The bottle thrown by Hei Fujun exploded in the air and turned into a red mist.

As soon as the fleshy whiskers of Insect Eater came into contact with the red mist formed by countless small liquid beads, they immediately retracted the fleshy whiskers, opened a big mouth and sucked the red mist into the mouth. .

This red liquid is the transformation liquid, which is also called the original cell by the Super Star God Temple. A cultivator of the stellar realm can be promoted from the stellar realm to the superstar realm with only a small drop.

The energy contained in it is estimated that even the beast core of the big Star God realm cannot be compared with it.

This bottle of transformation fluid can promote hundreds of cultivators in the stellar realm to the super-stellar realm. Now, they have all been swallowed by this worm.

After swallowing so much of the transformation fluid, the insect biting body began to squirm.

Hei Fujun has a weird smile on his face, and he nodded to dozens of companions wearing black robe around him.

These people are all of Heifujun’s subordinates, they are all Rune Dao expert, after transformation, they are all in the realm of the big star master.

The silhouettes of dozens of people flashed, and they surrounded the insects while they were growing and there was no time for them to look after them.

Everyone’s location is generally calculated. Hei Fujun gave an order and dozens of people raised their hands at the same time.

I saw their hands flashing, shouted in unison, invisible rune energy emitted from the hands of dozens of people, enveloping the insects.

Although it is growing, Devourer also noticed the danger, opened his mouth and let out a roar of’Woo’, struggling violently.

The expressions on the faces of dozens of black robed man became solemn, keeping the last gestures still, some people still gritted their teeth.

These people, at the same time, bear the enormous power of Insect Devourer.

Fortunately, the current Insect Devourer is still a strange beast in the planetary realm, and the power of struggle is not irresistible to these people.

Hei Fujun didn’t do it himself. At this time, he saw that the worm was temporarily controlled, and he took out a spike full of rune from the storage bracelet.

This thorn is about one meter long and has a thick arm, just like a nail.

This is a rune Treasure Item, a rune Treasure Item specially used to train strange animals!

Hei Fujun body moved, flashed to the top of Insect Devour’s huge head, and beat the thorn in his hand towards Insect Devour’s head.

With a sound of “pu”, the black thorn passed through the hard scale armor and nailed into the head of Insect Eater.

At the same time, a powerful rune energy fluctuation spread from the body of the worm.

Hei Fujun waved his hand, and dozens of black robed man immediately withdrew the rune energy and flashed into the distance.

The insect biting who gained freedom saw Hei Fujun, the flesh beard on his mouth flicked, and moved towards Heifujun and rolled away.

Hei Fujun sneered, his palms were facing each other, and he quickly changed his gestures, and the energy fluctuations of rune radiated from both of his hands.


The worm suddenly let out a painful roar and retracted the fleshy whiskers. The body rolled in the sky.

A few minutes later, Hei Fujun stopped releasing rune energy, and the worm finally no longer felt pain, and slowly calmed down.

The intelligence of this insect eater is probably equivalent to a human three-year-old.

The painful process just now, not at all let it learn a lesson. When it saw Black Talisman, it stretched out its flesh beard again, and wanted to devour Black Talisman.

Hei Fujun sneered, and once again released the rune energy that controls the rune Treasure Item, the insect biting experienced pain again…

After several times, the insect biting finally became honest. He dared not attack Hei Fujun again, and was full of fear for Hei Fujun.

Hei Fujun was already standing on the huge head of Insect Eater with a smile, very satisfied with the training effect.

This is just the 1st Step. Next, we need to train this insect bitter more carefully so that it can understand its own words and act according to instructions.

Thanks to the transformation fluid, otherwise, this insect can’t stand the energy of rune Treasure Item. After several tossing down, although the insect biting absorbed powerful energy, it stopped growing.

Hei Fujun has no shortage of transformation fluid. He took out a bottle of transformation fluid from his big sleeve and flew to the big mouth of Insect Devourer.

The countless black eyes on the head of Insect Devourer stared at Hei Fujun, but did not dare to move.

Hei Fujun smiled and opened the lid of the bottle.

For Insect Biter, the extremely tempting red liquid beads emanate from it.

As soon as he smelled the scent of the transformation fluid, the beastly nature of the insect eater once again prevailed, and the fleshy beard on his mouth moved again, moving towards Heifujun rolled.

