Hei Fujun’s cultivation is rune. When he listens to the conversation of others, his heart moves and he quickens his pace immediately…

Yang Tian walked into the Lamu Temple.

Pulling Mu Clan patriarch and twelve Elders immediately got up and looked at Yang Tian with a smile.

Although Yang Tian seems very young now, the patriarch and Elder who pulled Mu Clan have not at all surprised expressions in their eyes, and their eyes are full of expectation.

This world is very big, there is no lack of strange things, Mu Clan is waiting for many incredible secrets.

So, at Yang Tian’s young age, there is such an achievement on rune, to them, in fact, there is nothing strange.

Because Yang Tian is young, they look forward to it more.

It is reasonable to use incredible characters to solve incredible things!

Looking at Yang Tian, ​​Lamu patriarch always smiled and said: “I am La Mu Clan patriarch, and my name is Lamu Lan. This 12 is my patriarch, this is Lamu Wu , This is La Muyang…”

As a patriarch who pulls Mu Clan, he rarely speaks so politely. In a gentle tone, he introduced himself and 12 Elder to Yang Tian.

“My name is Mu Yi.” After La Mulan finished speaking, Yang Tian nodded, indifferently said.

Now everyone is considered to know each other.

Hui E Miao Miao and Ku Man walked into the great hall at this time.

Hui E Miaomiao saw Yang Tian and almost called out Yang Tian’s name, and found that Kuman was by his side, and he was surprised, quickly shut up, and silently came to Yang Tian and stood there.

“The secretary of Kuman is here too, welcome!” Seeing Kuman appearing, La Mulan frowned, and then said with a smile. The tone of his speech was much harder than before.

Ra Mu Clan has been oppressed by the temple for countless years, and there is resistance to the people of the temple and the people who pull Mu Clan.

Kumman came to pull Mu Clan this time, in fact, he wanted to ask Mu Clan for some rune information.

Yan Array, Cold Array, Star Fragmentation, and Extinction Array are four Ominous Arrays handed down from ancient times, with huge formidable power. The Star Temple holds the Flame Array, the Promise Temple holds the Delight, the Heaven Temple holds the Star Fragmentation, and the Cold Array is shared by the Three Divine Palaces.

Last time I saw the power of the Flame Array, the Promise Temple wanted to master the Flame Array. Kuman came to pull Mu Clan this time, just wanting to pull Mu Clan to provide help for the Promise Temple to study the Flame Array.

Such a thing, if the people below the secretary come, Mu Clan will think that the temple despise them. When the Palace Lord came in person, he praised Mu Clan and the secretary who was under the Palace Lord came, just to avoid these two problems.

The man didn’t expect, this time I come to Lamu Mountain, I will meet a rune genius. If she can bring this child back to the temple, she will have done a great job, and her position in the temple will be better in the future. One level higher, maybe after the Palace Lord travels to the Star Sea, she will be the next Palace Lord.

The three major temples compete with each other, and within the temple, there is also such a competition. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

At this time, Kuman was unhurried and asked La Mulan to see what happened next.

Yang Tian came here to see the natural rune array. When La Mulan greeted the dry man, he immediately said: “I want to see the legendary natural rune array. This is where I came from. Purpose.”

“he he he……”

As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, La Mu Lan laughed.

In fact, without Yang Tian’s request, they will also let Yang Tian try to crack the natural rune array. If Yang Tian can break the seal at the entrance of the natural rune array, their wish will also be satisfied.

After hehe smiled, La Mulan raised his hand very simply, and made an inviting gesture to Tian, ​​saying: “Muichi, please!”

After that, pull Mu Lan turned around and walked towards the innermost of the great hall.

The attitude and way of treating Yang Tian, ​​La Mulan is like treating peers.

In the innermost part of the great hall, there is a huge wooden statue enshrined. I don’t know how many years it has passed, the statue is not quite clear.

La Mulan came to the statue, bowed to the statue, and then turned to Yang Tian who followed behind him and said: “This is the ancestor of my clan, his name is Fuzhu, a great The cultivator.”

Fu master!

Yang Tian heard these two words, his eyes opened wide suddenly, and an expression of surprise passed in his eyes.

Because of the name Fuzhu, Yang Tian had heard of it for a long time that the strange program was created by Fuzhu.

Is this talisman the master of that world?

If it is the same person, what kind of secret is hidden in it?

Yang Tian glanced at this statue carefully, because his face was blurred, he couldn’t see the appearance and age of Fuzhu.

