
The road ahead was just blocked, and there was a loud noise, and the messy boulders in front of him exploded. Then, the huge dragon head of the little green dragon appeared.

It turned out that the little blue dragon smashed through the rubble and opened the blocked passage.

When Xiao Qinglong retracted his head, Yang Tian and Hui E Miao Miao immediately followed along.

The two of them traveled less than 100 meters before they came to a place that emits blue light.

It really is a Transmission Array.

Most of the underground caves have collapsed, but the cave where the Teleportation Talisman is located is extremely strong because of the protection of rune power.

Little Qinglong changed back to the appearance of a mini-little Qinglong again, returned to Yang Tian’s shoulders, and told Yang Tian that Kuman and Hei Fujun had left through this Transmission Array just now.

Yang Tian without the slightest hesitation, took Hui’emiao and stepped onto the Transmission Array.


After Lamu Mountain collapsed, the ground at the bottom of the mountain still kept trembling. With Lamu Mountain as the center, the ground around several hundred li slowly Protruding.

It looks like a giant beast is about to emerge from the ground.

Half-cut Lamu Mountain continued to rise, and within half an hour, it had recovered to its original height, even higher. From a distance, it looked like Broken Sword protruding from the ground. .

The cultivators who arrived here quietly watched the magnificent scene in front of them.

Such a topographical change has not happened on this continent for a long time.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

The raised Lamu Mountain suddenly sank down, forming a huge hole with several hundred li in a radius.


Everyone was about to explore, and suddenly, there was a humming in the cave. Immediately afterwards, the wind of’wu wu’ sounded.

A strong attraction came from the cave. A large number of rocks and trees around the cave were drawn in, like a vortex falling into the water, spinning rapidly in the air, moved towards the deep cave Landed.

When the cultivators near the cave saw this situation, they were shocked and backed away quickly.

“hong hong hong ……”

The air currents generated by the cave are getting stronger and stronger, the entrance becomes smoother and smoother, and the range becomes larger and larger, moving towards all around It spread at an extremely fast speed.

This terrifying scene makes people think that if this cave is allowed to expand indefinitely, maybe the entire continent will be destroyed.

When many cultivators were scared witless, the cave began to change again.

The airflow velocity in the cave began to slowly decrease, and after less than an hour, it finally stopped.

When the airflow stopped, what appeared to everyone was a big hole in the shape of a horn.

The daring cultivator cautiously came to the edge of the cave and looked down and couldn’t help but eyes opened wide.

The airflow generated in the previous hole scraped the wall of the hole extremely smoothly, and thousands of meters below it was covered with layers of…lice crystals.

The lice crystal ore produced in the mine is granular, because the density is different, the color is also slightly different.

The lice crystal mine below is big and shiny, and looks very beautiful.

The purple louse crystal veins extend from a few thousand meters down to the end of sight.

As the so-called human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, greed can make people overcome fear. When even a large number of cultivators jumped and slid down the cave wall.

“ha ha ha…it really is a lice crystal, a lot of lice crystals!”

The first cultivator to slide to the lice crystal mineral layer inserted a knife into the cave wall and stopped. , Looked at the purple lice crystal deposit in front of her, and smiled happily.

Everyone didn’t expect that there is such a big lice crystal mine at the bottom of Lamu Mountain.

Lamshan is the center of the natural talisman formation, and it is not surprising that it can produce rich lice crystal ore.

The first group of people who slipped to the Lice Crystal Mine took out their weapons and began to dig in the Lice Crystal Mine.

For a time, the clanking sound was endless.

Seeing such a situation, the cultivators standing at the entrance of the cave could not help but slide down along the wall of the cave.

The cave with a radius of hundreds of kilometers can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Most people are crazy, but a few people are very calm, even if they see someone picking up lice crystals into Storage Equipment, they will remain unmoved.


It was less than half an hour before the airflow stopped. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound again at the bottom of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a strong air current appeared again.

The cultivators who were digging the lice crystal mine had no time to react, so they were swept up by the airflow and fell into the bottom of the cave.

The sound of wu wu’s airflow completely covered the screams.

The sudden airflow this time swept away at least tens of thousands of people.

The airflow in the cave stopped again after about half an hour.

With the lessons learned from the last time, no one dared to go any further.

At this time, the people from the three major temples seized the opportunity to surround the cave and forbid anyone to go down.

The reason for the three major temples is that this cave that suddenly appeared is very dangerous, and no one is allowed to step into it until it is clear.

This grand-sounding reason is naturally unconvincing. Everyone knows that the three major temples must be the lice crystals in the coveted cave. The benefits of the entire continent have almost been taken up by the three major temples.

In spite of this, everyone dared not speak up, let alone use actual actions to oppose it.

When the blue light in front of them disappeared, Yang Tian and the others had come to a place where the light was dim and the edge could not be seen.

If it weren’t for a faint blue light projected from the top of the head, this space must be invisible.

“Yang Tian……”

Yang Tian took the hand of Hui E Miao, and was looking all around, suddenly, the voice of Lord Hei Fu rang next to him.

Immediately afterwards, a bright rays of light appeared in the direction of the sound.

Hei Fujun held a luminous triangle item in his hand, and walked quickly towards Yang Tian.

Heard Hei Fujun calling himself’Yang Tian’, Yang Tian’s heart tightened.

If these two words are heard by Kuman, it will be a big trouble.

Before Kuman appeared, I doubted Yang Tian’s identity. If he heard the name of Yang Tian by Hei Fujun at this time, even if Kuman was stupid, she knew that she was cheated by Yang Tian’s appearance. .

Fortunately, only Heifujun appeared, and there was no trace of brutality.

“Where is Fuzhu and Kuman?” When Black Fujun walked in front of him, Yang Tian asked indifferently.

Hei Fujun shook the head: “After I came here, I didn’t see them. It’s strange here, you can see by looking at the ground.”

Yang Tian and Hui’e listened wonderfully and looked at her feet at the same time.

It turns out that the ground is full of red stripes, like tree roots, messy. At first glance, this is the case, but if you look closely, you will find that these stripes seem to be regular.

Hei Fujun squatted down and touched the red stripes with his hands and said: “If I guess right, these things are the energy lines of the natural rune formation.”

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