Hei Fujun quickly drew away, received the transformation fluid, and released rune energy again…

After several times, the Devourer finally understood that no matter when, don’t worry. Don’t hurt this black robed man class, otherwise, it will be very painful.

For the last time, watching Hei Fujun hand over the bottle, Insect Eater slowly stretched out a fleshy whisker, cautiously rolled the bottle and put it into his mouth.

With the replenishment of the transformation fluid, the insect biting has grown rapidly again.

Although this kind of beast is not as smart as human beings, their fleshy body is extremely perfect. As long as they have enough energy, they can continue to evolve.

After absorbing two bottles of transformation fluid intermittently, the body of Insect Eater became bigger again. Within a few hours, its length reached ten thousand meters, and its original scales fell off. When the size was fixed, red scales grew.

At this time, judging from the aura emanating from this insect eater, it has been directly promoted to the realm of stars.

After becoming stronger, Devourer is also smarter.

Hei Fujun not at all gave up the strengthening of this strange beast, and took out a bottle of transformation fluid.

A few days later.

After swallowing more than ten bottles of transformation fluid, Insect Eater has become a golden-yellow, and the realm has reached the Great Star Lord Peak Realm.

And its size is already big enough to swallow a planet at will.

At this time, Mr. Black Talisman was satisfied and stopped strengthening the strange beast.

If you continue to strengthen it and hit the rune Treasure Item within the body, you won’t be able to control it.

In order to let this wise creature, who is equivalent to eight-nine years old, remember the lesson, Hei Fujun made it painful again.

Next, it is to train it.


On the Yanxing.

Another night.

After practicing a set of Blade Technique, Yuyang Nansi removed the red armor on his body at the request of Yang Tian.

Yang Tian used spirit strength again to observe Yuyang Nansi’s body.

I have been trying for several days. Whenever Yang Tian uses spirit strength to capture Yuyang Nansi within the body that trace of red energy that moves between cells, this trace of energy is Disappeared.

After the first failure, Yang Tian asked Yuyang Nansi. Yuyang Nansi didn’t know that there was such energy in his body.

Although the Yuyang clan has red hair, in fact, most of them cultivate the power of Qi.

Even Yuyang Nansi.

Yuyang Nansi’s answer made Yang Tian believe that that strange red energy is the Bloodline Strength of Yuyang Nansi within the body.

Bloodline Strength is originally scattered in the cells and requires special training to gather them together and form powerful energy.

Yuyang Nansi has not practiced Bloodline Strength, but has Bloodline Strength…This shows that the Yuyang clan has a special training innate talent.

It’s just that this innate talent has not been unearthed.

Yang Tian is a person who will never give up until he achieves his goal. After several attempts, he also found that every time Yuyang Nansi undergoes some exercise, within the body Only this kind of energy exists.

In normal times, no matter how Yang Tian inspects, he cannot find traces of this energy.

This time, Yang Tian divided his spirit strength into countless ways and entered Yuyang Nansi’s within the body.

After some searching, Yang Tian finally found the trace of red energy again.

This strand of energy is like a cunning snake. As soon as Yang Tian’s spirit strength approaches, it wants to escape.

With a movement of mind, countless spirit strengths begin to encircle this red energy.

In an instant, Yang Tian’s spirit strength formed a big net, enveloping this red energy.

The red energy that can’t escape, the next change makes Yang Tian startled.

It suddenly condenses into a red ball of red light emitting dazzling rays of light.

Even with this change, Yang Tian doesn’t want to let it go.

Immediately afterwards, this red ball of light suddenly became larger, giving birth to a resistance force, trying to break away Yang Tian’s psychic energy net.

The surface of the enlarged red light ball is not smooth. Under the dazzling rays of light, there are countless runes!

This is what surprised Yang Tian.

This kind of energy actually has rune!

What kind of energy is this?

Aware of the strange process of Yang Tian’s thought, he said to Yang Tian: “It is a kind of seal, the seal energy to the bloodline.”

Yang Tian understood, This red energy is not the Bloodline Strength of Yuyang Nansi within the body. On the contrary, it is a kind of sealing energy, used to seal the special energy of Bloodline Strength.

In surprise, Yang Tian’s spirit strength was a little loose, and the strange program promptly reminded Yang Tian, ​​”Calm, I need to read the rune above.”

Yang Tian clenched his teeth and insisted. Start to call more spirit strength into Yuyang Nansi’s within the body.

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