Although the face is vague, the eyes of the statue still give people a feeling of selflessness. In addition, Yang Tian also discovered something wrong from the hairstyle of this statue.

It is a long hair, with two bands behind the ears hanging down in front of the chest, and the long hair behind the head is divided into three strands and tied up.

This hairstyle, Yang Tian has seen it, and feels a bit familiar. However, although I know I must have seen it, I can’t remember it for a moment.

Although it is only a little familiar, Yang Tian is also more than 60% sure that this talisman master is the talisman master who creates strange programs.

In Yang Tian’s thinking, pull the wooden blue to take the first two steps, raise the right hand, and cover it on a square object placed in the palm of the statue.

The square object in the hand of the statue is black. I don’t know what material it is made of. It is engraved with rune.

When La Mulan put his hand on it, the rune above the black square lit up.

Immediately, a Teleportation Talisman array appeared on the left and right sides of the statue, which lit up with bright blue light.

Kuman has seen this situation a long time ago, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

After the two Teleportation Talisman appeared, Ramulan smiled at Yang Tian said: “One of these two symbolic arrays is false. If you step on the fake symbolic array, it will be transmitted to Danger Land. Please follow me.”

After that, pull Mu Lan Stepping into the Teleportation Talisman formation next to the statue’s right hand, the silhouette disappeared in a flash.

Yang Tian hesitated for a while before stepping into the Teleportation Talisman array.

After Yang Tian’s silhouette disappeared from the Teleportation Talisman array, Hui E Miao Miao immediately followed. Then the twelve pulled Mu Clan Elder, and Kuman was the last to walk into the Teleportation Talisman array.

When Yang Tian appeared again, he found himself in the underground cave once again. Behind him was a mess of rubble. The diameter of the cave was about five meters, which was the same as the cave of the sixth test rune he had traversed before. The environment is exactly the same.

Yang Tian was looking at the situation in the cave curiously, and La Mulan smiled and said: “Mu Yi, in fact, the sixth test rune array has some connections with the natural rune array, only passing through the front That seal is qualified to see the natural talisman array.”

While speaking, Hui E Miao Miao, twelve Lamu patriarchs, and Kuman, gradually came out of the Transmission Array.

In the cave, one side is blocked by gravel, the other side is dark, and I can’t see to the bottom.

La Mulan raised his hand at this time, and a black square appeared in his hand. This black square is exactly the same as the one held by the statue, and it is also engraved with rune.

In Yang Tian’s curious eyes, La Mu Lan clicked a few times on the black square with his finger.

Suddenly, the cave lit up and the light became very bright.


La Mulan glanced towards the depths of the cave, and then made a gesture of please to Yang Tian.

Yang Tian nodded.

Under the guidance of La Mulan, Yang Tian and they moved towards the depths of the cave.


Hei Fujun has come to the front of the first test.

How long hasn’t passed since Yang Tian broke the symbol array of this level, the symbol array of this level has actually been repaired.


Because he walked too fast, Hei Fujun hit the energy of the rune formation.

“ha ha ha…”

Seeing this situation, someone beside him couldn’t help laughing.

If it were in the original world, if someone dared to laugh at Hei Fujun like this, Hei Fujun would have already killed those who laughed at him.

But now, Heifujun is no longer a Peak powerhouse, he can only hold back his anger, and coldly glanced at the laughing man.

“Don’t you know the rules for pulling Mu Clan? To go up, you must pass six levels. This is just the simplest first test…”

Before finishing talking, Hei Fujun started.

He raised his hand, and a blue rune Treasure Item that looked like a compass appeared in his hand.

After taking out this rune Treasure Item, Mr. Hei Fu flicked the pointer on it with his finger. The pointer turned a circle, and then slowly stopped.

During this process, many runes on this rune Treasure Item lit up, emitting rays of light in various colors.

After the pointer stopped, Hei Fujun raised the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and waved, he heard the sound of’Peng’, and the rune array of this level was broken again.

In the eyes of others, the speed at which Mr. Hei Fu breaks this level is faster than Yang Tian.

Of course, this is because Yang Tian spent most of the time observing the symbolic array, and did not use auxiliary tools.

People who have cultivation rune can naturally see the difference between the two.

The people who laughed at Hei Fu Jun before, saw Hei Fu Jun walked into the hole and couldn’t help but eyes opened wide. They were very surprised.

