“Yang Tian, ​​are you crazy!”

As soon as Yang Tian’s angry roar fell, Hui’er Baixing said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, he winked at Yang Tian without listening, meaning that Yang Tian would apologize to the hands-on secretary of purple robe.

Hui’er Baixing is very fond of Yang Tian, ​​and naturally does not want Yang Tian to have an accident.

Yang Tian is only returning to the source realm now, and the temple director threatened by him is the powerhouse of the ever-changing realm.

Even if this secretary is seriously injured, it is not something Yang Tian can overcome.

Yang Tian frowned tighter, he lowered his head to look at the little blue dragon in his arms, he just calmed down some anger, and boiled again.

“Yang Tian…what’s wrong with the small dragon?”

At this time, Hui’erchanchan reacted, knowing that Xiaoqinglong had saved him just now, and he closed his eyes. , Life Aura’s weak little Qinglong, she also feels distressed.

At this time, the little green turtle in Hui’erchan’s arms stretched out his long neck, and looked at the little Azure Dragon One in Yang Tian’s arms.

The secretary of the temple, Yang Tian is so impudent, even if Yang Tian apologizes now, they will not let Yang Tian go.

This is not only personal face, but also related to the majesty of the temple. These secretaries performing tasks outside represent the Three Divine Palaces.

Even if the temple is far away from the flame domain, there is a strong deterrent in the flame domain, and all families must act according to the face of the temple.

A total of thirteen secretaries who can still act, looked at Yang Tian’s gaze and became more and more cold.

“Miss, come up soon!” Realizing that something was wrong, Hui’er Baixing said quickly.

“I don’t!” didn’t expect Hui Echanchan shook his head and refused: “Yang Tian and small dragon offended these people to save me, brother patriarch big, you take them all Kill it! Then Yang Tian will be fine.”

As soon as Hui’er Chanchan’s voice fell, Hui’er Baixing, who was a patriarch, became embarrassed, thinking that this younger sister is really too ignorant.

Actually, if Hui’er Baixing really wants to take a shot, it would be somewhat certain to get rid of these seriously injured officials.

Be aware that Hui’er Baixing is now the cultivator of Goming Peak Realm, which is only Level 1 lower than the clerks, and the clerks have suffered extremely severe injuries, and their battle strength is not as good as the original one. 10%.

But if you do, the Huier family will be over. How can a small family compete with Three Divine Palaces?

Yang Tian saved Hui’er Chan Chan, Hui’er Baixing was extremely grateful in his heart, but compared with the survival of the entire family, this kind of gratitude was insignificant.

“Chanchan, you go up first! You stay here will hinder me.”

Yang Tian understands the current situation and looks at Zipao director coldly, indifferently said.

Hui Echanchan nodded, “Yang Tian, ​​you have to be careful!”

She naturally understands that Yang Tian is now in danger, and she said that on purpose just now, hope Big brother can say a word, save Yang Tian.

However, Huier Baixing remained unmoved. Obviously, he considered the family. As a patriarch of the family, he couldn’t mess around.

Hui’er Chanchan jumped out of the big pit and returned to Hui’er Baixing’s side.

In this process, the clerks did not take any action in their eyes. At this time, they didn’t want to push the Huier family into a hurry.

Now, it is the most important thing to deal with Yang Tian.

These old men have lived for thousands of years, and no one has ever dared to say the word’dead’ to them.

After numerous battles, Yang Tian has reached a realm where he will move with his heart.

In fact, during this period of time, his spirit strength has long been locked on the large colored spar at the bottom of the pit.

Because it is spirit strength, no officials with high realm have noticed it.

Looking at Yang Tian coldly, Zipao Sishi slowly raised his hand.

Just moved towards Huier Chanchan angrily slapped out a palm, in fact, it has consumed most of the energy within the body.

The reason why the’nonsense’ is so long, he is also conditioning the energy within the body.

At this time, the secretary within the body of the purple robe condensed another powerful energy.

