black robed man nodded, took out a chip, and handed it to Yuxingdao: “The old man needs to use your system to crack this chip. The rune information is recorded on it.”

Look When he reached the chip in the black robed man’s hand, Yuxing’s eyes lit up, and said happily, “Master Tianhun, did you find this chip? It’s great.”

Speaking, Yuxingshen With both hands out, he respectfully took the chip in his hand.

This is an ancient chip, black, not as small as the current chip, it is big enough to be palm-sized, and it looks like a compact disc made by Earth humans.

After receiving this chip, Yuxing put it into the card reader.

Under the command of Yuxing, the system starts to read the chip and crack the password in the data.

This will take a while.

Looking at the flashing rune in the projection in front of him, the two were silent for a long time.

This person named Tian Hun stood aside. Yuxing felt a lot of pressure. In order to break the silence, Yuxing asked casually: “My lord, I got the chip. I don’t know the mature World Tree. Seed…”

“Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask.” Before Yu Xing finished speaking, his words were interrupted by the gangster.

Yuxing dare not ask any more.

“The data has been successfully read.”

A few minutes later, the system sounds a beep.

Although the current Royal Star system is only a copy of the strange program, its cracking ability is also very powerful, and it is not comparable to the general intelligent program composed of numbers.

After the cracking is complete, system will display a star map.

It turns out that there is a star map stored on this ancient chip!

Looking at this star map, Tian Hun said with a smile: “This star map is written by a simple rune. If you don’t have your system, use manual cracking, and I don’t know the need How long.”

Yu Xing was very proud and laughed when Tian Hun praised the system named after him.

The star map read is converted into digital format by Yuxing system and stored on a small chip. In front of the sky, Yuxing took out the chip and let the system completely delete all the cracking process and the backup of the star map.

Tian Hun was very satisfied with Yuxing’s approach, and took out a golden-yellow superstar warlord-level beast core and threw it to Yuxing.

Super-star beast cores are very rare and cannot be bought with money. Taking the beast core, Yuxing couldn’t help but happily said: “Thank you Lord Tianhun!”

Nodded Tianhun raised his hand and looked at the two chips in his hand.

With a “click”, under Yu Xing’s gaze, Tian Hun squeezed the old chip into fragments and then rubbed it into powder.

After putting the new chip storing the star chart into the storage bracelet, Tian Hun was about to leave.

At this moment, however, he felt the pendant hanging from his neck shake.

Under Black’s mask, Tian Hun’s brows frowned, and the silhouette flashed and disappeared in Yu Xing’s eyes.

After Tian Hun left, Yu Xing couldn’t help but sighed in relief.


When the chaos reappeared on the same day, he had come to a planet covered with red sand and rocks and the temperature was extremely high.

Sky Mix appeared on this planet, after staying for a while, escaped into the sand.

Soon, he appeared in a vast space underground.

This space is rectangular, as high as several hundred meters, and several thousand meters long and wide. The rocks that make up this space are like red amber, shining brightly and emitting scarlet rays of light.

In this wide space, a huge pyramid stands. The spire of the pyramid is about to reach the top of this space.

This huge pyramid is engraved with rune, flashing and flashing, emitting a red halo.

On the periphery of this pyramid, there are circles of ditches, in which crystal clear red liquid flows. It looks like the rocks that make up this space melted into liquid.

If you look down from the top of this space, you will find that these ditches with red liquid actually form a huge array of symbols.

The huge pyramid stands in the center of the symbolic array.

Outside this huge and peculiar symbol array, the six towering giant tablets are also particularly conspicuous.

Each monument is several dozen meters high and about 20 meters wide, just like the tip of a sword pierced from the ground.

These six monuments are all engraved with pictures.

After arriving in this space and landing on the ground, Tian Hun removed the black cloak covering his head, revealing a wrinkled face.

As soon as he flashed around, Tian Hun came under the first monument. He looked up at the first monument for more than ten minutes.

Then he dodges under the second monument until he has read all the pictures on the six monuments.

When he first came here, Tian Hun’s face was still relatively calm. But when he read the six monuments, a look of hatred appeared on his face.

Actually, the image on the stele describes things very simple and straightforward. It expresses the scene of one race being genocide by another.

In the universe, fighting between races is a very normal thing. The genocide referred to is actually the ruler of one race, killing the ruler of another race and killing the defeated race people Accepted as slave.

The picture described is that the victorious tribe will slaughter all the defeated tribe, even women and babies are not spared.