What happened? For a long time, Rune Dao experts appeared one by one… After this person was taken aback, he immediately followed along.


The cave extends downwards, walking, walking, as if there is no end.

Suddenly, a bell rang from Lamu Temple.

In this cave, you can actually hear the bell outside.

Someone broke the second test symbol array!

After hearing the bell, La Mulan stopped.

Obviously, someone is breaking through again.

“This…” At this time, looking at Yang Tian, ​​La Mulan said sorry: “Mu Yi, it seems that we have to wait a moment. You know Mu Clan’s rules. “

Yang Tian frowned, nodded and said: “Okay, I can wait.”

Yang Tian was very upset at this moment, and he could see the natural symbolic array immediately. , But didn’t expect was interrupted.

Whoever encounters this situation will be unhappy.

“patriarch, not equal to me, go back and see, you still take the wood to that place, anyway, it’s impossible to pass in a short time.”

The name is Lamu Wu Elder glanced at the barbaric and said to Ramulan.

“This suggestion is good! It will not delay everyone’s time. Although Mu Clan has this rule, but the rule is determined by someone, so you should work around it! If that person cannot pass the next few levels, Didn’t everyone wait for nothing?”

As soon as Lamuwu’s voice fell, Kuman continued.

Kuman is more unhappy than Yang Tian at this time.

La Mulan frowned and hesitated, then nodded agreed.

The seal at the entrance of the natural symbol array is not so easy to crack. He doesn’t know whether Yang Tian can succeed, but he can let Yang Tian try first.

More than half of the journey has been taken, and after La Mu Wu turned back and went back, La Mu Landai Yang Tian, ​​they walked for about fifteen minutes, finally arrived.

“This is the entrance of the natural rune array.” La Mulan pointed to the hole in front of him that was sealed by strange things, and said to Yang Tian: “Only through here can you see the real natural rune array. For countless years, no one except our ancestor Fuzhu can pass through here.”

La Mulan while speaking, Yang Tian has eyes opened wide.

Because what La Mulan calls the “strange things”, in fact, it is the kind of particulate matter that makes up the rune.

“This is artificial, isn’t it?” Yang Tian looked at countless constantly moving particles, indifferently said.

La Mulan nodded, “This is the seal set by the master.”

La Mulan admitted, Yang Tian also vaguely understood some things…


At this moment, two bells sounded one after another.

This means that the third test symbol array outside was cracked.

Being able to break the third test, it means that the people who come to rune are also very accomplished.

Yang Tian didn’t care about how the person outside went up to the level with rune. At this time, he began to communicate with the strange program in his mind.

The countless small particles that close the hole in front of you are very dense, moving constantly, like countless small mosquitoes gathered together.

To crack this kind of rune array, the strange program has to do it himself.

Yang Tian patted his chest, then raised his right hand, spread out his palm, countless small particles controlled by the rune program, flew out from between the collars of Yang Tian and gathered on the palm of Yang Tian’s palm , Forming a triangular object.

In the consciousness of La Mulan and others, Yang Tian is definitely a rune magic weapon.

Soon, La Mulan and the eleven Elder eyes opened wide invariably.

Because they saw that the material that constitutes this’rune magic weapon’ is too similar to the material that seals the cave…

No! Not like it, it should be!

Looking at Yang Tian’s immature face, La Mu Lan couldn’t help but guess, isn’t Mu Yi in front of him from the same place as Fu Zhu?

The origin of Fu Zhu is not clear to the people who pulled Mu Clan.

Yang Tian held the triangular body formed by the singular program change, indifferently said: “The reason why this seal symbol array is difficult to crack is because these small things have runes on them. They are all made up of pure rune energy. Once touched, they quickly combine with each other to generate rune and produce endless runes…”

“That’s it, every time we touch When encountering it, there will be incomprehensible rune arrays. Breaking a rune array will give birth to more. If they are only distributed in a certain distance of the cave, we can force through. However, the cave covered by them is a real journey It’s too long.”

After Yang Tian finished speaking, an Elder said immediately.

“Let me try!”

After this Elder said, Yang Tian said indifferently.

The strange program has already thought of a way to crack it.

Something that seems complicated, in fact, as long as you know its essence, understand and use it, it is very simple.

Before, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, as well as the strange program, felt that they had not absorbed enough of these pure rune energy, didn’t expect there will be so much here.

This…is really great!

Yang Tian was preparing to do it, but didn’t expect those small particles to move first, and some of them quickly condensed together, forming a time rune.

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