This force is less than 1% of Peak’s moment, but it is more than enough to kill a cultivator in the return to source realm.

Seeing that the secretary of the purple robe moved, Yang Tian waved his hand, and the colored spar locked by him with spirit strength suddenly disappeared in everyone’s eyes.

Most of the colored spar was collected into the storage bracelet by Yang Tian.

In order for the cultivator to receive the item into the Storage Equipment, it also needs to go through a short process. First, it must use the mind to lock the item to be collected, and then open the storage space……

Like the previous seizure of the life crystal of the flame beast, if it is Yang Tian, ​​it only takes a moment to collect the life crystal into the storage bracelet.

Because he has spirit strength!

Since coming to this World, Yang Tian hasn’t discovered that besides him, there are other cultivators that have the power to practice.

Seeing that Yang Tian took away more than half of the colored spar, the cultivator surrounding the pit could not help but be shocked, and took a step forward.

“courting death!”

Suddenly, the secretary of the purple robe coldly shouted and moved towards Yang Tian blasted a palm.

The palm force of this palm is different from the palm force just now.

The palm just now is a pure and powerful impact.

And the power of this palm now makes the surrounding space become’sticky’.

Yang Tian moved and wanted to avoid it, and found that the body was like being stuck by strong glue.

“Sure enough!”


Yang Tian exclaimed in his heart, his left shoulder was hit by palm force, and his body was like a piece The shells were normal, and with a sound of’peng’, they hit the side of the pothole behind him.

Just like Xiaoqinglong was struck before, Yang Tian also smashed the hole out of a big hole, and his body was buried by gravel.

“Yang Tian ~”

Seeing that Yang Tian was hit, Hui E Miao Miao couldn’t help but screamed.

Although he cares about the family, Hui E Miao Miao cannot help Yang Tian, ​​but he cares about Yang Tian very much in his heart and does not want Yang Tian to be injured.

Yang Tian was still hit.

The palm of Zipao Sishi, like the surrounding cultivator, shows how the cultivator of the Guiyuan realm is unable to withstand a single blow in front of the experts of the Variety realm.

Yang Tian buried by gravel, his left shoulder was numb, and his left arm had no sense at all.

This kind of palm force physical destructive power is not strong. It is mainly an attribute of energy, which has a very strong destructive power to cells.

Moreover, once the power invades the opponent within the body, it is difficult to be driven away.

Looking at the place where Yang Tian was buried by the gravel, Secretary Zi put down his hand, corner of the mouth raised, and sneered.

For this palm, he has strong self-confidence and believes that Yang Tian is not far from death.

But he doesn’t know that Yang Tian within the body has the original power.

The palm force entering Yang Tian within the body has been blocked on the left shoulder and left arm, unable to spread.

Furthermore, palm force quickly collapsed under the action of the force.

Yang Tian wanted to immediately break through the gravel and go out. At this time, his heart moved and stopped.

This time, must kill the purple-robed secretary!

So, I can’t move for now.

Yang Tian’s reliance is spirit strength and original force.

He could see that the purple-robed secretary within the body had run out of energy and was injured by the giant tortoise Self-destruction. The battle strength was actually not strong anymore.

If Hui’er Baixing listened to Hui’er Chanchan’s’suggestion’ and acted on these officials, it would really be possible to kill them all.

But this is just a beautiful imagination, Huier Baixing is Head of a Clan, impossible to act with will.

In less than 3 minutes, Yang Tian’s left arm had already recovered consciousness.

At this time, the singular program helped a lot. It emerged from the insect brain pendant as a blue light, surrounding the insect brain pendant, and turned into a thin blue line, which rushed through and formed A kind of symbolic array.

In the feelings of those outside, Yang Tian’s Life Aura is getting weaker and weaker…

When Yang Tian’s Life Aura completely’disappears’, it’s wonderful. His eyes were red, and he was extremely disappointed.


At this time, Huier Baixing also shook the head and sighed.

For these people, Yang Tian was seriously injured and died without Life Aura.

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