“How did you get on the ship?” Seeing You Yinxi, Yang Tian was very surprised.

There was one more person on the boat, and neither he nor Xiao Qinglong noticed it!

But when I think about it carefully, this is normal. When he set off, he and Xiao Qinglong didn’t pay attention to the inside of the ship. They were also very excited. After entering the space channel, they were caught outside again. Attracted by the situation.

The most important thing is that You Yinxi’s body is very special. When she is unwilling, she hardly releases energy.

This is a special ability of the undead, which can make the body look like a dead person. Since they can hide their own breath, of course they are extremely sensitive to the breath of others…

“When you say goodbye to them!” Looking at Yang Tian’s surprised look, You Yinxi opened his eyes Big eyes, said with a smile.

The quiet Yinxi at this time is very different from the little girl in Yang Tian’s impression.

Yang Tian shook the head helplessly and said to Xiaoqinglong: “It seems that we have to go back.”

Little Qinglong is nodded.

“Why?” You Yinxi asked when he heard that he wanted to go back.

Yang Tian said: “Because the world over there is not something you can bear. Once you get out of the big ship, your body will be crushed to pieces.”

“You are wrong After Yang Tian finished speaking, You Yinxi said: “This is true for you, but for our undead, it has no effect at all. You take me back and I will be able to help.”

Yang Tian knew another meaning from You Yinxi’s words, that is, she originally came to this universe from that world. At this time, it’s just that’s all on the way home.

While speaking, the situation outside has changed. The countless light spots on the outside of the ship disappeared, and a huge light group appeared in front of the bow.

As the big ship swiftly moved forward, this light group grew bigger and bigger until it submerged the entire big ship.

The mighty airship that Yang Tian was riding on finally rushed out of the space channel.

Before Yang Tian could react, the mighty airship made a sound of’cocking’, and then with a sound of’peng’, it collapsed.

When the mighty airship was broken, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong felt a huge pressure shrouded in the space, and fell down with the broken pieces of the big ship, for a moment Shi hit the ground.


Yang Tian, ​​who was crushed by the heavy debris of the ship, opened his mouth, spits out mouthful of blood, and couldn’t move, his breathing became more and more. The more difficult it is.

After coming to this World, he suddenly became weak.

Little Qinglong is small, just in the gap, avoiding the fate of being hit.

When Yang Tian was about to be unable to hold on, with a sound of’Peng’, the fragments of the large ship covering Yang’s body were lifted out.

It is You Yinxi who rescued Yang Tian.

After moving away the metal fragments of the deformed large ship that was pressed on Yang Tian, ​​You Yinxi patted the palm of his hand and looked at Yang Tian with a smile and said: “How? I said I can help Are you busy?”

Yang Tian clutched his chest, struggling to sit up, nodded to You Yinxi.

Thanks to this little girl this time, otherwise, he must be crushed to death.

“Okay! Now the favor is back to you, goodbye.” After saying that, You Yinxi bounced away.

Looking at You Yinxi’s back when he left, Yang Tian opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

Yang Tian and You Yinxi are not familiar with each other. People have returned to their own world and don’t want to stay with him. This is a normal thing.

In Xiao Qinglong’s eyes, there was also a depressed look at this time, because it found that it couldn’t get bigger.

Otherwise, it could rescue Yang Tian in time just now.

Looking at the surrounding large ship fragments, Yang Tian is glad that this large ship is not as big and heavy as the previous one.

The size of this mighty airship is several times smaller, and the main body is made of a sturdy metal material that is lighter than bluestone. Otherwise, it is estimated that you will be crushed when you first come here. died.

At this time, Yang Tian was thinking, if the Xichenyouyou gang arrived in this World, would it be the same situation……

The place where the big ship landed is on a big mountain On the mountainside of the city, there are small plants all around. Looking around, there is a gray area in the distance. The same is true in the sky, which seems to be cloudy.

“cough cough…”

After coughing and coughing up the blood from my throat, my breathing finally became smoother.

After calming down, Yang Tian began to observe the energy world within the body.

What makes him rest assured is that the original realm within the body is still there, without any changes.

It is the body cells that change.

