn’t want to embarrass Yang Tian. But the above order cannot be violated!

Yang Tian finished speaking, Huantun still said with a sneer: “If you can beat me, I will accept your proposal. Otherwise, I should accept the punishment obediently and honestly and become a sneer. Ordinary soldiers, wait to contribute to the temple!”

This is the hard time!

Yang Tian helplessly, shrugged and said: “Well then! But, are you not afraid of me running?”

Hum Dun said: “You can try!”


No matter where you are, it’s only hard fist talk that counts.

When Yang Tian was about to turn around and leave the headquarters, the voice of Huantun sounded in his ear again: “Leave your ministry card and job description.”

Things are already like this, there is no difference whether these two distinct things are in their hands, Yang Tian took them out and put them on the table.

“Yang Tian, ​​you look down on the reformer.” Seeing Yang Tian put down two things obediently, Huantun suddenly said indifferently.

Yang Tian turned his head and looked at Heng Dun and said: “I didn’t look down on your transformation cultivator like this. I just oppose it. You know it in your heart.”

After saying this, Yang Tian walked directly out of the headquarters gate.

At the beginning, among the thousands of super-star temple cultivators on the observatory, there was Huantun. At that time, Huantun’s battle strength was not as good as Yang Tian.

Now, by virtue of his powerful strength, he can already make Yang Tian obedient.

Looking at Yang Tian turning around and leaving, he snorts the snorted disdain.

For Yang Tian, ​​this is only the 1st Step…

Outside the door, someone is already waiting for Yang Tian.

Is a superstar master-level god general, and he also brings ten superstar subordinates.

Seeing such a formation, Yang Tian couldn’t help but smile.

It’s not easy to run now!

After Yang Tian put on his helmet, he was taken on a high-speed low-altitude aircraft with Julian City.

About half an hour later, Yang Tian was taken to a barracks where ordinary temple soldiers lived.

From now on, Yang Tian is an ordinary temple soldier of the Jiuman Star Domain.

The environment of Wangmanxing is bad, and the barracks are not enough. Ordinary soldiers can only live in Datongpu, which is the kind of barracks where dozens of people live at the same time. However, Yang Tian and Juliang City were arranged in a separate room.

Yang Tian knows that he has been monitored.

Thinking that he was originally monitoring others, but now he was being monitored by others, Yang Tian couldn’t help but smile.

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