A few 10 trillion, are there so many?

After being surprised, the beauty staff and the male staff behind her showed expressions of suspicion in their eyes.

“Why, don’t you believe it?” Seeing the eyes of the two, Yang Tian asked with a smile.

“No…No, please follow us to the back.” The beauty immediately got up and made a gesture of please to Yang Tian.

If Yang Tian was an ordinary temple soldier in the planetary realm, these two people would definitely not believe it. But Yang Tian is a powerhouse in the superstar realm, and it is not the kind that accepts transformation. It is normal to have huge wealth.

The space of this tent is very large. It is divided into two parts. The outside is the lobby for betting, and the inside is a lot of small rooms built with metal walls.

No matter it is outside or in these small rooms, the most advanced temperature and air control devices are installed. Entering from outside the tent is undoubtedly entering heaven from hell.

The small rooms inside are the places where the staff dispatched by the Universe Bank assesses the property of the bettors.

The work of these people is very easy, just sit in this room and wait.

Able to evaluate the property used by cultivators, these people are obviously from cultivator origin. Moreover, their realm is not low.

Du Ben is such a staff member. After he left the Super Star God Hall a hundred years ago, he has been working until now.

Now his realm is the main level of Heng Star Domain.

When he left the Super Star God Temple, he was just a cultivator of the stellar warrior level. He himself didn’t expect. After leaving the Super Star God Temple, his realm could be improved rapidly.

Perhaps it’s because you stay away from those annoying tasks! Feeling relaxed is good for training.

Today, Du Ben, with his ability, has become a director of the eclipse branch of the Universe Bank.

Du Ben was sitting in the room dozing off, and suddenly, the door was pushed open.

If it weren’t for important things, the men would never open this door. Du Ben had already ordered to go down, don’t bother himself if nothing happened.

After the door opened, Du Ben saw a beautiful female employee walk in.

“My supervisor, I have to trouble you with something.” The beautiful female employee said, and made a please sign outside the door.

Yang Tian and Juliang City one after the other entered the door, they saw a black clothed middle-aged man sitting on a comfortable seat, his eyes were still a little hazy, obviously just now It was dozing off.

This little day is really easy! Yang Tian envied this person.

After Du Ben saw Yang Tian’s appearance clearly, he stood up, a little surprised and said: “You are Yang Tian!”

Yang Tian is 20 cultivator participating in the gambling battle One, Du Ben knows Yang Tian of course.

“Hello.” Yang **** was nodded, indifferently said.

Next, the beautiful employee who came with Yang Tian briefly recounted Yang Tian’s affairs, and then retired and closed the door by the way.

“hundreds of thousands are hundreds of millions, the number is a bit huge, I have to ask the above.” Du Ben said, while making a gesture of please to Yang Tian and Juliang City.

There is a round table in the room with exactly three chairs.

After Yang Tian’s Juliang City sat down, he saw that Duben was already contacting his superiors.

Soon, Du Ben got in touch with his superiors and communicated with them for a few minutes in a specific language.

In order to prevent the disclosure of business information, the communication between the senior administrators of some large companies generally uses specially written business language.

Although he did not understand Du Ben’s business language, Yang Tian could still see from Du Ben’s expression that he probably agreed.

Sure enough, after finishing the call, Du Ben sat down and moved the seat closer to Yang Tian, ​​said with a smile: “Yang Tian, ​​hello, my name is Du Ben , Is the director of the eclipse branch of the Universe Bank. After asking for instructions, the above agreed to such a large bet.”

After that, Du Ben raised his hand and made an invitation gesture towards Yang Tian.

This is the action to make Yang Tian take out something.

Yang Tian nodded, stood up, and released a box full of stellar warrior-level beast cores from the storage space of silver white.

Yang Tian has not counted the number of beast cores in this box, but it is estimated that there are thousands of them.

When Yang Tian opened the lid, seeing a box full of blue beast cores, Du Ben opened his eyes wide.

To be honest, even though he has worked in the Universe Bank for a hundred years, Du Ben is the first time he has seen so many stellar warrior-class beast cores stacked together.

Yang Tian pointed to the box and said: “I don’t know the quantity. You count it and see how many star crystals can be resisted! But the word is ahead, these things wait for me to win, you have to pay back Give it to me.”

“These beast cores are not worth hundreds of thousands of billions!” Du Ben was nodded first, then got up and squatted down next to the box, and took out a beast core in the box carefully. Looked, then put it down, stood up and said to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “I didn’t say that there are only these, you can say it after you count it.”

“Okay!” Du Ben is nodded, even if Yang Tian only bets on these The value of the beast core is also a big deal.

Checking so many beast cores, Du Ben was too busy alone, so he called in five men who were also cultivators.

For this business of Yang Tian, ​​this betting point has been temporarily closed. It will reopen after Yang Tian’s betting is completed.

For such a large amount of betting, no matter whether Yang Tian wins or loses, the universe banker will not lose, and will receive a huge amount of handling fee.

This is the reason why Universe Bank is so active. They do not set up a gambling market. Although they make less, it is a net profit business. Unlike those Great families that open betting markets, if you encounter hundreds of thousands betting like Yang Tian, ​​if Yang Tian wins, these Great Family will not hurt your muscles and bones, but will also shed a lot of blood. It still flows very heartache kind.

The entire betting process is kept confidential. Universe Bank acts as an agent for betting. If the bettor wins, the winning money will be directly transferred to the temporarily opened anonymous account.

So, in addition to the staff who accept the betting, those who set up the market, it is also impossible to know that Yang Tian did it in a short time.

After Du Ben’s five men arrived, they began to count the beast cores in the box.

The speed of the five people is very fast, and the beast cores in the box are counted in about ten minutes.

There are a total of two thousand nine hundred and ninety.

As soon as this quantity came out, Yang Tian knew that before the box was opened, three thousand stellar warrior-level beast cores were installed.

At this time, Yang Tian had to sigh again that the previous cultivators were really rich!

After the inventory is completed, Du Ben said to Yang Tian: “These two thousand beast cores are estimated to be 100,000,000,000. What do you think?”

“This is too It’s a pit!” As soon as Du Ben’s voice fell, Juliang City was dissatisfied: “How can there be more than 30 million stellar warrior-class beast cores?”

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