The body structure of living things changes with environmental changes.

Coming to different environments, the cell structures of Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong have changed.

The body cells after the change are now unable to hold energy, and even the energy they had before has also been lost. This is equivalent to’fortunately suffering for several decades, once back before liberation’.

Fortunately, the original world has not disappeared. Spirit strength can also be used, but it is limited by this World, and the formidable power is much weaker.

After Yang Tian observed the body within the body, he opened his eyes and saw Xiao Qinglong using spirit strength to control a fist sized stone suspended in the air.

In the previous Universe World, it only needed a trace of weak spirit strength to do it, but now, from the appearance of Xiaoqinglong, it seems very difficult.


Suddenly, the stone controlled by the little Qinglong fell to the ground, and it couldn’t hold on.

Next, Yang Tian also tried it, and the result was similar to the little Azure Dragon One.

After coming to this World, everything has changed.

It seems that if you want to regain strong power, you have to practice again.

Just about to stand up, Yang Tian moved his heart, raised his wrist, and looked at the storage bracelet on the wrist.

After coming to this World, I wonder if the storage bracelet can be used.

If it can’t be used, it’s a big loss.

Yang Tian’s thoughts moved, and the intelligent control system of the storage bracelet received his thoughts and showed the situation inside the storage space in his mind.

The 1st Step is complete.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Tian locked a stone box in the storage bracelet and issued an order to the storage bracelet.

Very smoothly, this stone box appeared in front of Yang Tian, ​​and then with a “pa ~”, it broke and turned into a pile of azure stone powder.

The stone box cannot bear the pressure of this space.

This is just an empty stone box with nothing inside.

Next, Yang Tian released a beast core from the storage bracelet.

This is a superstar warrior-level purple beast core. After Yang Tian took it out of the storage bracelet, the transparent protective shell shattered, and then the whole beast core dissipated at a very fast speed. , Getting smaller and smaller…

A few minutes later, in the palm of Yang Tian’s hand, only some shell powder remained.

Can I put out the things in the storage bracelet, how about putting things in the storage bracelet?

Yang Tian spotted a fist sized stone, and his mind moved.

Immediately, the stone disappeared in place and appeared in the storage space of the storage bracelet.

The storage bracelet is usable in this World, which makes Yang Tian relieved, but a big question mark also appeared in his head.

The strange program said to Yang Tian at this time: “Space is a power of everywhere. This World and the original Universe World space are actually linked together. Otherwise, we are also impossible to appear here. “

Yang Tian asked again: “If this is the case, what about the Transmission Formation Plate? If a Transmission Formation Plate is placed in this World, can it be sent back?”

The strange program said: “The two are not the same. In the storage bracelet, there is a storage space that exists all the time. With the protection of the rune energy above, it can survive in this World. And transmission needs to be opened. space channel……”

Singular program said so, Yang Tian understood immediately.

Looking at the surrounding situation again, Yang Tian stood up, stepped on the deformed metal plate of the big ship, and walked in the direction where You Yinxi left.

That is the direction of going down the mountain, Xiao Qinglong still jumped on Yang Tian’s shoulders.

“xiu ~”

While Yang Tian was walking, there was a scream in front of him, and a black spot rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

Instinctively, Yang Tian tilted his head, a sharp arrow swept across his cheek, and with a shudder, it inserted into the trunk of a low tree behind Yang Tian.

Yang Tian glanced at the constantly trembling arrows on the trunk, and just turned his head, he felt a cold neck, and then he heard a whirr.

What appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was a youngster with long hair wearing a black clothed bow.

Yang Tian did not dare to move.

For this World, Yang Tian is currently only equivalent to an ordinary person.

This person pressed the silver-bright scimitar to Yang Tian’s neck, looked at Yang Tian, ​​and then said a few words with a smile.

Yang Tian couldn’t understand his words, doubts appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Yang Tian’s eyes, the black clothed youngster was nodded, and shot the little blue dragon on Yang Tian’s shoulder with a knife, and then hooked his finger to Yang Tian.

This kind of gesture, everyone understands that the black clothed youngster is asking Yang Tian to go with him, Yang Tian can only helplessly nodded.

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