The process of constructing the energy world with external natural forces is very complicated, and the chance of success is not high. The reason why Kuman became the director of the Promise Temple depends on her energy world within the body.

In fact, all the temple officials are the same as her. There is no outstanding innate talent. How can we achieve the status of under one person, above ten thousand people?

But now, Kuman feels danger!

The forces of nature generate and restrain each other. Yang Tian has a rune energy world, which can restrain all cultivators who use the forces of nature to build an energy world.

Because rune actually drives the force of nature, producing many incredible effects and powerful energy.

Quite and savage love talent, but she does not allow a person who can threaten her to exist.

If Yang Tian agrees to join the Promise Temple, in the future, everyone will be’in the same hall as ministers’, and naturally will not become the enemy of life and death.

If Yang Tian doesn’t agree… Kuman plans to kill Yang Tian, ​​and the threat will be strangled in the bud.

With this idea, Kuman looked at Yang Tian’s gaze, passing a trace of killing intent.

Lamulan saw the look in Kuman’s eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up again, and he was so mature. He naturally understood what Kuman’s eyes meant.

The formation of rune world in Yang Tian within the body did not produce much movement, just like where water flows, a canal is formed, it is natural.

Soon, Yang Tian opened his eyes, put out a long breath, and his eyes were full of surprises!

Because he not only gets the rune world, but more importantly, through the rune world, he can use all the rune energy to form the required rune.

Before, when establishing the symbolic array, Yang Tian needed to portray rune. Even with the help of strange programs, he also needed to make various gestures with both hands to stimulate rune energy.

And now?

With rune energy, this step can be omitted, and the speed of building a symbol array can be much faster.

After opening his eyes, Yang Tian had a smile on his face, and turned his head and glanced at the brutal.

Cultivation arrived at Yang Tian this realm, and was extremely sensitive to the atmosphere of the outside world. He clearly felt the killing intent of Kuman before him.

If the realm is lower than Yang Tian, ​​or a cultivator of the same realm as Yang Tian, ​​reveals such a killing intent to Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian has already started.

The strength of Kuman is much stronger than Yang Tian, ​​even if Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong join forces, it is not Kuman’s opponent, Yang Tian can only tolerate temporarily.

Yang Tian’s smile seemed very pure, but when he saw it, his heart jumped.

“Muyi, thank you so much! You finally helped my clan break this seal…”

Kuman is about to speak, and invites Yang Tian to join the Promise Temple, pull Mu Lan Suddenly sounded.

When speaking, La Mulan looked very excited.

“No thanks! I just want to see the natural symbolic array.” Yang Tian said with a smile.

However, Ramulan shook the head and said: “This…I’m afraid it won’t work. The secret of my clan cannot be known to outsiders.”

‘When it was two words, Yang Tian frowned, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

It seems that Mu Clan is preparing to’abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal.’ From beginning to end, Mu Clan is using Yang Tian and other Rune Dao experts.

“La Mulan, what are you talking about?”

As soon as La Mulan’s voice fell, Yang Tian didn’t speak, and Kuman reacted, looking at La Mulan coldly said .

Something is wrong!

Hui E Miaomiao leaned a little closer to Yang Tian immediately, tightened the black whip in her hand, and she had a foreboding that the battle would begin soon.

The eleven Elders around La Mulan also dispersed at this time, blocking their bodies from entering the innermost cave.

La Mulan said with a sneer: “Stubborn, what we want to do, don’t you understand? I advise you to leave as soon as possible! It’s none of your business.”

Sneer also said with a sneer: “This continent, Four Great Regions, my Promise Temple can take care of everything. Unless you pull Mu Clan and want to completely disappear from this World! Against our temple, you know how serious the consequences are. .”

“ha ha ha……”

After finishing talking, La Mulan laughed and looked very cheerful.

Looking at La Mu Lan laughed, Yang Tian touched Hui’s hand, slowly backing away.

In the battle between experts, Yang Tian does not want to participate.

Laughing a few times, La Mulan looked at the barbaric, said with a sneer: “My La Mu clan has been oppressed by your temple for countless years. Now, I can finally breathe out. It won’t be long before I pull Mu Clan to destroy your temple and become the most powerful race in this continent! I want to build the Lamu Temple, the only temple in this continent!”

“hmph! It’s wonderful! It’s a pity, you can’t achieve it, die~”

Senhan’s voice radiated from her savage mouth. Before her voice fell, she rushed towards La Mulan.

Yang Tian saw that the dry man moved, immediately pulled Hui E Miao Miao, turned and ran.

At this time, no one prevents Yang Tian from escaping here.

For La Mulan and Kuman, Yang Tian is still a small role.

Although Yang Tian is very great on rune and has two energy worlds, Yang Tian is only the cultivator of the illusion realm. As long as you solve the powerful opponent in front of you, it is easy to deal with Yang Tian later. too much.

At this time, no matter whether it is La Mulan or Kuman, there is no plan to kill Yang Tian.

“Bang… Bang… Bang…”

During running, Yang Tian heard loud noises coming from behind him continuously, and the cave shook.

From time to time, a fierce air current blows over, and Yang Tian and Hui’er use the air current to speed up the speed of escape.

For Yang Tian, ​​it is a great pity that he did not see the natural symbol array.

Fortunately, this trip did not run in vain, at least he got a rune world.

This cave is extremely strong, even if it shakes violently, there is no sand or rock, let alone collapse.

In the sound of “hong hong”, people in this cave did not hear it. Four bells rang outside.

This means that the five amulets outside have been broken.

While La Mulan’s gang was fighting with Kuman, La Muwu didn’t know the following situation, and he was carrying Heifujun, coming down the cave.

As long as the seal outside the natural rune formation is not broken, Mu Clan will not uncover the mask and reveal a vicious face to the world and the temple.

“What’s wrong with pulling Mu Clan’s patriarch?”

Hui E Miao Miao finally couldn’t help it, and asked curiously.

Already left a long distance, Yang Tian listened to Hui Emiaomiao’s question, slowed down, and said with a smile: “The old man is already crazy.”

“Crazy? No way?”

Hui E Miao Miao was surprised.

Yang Tian said: “If it were me, I would probably go crazy too! They endured that many years, like a long spring, pressed, pressed, pressed to the end, this Time finally played, even if La Mulan is Saint, he will go crazy. Of course, this is only a short vent. When he wakes up, he will definitely regret it.”

Yang Tian just finished speaking, I heard a sound of footsteps ahead.

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