It is worth mentioning that the battle scene described in the image is extremely magnificent. The powerhouse that appears in it can become very large. You can compare it with the mountain peaks on the image and the flying spaceship. Come out.

“The Yuyang clan, the Yuyin clan, once two powerful ethnic groups, just disappeared into the universe… Today, the Yuyang clan, with this seal, can no longer use this powerful Bloodline Strength ……If you can absorb this energy and turn it into your own energy…”

The angry expression on Tianhun’s face quickly disappeared, he looked at those in the ditch Red liquid, muttered.

It can be heard from his words that Tianhu is not a person of two races…In fact, the organization formed by Tianhu is an organization that collects cosmic treasures.

The treasures that can be seen by this organization are rare things in the universe. For example, the seeds of World Tree, various formidable power rune Treasure Items, and even the bodies of celebrities…

In order to achieve their goals, they are also by fair means or foul. In order to obtain the seeds of World Tree, they Can destroy all Star Domain in the music world.

Many famous powerhouses in the universe have secretly joined this organization. For example, the Black Talisman in the Temple of Eternal Life…

This underground space is also a result of this organization.

To come in from the outside, if there is no pendant on the neck of the Tianmu, even a cultivator of the big Star God realm will not find that there is such a space on this planet.

It has been many years since he got this space, and he couldn’t remember the number of times the sky came in.

Tian Hun really wants to absorb the energy that exists here and turn it into his own power.

In this way, his realm can directly surpass the big Star God and have the ability to break through the barrier of the universe.

Even if he doesn’t use the mighty airship, he can go to the legendary and more advanced universe.

However, after countless experiments, Tianhu has never been able to do it.

Remembering that the pendant on the neck had an abnormal reaction, Tian Hun pulled the pendant from his chest.

At first glance, this pendant is inconspicuous, just like an ordinary oval ruby.

But if you look with a magnifying glass, you will find that there are three-dimensional runes inside it.

The symbolic array formed by these runes is directly related to the large array of this space. As long as there is any change in this large array, the pendant will react.

Pendant just moved a moment, and there was no response.

Tian Hun looked at the pendant in his hand for a long time before he hung it on his neck again.

He didn’t leave at all, but stayed here and waited.

He has lived for a long time, and the patience of Tianhu is unmatched. He decided to stay here for a long time. Perhaps the next big formation in front of me will surprise myself.

It took three full days for the strange program to control Yang Tian’s body, and only then did the talisman formation be described.

This symbol array is not a complete copy of the symbol array on the seal energy, but the singular program has undergone a certain degree of change according to the plan that Yang Tian thought out.

After collecting enough rune information, things related to rune and strange programs are very easy to solve.

After the symbol array was portrayed, Yang Tian took out the stone box containing the mysterious youngster body cells from the storage bracelet.

Opening the lid of the stone box, Yang Tian picked up this strange-looking meat ball with a talisman pen, and put it in the middle of the talisman array.

Next, Yang Tian placed six star crystals on the six grooves on the edge of the symbol array.

This is a rune array that transmits energy, and it doesn’t need much energy. As long as the talisman formation is activated, there is no need for the star crystal to provide energy.

After placing the six star crystals, the strange program controls Yang Tian’s body, and uses a large talisman pen to mark the edge of the talisman array.

This is an energy line connecting two runes.

As soon as this energy line was completed, the azure boulder carrying the symbol array suddenly trembled. At the same time, the rune that constitutes the symbol array, and countless energy lines, all light up, emitting red rays of light.

Yang Tian stood at a place more than ten meters away from the symbol array, staring at the group of cells in the middle of the symbol array.

After the boulder trembled, it calmed down, because the group of cells had already begun to absorb energy.

The’appetite’ of these cells is very large. When it starts to absorb energy, you can clearly see the red light emitted by the rune and energy lines, which becomes a lot dim.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian knew it was successful.

Now, it depends on how much energy these cells can absorb.

Yang Tian does not believe that the energy that seals the bloodline of the Yuyang clan can be extracted endlessly, and it always has a quantity.

Perhaps in a remote place, there is a place dedicated to storing this sealed energy…

The real situation is the same as Yang Tian thought.

When the symbolic array here was activated, the space where the Tiancun was located began to vibrate. At this time, the pendant hanging around his neck was shaking as if dancing.

This space is the Land of Sealing, the place where the bloodline of the Yuyang clan is sealed.

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