Leaving the Chamber, and passing Transmission Array, Yang Tian returned to the rune department.

Sisters Hui E Miao Miao and Hui E Chan Chan, follow closely by Yang Tian.

Now the attitude of the Rune Division towards Yang Tian is quite different. He has prepared a large studio for Yang Tian diligently.

After entering the studio, Yang Tian closed the door, and in the curious eyes of the two sisters, began to draw design graphics.

It would be great if you have advanced electronic technology. It takes less than an hour to print out the drawings.

Now, it needs to be drawn by hand.

Although it is a strange program that controls the body to draw, it is also a very tiring thing for Yang Tian.

Because he must try his best to restrain his thoughts so as not to affect the strange program.

It took ten full days for Yang Tian to finish the drawing, and then it took another five days to list the various materials needed to build Underground City.

There are hundreds of design drawings, and the list of materials is dozens of pages, all in a thick stack.

After completing these tasks, it is not over yet.

Behind, it is necessary for Yang Tian to select a site, formulate the construction process, methods, and mobilize various human resources.

Fortunately, these tasks only need Yang Tian to take a general direction, and the specific plans are divided by various departments.

After handing in the drawings and the list of materials, it was a lot easier for Yang Tian.

The chosen place is right next to the family land.

Thousands of people from rune started to act at the same time, delineating a range of tens of kilometers, and laying out a symbolic array drawn by Yang Tian.

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of people started work at the same time to dig out a large V-shaped pit several kilometers deep.

Hui E Miao Miao was sent out by Yang Tian to be responsible for purchasing.

The largest number is bluestone with fine material and capable of depicting rune.

Fortunately, there are Storage Equipment, which is very convenient for transportation. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will not be possible to build a huge Underground City in ten years.

Within less than half a month, all the materials needed by Yang Tian have been collected.

Yang Tian heard that, in order to obtain these materials, Hui’e Miaomiao also went to the remote cloud domain and spent most of the family property of the Hui’er family.

At the same time, Yang Tian also got news that not only the Huier family, but other families are also starting to build new clan lands.

Some advanced talisman divisions of Three Divine Palaces were invited by some families to design new clan lands for them.

It is said that the alien beasts from Star River have penetrated this continent, and it is estimated that within three years, there will be another beast wave.

This is a peculiar world. In order to prevent Machine Race from growing, mankind always insists not to use high-tech electronic equipment, even in the cloud domain.

Otherwise, the animal tide is not a big problem for humans at all.

Yang Tian looked through the history of this continent when he was fine, and finally knew the reason.

It turns out that in the distant past, Machine Race, with its fast reproduction speed and strong attack ability, almost unified the entire continent, trying to turn all humans with fleshy bodies into mechanical bodies.

Only after the cultivators joined forces to suppress it, the Machine Race was weakened.

From then on, human beings no longer use high-tech electronic products, and began to refine Rune Dao, replacing electronic energy with rune energy.

After reading this history, Yang Tian took out a red crystal from the storage bracelet.

This was left after the destruction of the machine body of a Machine Race beauty during the last beast wave.

It can be seen from this crystal that Machine Race also uses rune energy. And not worse than humans.

It is worth mentioning that Machine Race can also be cultivation, just like a human with a fleshy body.

It’s just that their cultivation way is completely different.

As for what kind of cultivation, there is no detailed record in history books. Because for Machine Race, this is a big secret. The cultivator with fleshy body is not interested.

Looking at the red crystal in his hand, Yang Tian faintly felt that one day, he might use this thing.

At the patriarch’s order, the middle and low-level cultivators also joined the construction army. Several millions of people took turns to dig pits. In less than three months, they dug out a radius of fifty. A V-shaped pit with a depth of 5000 metres and many kilometers.

This speed of work progress made Yang Tian very shocked.

In fact, this is nothing strange.

The people in this world are already strong. With the addition of a cultivator to help transport soil and other materials, the equivalent to simplifies the procedure.

The rune energy generated by the singular program designed to repel all water vapor. During the whole construction process, not only was there no water seepage, but even the sand and stones dug out from the bottom thousands of meters deep were all Very dry.

It is worth mentioning that when digging to a depth of 5,000 metres, a rich lice crystal mine was discovered buried underground.

This makes Hui’er Baixing both happy and helpless.

Because, impossible is to find another place to dig such a big pit again for this lice crystal mine, right?

So, I can only bear the pain and continue.

After the pit was dug, the people in the Rune Division began to get busy again.

They have to set up the symbol array again in this big pit to form a three-dimensional projection. After the projection was completed, bluestone was used to surround the three-dimensional projection to build the shape of the Underground City.

“Small dragon, after this is completed, we will be the Hunting Division!” Sitting on a pile of blue stones, looking at the scene of in a frenzy ahead, Yang Tian leaned on the side, some listless little green dragon Said.

During this period, for Xiaoqinglong, it was really boring.

Yang Tian also felt this way, feeling that the bones were about to rust.

I don’t know, when the time comes, Hui’er Baixing disagrees…

In Yang Tian’s meditation, the entire group came over from a distance.

The leader is Huier Baixing, half a step behind Huier Baixing, is a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and Huier.

This beauty is dressed in a white robe, her temperament is completely different from Hui’e Miao Miao, she is like a fairy, and she is about 27~28 years old.

Behind this white clothed woman, there are more than a dozen powerful experts.

These people are obviously not members of the Huier family, because they are not marked by the Huier family.

Hue Baixing and the white clothed woman were talking as they walked, obviously talking about the Underground City under construction.

White clothed woman looks interested, nodded from time to time.

Yang Tian looked at the white clothed woman a few more times before retracting her gaze, and then looked at the construction site scene ahead.

Although this Underground City was designed by a strange program, if it is built, Yang Tian will also have a strong sense of accomplishment.

“Yang Tian, ​​you are here!”

Yang Tian was looking very stunned, and the voice of Hui’er Baixing sounded not far from the side.

Yang Tian turned his head, and saw Hui’er Baixing leading the group of white clothed women walking over quickly.

“Yang Tian, ​​this is the patriarch of the Baiming family, Baiming thinks clouds.” After speaking, Hui’er Baixing said to the white clothed woman: “This is the Rune Dao genius of our family. Yang Tian.”

Female patriarch! Still a beauty!

At this moment, Yang Tian was a little flattered, he did not understand, why Hui’er Baixing brought this female patriarch over.

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