Three days later.

Participating in the hunting mission, 110 people including Yang Tian, ​​passed the Transmission Formation Plate of Underground City and left Underground City.

Outside, a black spaceship has been parked.

In fact, spaceship is an aircraft that can fly in the universe, and this aircraft cannot leave the space constraints of this continent. In Yang Tian’s view, it is not a spaceship in the true sense.

Different from the planet environment, the gravity of this continent, the higher it goes, the greater the gravity.

This black spaceship has a length of more than a hundred meters and a width of more than 40 meters. The head is oval, and there are docking racks under the belly. A propulsion device using rune energy.

One hundred and ten people had worn black armor long ago and gathered beside the flying ship. After confirming their identities, a principal ordered the boarding.

The space inside the spaceship is still very large and can accommodate hundreds of people.

After entering the cabin, Yang Tian was surprised to find that the chief executive of the Hunting Division was also there. He sat in the seat near the bow.

One hundred and ten people who came in sat on both sides.

A sound of’hong long long’ sounded, and the spaceship quickly separated from the ground, moving towards one direction and flew quickly.

Although the boss showed you the map before, Ten Thousand Beasts Cave is in the middle of the Flame Region, but the Flame Domain is very large. Without detailed coordinates, it is difficult to find the Ten Thousand Beast Cave in a short time .

The spaceship took off for a few minutes, and after it began to fly smoothly, the transparent windows were opened on both sides, and the outside situation could be seen.

When Yang Tian saw the situation outside, he was very surprised.

Because of this spaceship, there is actually an escort spaceship.

It can be clearly seen that the machine race’s spaceship is guarding this spaceship. These Machine Race spaceships are relatively small. When fighting, not only can they conduct air combat, but they can also transform into human and animal forms…like a deformed Vajra, fighting on the ground.

Yang Tian glanced outside, then turned his head and looked at the chief executive.

Except Yang Tian, ​​other people also did this action.

It seems that this situation rarely occurs.

The chief executive can feel everyone’s doubts, indifferently said: “This time I go to the Ten Thousand Beast Cave, I will be attacked by many strange beasts on the way. Therefore, the family united and paid some price. Machine Race escort.”

“In this case, why doesn’t the temple allow Machine Race to detect? It should be very easy for them to do this?”

The chief said After that, someone asked aloud.

The main master said: “The temple does not allow Machine Race to participate in such things.”

Yang Tian suddenly understood that this is to inhibit the development of Machine Race, but sometimes, I have to need the help of Machine Race.

It is estimated that as long as humans use rune to be able to use electronic technology, the existence of Machine Race will be meaningless. Humans will eliminate Machine Race without the slightest hesitation.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian couldn’t help but startled. He doubted that the disappearance of the Lord Fu had something to do with Machine Race…

Because, once the Lord Fu came to this World , For Machine Race, is a catastrophe.

The existence of any living thing in this world has certain truths.

Humans are the masters of this World, the races that are beneficial to humans, humans will let them survive and develop.

The races that are unfavorable to humans can only be enemies of humans and survive until they are not enemies.

No matter which world it is, this kind of competition exists.

This spaceship, driven by rune energy, flew very fast. A few minutes later, another family of spaceship joined the team, and after a few minutes, another family of spaceship joined the team. ……

Dozens of spaceships of various families, under the escort of Machine Race, flew for more than ten hours before stopping.

Yang Tian has been looking out the window. At the beginning, the terrain below was a small area of ​​woods and low mountains. Later, the terrain became more and more complicated, and continuous high mountains appeared. The endless jungle.

The jungle disappeared, and after crossing the continuous mountains, a desert appeared, and then there was a grassland. After the grassland passed, there was a high mountain range in the distance.

On the edge of the prairie, the spaceship slowed down and landed smoothly.

Although the spaceship stopped, the hatch did not open immediately.

The chief executive glanced at the crowd and pressed a button on the armrest of the seat. A blue beam of light was projected from the roof of the cabin.

There is a red dot in rays of light.

The master said: “The life orbs you carry with you, the rune array on it can convey your life information. If you die, the red dots will disappear. Through the life orbs, I can also Know where you are.

This mission is very important for each family. Stay away from others. Also, be careful of strange animals. This is the center of the Flame Region, far away from human settlements. Although the tide of beasts has just passed, the alien beasts are still dense…”

After the chief executive finished speaking, the hatch of the spaceship opened, and 110 people stepped out of the spaceship.

Spaceship is protected by a symbolic array, and I still don’t feel it when I stay inside, but when spaceship comes out of the scope of the spaceship symbolic array, Yang Tian found out that the gravity here is actually much larger.

The temperature is also very high, the pressure is strong, suddenly coming here makes people feel difficult to breathe.

There are dozens of families, and each family has sent dozens to hundreds of hunters. Thousands of people gathered in this place.

The first person who disembarked from the Gita family moved towards the mountain range ahead that looked like a high wall.

The identity of the people in the Hunting Department is kept secret, and they don’t know each other. After getting off the spaceship, they didn’t get together to talk.

Thousands of people are all passers-by.

Yang Tian looked at the mountain range of far-in, and moved towards the target.

At this time, you can see that the armor of each family is different, and the members of the Huier family are black armors. Other families, some are red armor, some are white armor, and some are yellow armor… At first glance, you can hardly see that the armors of the two families are the same.

Even armors that look the same color have different colors.

In addition to distinguishing each family by color, it can also be distinguished from the badge on the armor. The emblem of the Huier family is really ugly from the perspective of Yang Tian’s appreciation level. It has a rhombus shape with an unknown beast head in the middle and the word Huier.

After all the members of the Hunting Division who participated in the mission left, the spaceship of each family was guarded by Machine Race, not at all leaving.

These spaceships have to wait and wait for the return message.

In the spaceship of the Huier family, after Yang Tian and the others left, the hatch was closed, and the chief executive walked into the cabin behind the seat.

Compared with the cabin outside, this cabin is extremely luxurious.

In this cabin, the patriarch Huier Baixing of the Huier family, and the sisters Huier Miaomiao and Huier Chanchan are all there.

“The chief executive, why don’t you send the strongest person in the clan? Send that way to have a greater grasp?”

As soon as the chief executive walks into the cabin, he closes the door After that, Hui E Chan Chan curiously asked.

The main subject said: “That will alarm the powerful monsters. The advanced aliens are also very proud. The stronger the person, the more they attract their attention. Moreover, the main task this time is Go and investigate.”

“So it’s like this!” Hui’er Chan Chan suddenly realized.

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