“You shouldn’t help him!” The black clothed woman gloomy face looked at Yang Tian and said suddenly.

“pa ~”

The black clothed woman struck Yang Tian with a whip before the voice fell.

Yang Tian is vigilant, and when the whip is drawn, he dodges sideways in time.

But after this whip hit the ground, the whip flicked and hit Yang Tian’s back.

Although it was just a whip’s spare power, Yang Tian couldn’t stand it, groaned, one prostrate on the ground.

This made Yang Tian feel dizzy, feeling that the five internal organs are about to be displaced, opening his mouth spits out mouthful of blood.

Seeing that Yang Tian was injured, Xiao Qinglong became angry, and jumped high, moved towards the black clothed woman, rushing towards her face, but the black clothed woman raised her hand to pat aside.

This seems to be an understatement, but in fact it is very powerful. After letting the little green dragon land, he crawls for a long time does not raise.

After shooting the little green dragon flying, the black clothed woman lifts it up again The whip was played.

Looking at her actions, it seems that Yang Tian is still going to be beaten.

Bai Song was shocked, and hurriedly pounced on Yang Tian, ​​and begged the black clothed woman for mercy: “It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t say that. If you want to fight, just hit me! If he is dead, there will be a lot less lice crystals in the mine.”

Yang Tian raised his head at this time, and what was printed in his eyes, first was a black clothed woman, a pair of slender, and white tender legs. Looking up, it was a slender waist… Finally, I saw a delicate, expressionless face of a black clothed woman.

This is a very cold woman.

Faced with Bai Song’s plea, the black clothed woman remained unmoved, and the whip was raised higher. This is a world that respects power, and the weak cannot get sympathy from powerhouse.

If she pulls the whip again, Baisong and Yang Tian will both be killed.

“cough cough…beauty, do you have a man?” Yang Tian coughed a few times, chuckled and asked.


As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, a guard behind the black clothed woman shouted and pulled out a silver white long knife.

But before the guard came forward, the black clothed woman raised her hand to stop the guard’s next move.

The black clothed woman looked at Yang Tian and said with a smile: “Why do you ask?”

Yang Tian said: “If you don’t have a man yet, then kill me, to you In terms of it, it would be a great loss. You were born so beautiful, as long as you are a normal man, you want to sleep, what’s so strange?”

Yang Tian finished speaking, feeling nervous.

The black clothed woman looked at Yang again and said: “So, you want to sleep with me too?”

“en!” Yang Tian nodded, and said: “Here I can put you in bed in three years!”

As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, the black clothed woman couldn’t help laughing’chuckled’.

During Yang Tian’s long wait, the black clothed woman finally stopped her laughter and said: “Okay! Then give you three years. If you can’t do it, I will make you worse off Die!”

After speaking, the black clothed woman took the whip, turned around, moved towards a hill not far away, and continued to inspect the mine.

Yang Tian finally sighed in relief, this little fate was finally saved.

“Auntie, why do you want to save that kid’s life?” After the black clothed woman walked a section of the road, a guard dressed as a teenager asked aloud behind the black clothed woman.

The black clothed woman said: “Just playing with that’s all! Such a nobody, it’s easy to kill him, but it makes him live three more years that’s all.”

Juvenile nodded, and laughed, “My lady, if after three years, that person becomes stronger than you and really wants to sleep with you, what should I do?”

“Is this possible?” black clothed woman Disdain.

“Uh…” The young man scratched his head and said: “This is indeed impossible.”

Yang Tian lay on the ground for a long time, waiting for the black clothed woman to get on the aircraft and leave. , Just turned over and sat up.

Little Qinglong was also seriously injured, and his expression looked a little wilted.

“Yang Tian, ​​why did you just say that, she let you go.” After a glance at the spaceship, it disappeared, and the curious Baisong dared to ask in a low voice.

Yang Tian said: “This is a very proud woman, and we, in this world, are the most humble type of people.”

After saying this, Yang Tian closed his eyes and began to observe the injuries within the body.

Bai Song frowned, always wondering what Yang Tian means. He did not have the same experience as Yang Tian, ​​and naturally did not understand Yang Tian’s words.

After a long time, Yang Tian opened his eyes.

Bai Song has endured for a long time, and then asked: “I don’t understand, can you elaborate more?”

Yang Tian looked at the star position in the sky, Work will start again in about half an hour.

Just when I didn’t know how to explain to Bai Song, a small sandworm happened to pass by the feet of the two.

Yang Tian picked up the fragile sand worm like an ant, placed it on the palm of his hand, and said to Baisong: “If this sand stone tells you, give me three years, I can defeat it You, how do you feel?”

“I…I will be curious, but I want to see how it beats me.”

After Bai Song finished, I understand.

At this moment, both of them feel bitter.

Yang Tian threw the sand worm on the ground, clutched his chest and stood up, and said: “This kind of psychological tactics are not useful for everyone. If you change it to those female managers in the mine , I dare to say something similar to them. They will kill me without the slightest hesitation…”

The days in the mine continued.

Two months later.

Bai Song finally got his wish, died on the woman’s belly, and left this World in the most refreshing way.

According to the rules of the mine, Baisong’s body was thrown into a deep, abandoned mine.

In the eyes of others, Yang Tian finally lost a burden, but for Yang Tian, ​​there was one less person who could talk, and it was unavoidable for several days.

The old man of Baisong, after all, was the first friend Yang Tian made after coming to this World.

After another month, the assessment on the mine began.

Yang Tian signed up.

This is his chance to get out of this lice mine.

If it fails, Yang Tian decides to dig a mine and leave here directly.

Before there was Baisong, he couldn’t bear to leave Baisong and he was in hesitation.

But after Baisong died, he persisted for so long. Why? After thinking for a while, Yang Tian discovered that after so many things, he has become a person who is proud to be in the bones.

Even if the black clothed woman forgets him, he will remind her of herself again, and let her remember herself forever…

The hatred of the whip , He wants to get it back ten times a hundred times!

For most of the miners, this kind of assessment is like a decoration, even if they are registered, they are also impossible to pass.

Because the requirements for the assessment are too demanding.

The game mining is no problem. After spending so long in the mine, they looked at the color of the ore and they all knew if there were lice crystals in it.

There is no problem with physical fitness. Mining is a kind of physical activity. As long as there is no shortage of food, the body is always strong.

The difficulty is the cultivation innate talent, and the two points of expertise.

If there is a cultivation innate talent, can it still be sold to the mine? There are specialties too.

Of course, this kind of specialty is not a specialty of life skills, but a specialty directly related to cultivation.

For example, proficient in rune, forging weapons and armor.

Therefore, although the mine announced that it has started the assessment and registration, less than 10% of the people participated.

The number of people is probably thousands of people.

Most of these applicants are newcomers, and they still have hope of going out.

I stay in the mine for a long time, and after several failures, I will feel disheartened. Unwilling to pay the registration fee.

With all this money, it’s better to find a woman to refresh yourself.

Yang Tian handed all the bonuses to the management of the mine and signed up.

Three days later, the assessment finally began.

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