After mounting the most complete piece of lice crystal on a piece of bluestone, the time symbol array is activated.

At the time inside the formation, the ebbing of time is a thousand times slower than outside.

At this time, if you are outside the range covered by the time symbol array, you will find that Yang Tian’s movements are extremely slow. If he blinks, it will take several minutes to complete this process.

In the time sign inside the formation, Yang Tian did not feel that whether he was thinking or doing other actions, he was the same as usual, he could not feel the change of time passing by.

When Yang Tian looked outside, found that a stone in the cave fell, and fell to the ground in a flash, Yang Tian did not see the path of the stone falling.

This is the magic of the time symbol array!

The time symbol array has worked. Next, Yang Tian should do other things.

He took out the bluestone from the storage bracelet again, the strange program controlled his body, and began to portray the Teleportation Talisman array.

It’s not too late at this time.

At this time, Baiyu and others outside had already set up the flame formation.

Although this large array has huge formidable power, the energy it consumes is also extremely scary.

On the four azimuth stone pillars, Baiyu placed four golden-yellow crystals.


After putting the life crystal, Baiyu flew into the air, shouted. From both of his hands, bursts of rune energy radiated.

This is the rune energy that opens the big array.

In an instant, the four stone pillars with life crystals lit up with red light, and moved towards in the sky projected four large pillars of light.

Four beams of light gather together in the air for several kilometers, forming a big red ball of light.

The diameter of this red ball of light is several hundred meters. Once formed, it moved towards the other stone pillars below to project a red beam of light.

Soon, a shape will be a round birdcage red big net formed.

The area covered by the optical net just shrouded the entire basin. The Yan Array has not yet fully exerted its formidable power. The cultivator standing on the surrounding mountain peaks has already felt the heat and could not help moving towards the mountain and retreating rapidly. .

The high-ranking members of the family who came by taking the spaceship, took the spaceship long ago, and flew into the air before the big formation started.

Before everyone retreated to the bottom of the mountain, the sparse plants at the bottom of the mountain could no longer stand the high temperature and began to wither.

After retreating to a few kilometers away from the edge of the Ten Thousand Beast Cavern, everyone still felt the billowing heat wave from ahead.

Dozens of secretaries have already flown into the air, forming an encirclement in the air, and all the cultivators’ actions are under their surveillance.

The high temperature caused by the flame array is like placing a small star in the cave of a thousand beasts surrounded by mountains.

Hui’e Baixing, Hui’e Miaomiao, Hui’e Chanchan and Old Fourth people of the tribe stood at the hatch of the spaceship and frowned when they looked at the red patch in front of them. .

Even if you are in the depths of ten thousand meters underground, you can’t resist the high temperature, right?

Before the big formation starts, Yang Tian can still escape, but after the big formation starts, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the shackles of the big formation.

Once the flame formation is activated, the low-level cultivator shrouded by it cannot break out of the big formation.

In less than 3 minutes, the trees a few kilometers away from the Ten Thousand Beast Cavern were all dried and burned.

The high temperature has been spreading towards all around at a very fast speed, and the range is getting bigger and bigger. Some people can’t help thinking that if this flame array persists for a long time, it will probably be right for hundreds of days. The entire climate has an impact.

At this time, how is Yang Tian’s situation?

The Yang Tian activation time of the symbol array was less than five minutes, and the flame array outside was activated. In his feeling, the surrounding temperature began to slowly rise.

Solid body conducts energy faster than air. When the flame formation starts and the cultivators have not retreated from the peak, the temperature around Yang Tian has risen to hundreds of degrees.

At this moment, Yang Tian in the time symbol array just noticed the change in the surrounding temperature.

Yang Tian estimates that the temperature that he can resist using spirit strength is probably more than 3,000 degrees.

Moreover, the higher the temperature, the shorter his resistance time, because he consumes spirit strength very quickly, even at a temperature of more than 3,000 degrees, he can only hold on for more than ten minutes.

Compared with Yang Tian, ​​Xiaoqinglong can tolerate higher temperature and longer time, because its fleshy body quality is stronger than Yang Tian.

The flame array consumes too much energy, from start to finish, it will not exceed ten minutes.

The lapse of time in the flame formation has also accelerated, ten times faster than the lapse of time outside, which is tantamount to speeding up the death of the trapped.

This is the opposite of the effect of slowing down the passage of time. If the passage of time accelerates, the people trapped in the array will be corroded by more than ten times the high temperature per unit time.

If the time lapse of Yan Array and Yang Tian’s Time Symbol Array cancel each other out, that is to say, the time around Yang Tian is about a hundred times different from the time outside of Yan Array.

Yang Tian can persist for more than ten minutes at a high temperature of 3,000 degrees, and at his location, the temperature rises to more than 3,000 degrees, and it takes about 3 minutes.

3 minutes multiplied by one hundred, it is three hundred minutes, five hours.

Five hours, enough time for Yang Tian to portray the Teleportation Talisman array.

In Yang Tian’s vision, the outside quickly became a red patch. Because of the high temperature, the entire cave began to change its shape.

The hidden breath of the rune array is exposed outside the time rune array. Due to the change in the shape of the cave, the location of the bluestone quickly changed.

The bluestones that make up the symbolic array cannot be shifted. Once shifted, the symbolic array disappears.

As soon as the Yan Array was activated for 3 minutes, Yang Tian’s breath appeared, and it was noticed by dozens of secretaries.

“ha ha ha…” Baiyu couldn’t help laughing.

The savage corner of the mouth raised, said with a sneer: “Sure enough, under the flames, see how long he can hold on, hmph!”

It seems to everyone that Yang Tian is dead.

Even if they are trapped in such a large array, they cannot escape, not to mention only Yang Tian of the Guiyuan realm.

Two minutes have passed since the time of the world outside.

The four golden-yellow crystals that drive this large formation have also been reduced in size by half. It seems that the formation can last for four to five minutes.

Two minutes passed outside, but for Yang Tian, ​​it took more than two hours.

And at this moment, Yang Tian finally had the feeling of being unable to hold on.

More importantly, the cave’s deformation speed is getting faster and faster. It begins to melt like burnt wax, and it will soon affect the more than 20 bluestones forming the time symbol. .

There is not much time left for Yang Tian.

Why hasn’t Yang Tian completed the Teleportation Talisman array?

Because of the symbol array portrayed for the first time, the transmission failed. For Yang Tian, ​​time suddenly became tense.

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