(Two chapters in one)

As soon as the three of them left the envelope of the symbolic array, a red rays of light projected from the entrance above and hit the ground.

The red light is extremely hot and is bound by the rune energy, like a thick laser beam.

“hong long long……”

When this beam of light fell on the ground, the irradiated ground actually vibrated, began to melt, became liquid, and then again Become black gas.

“peng peng peng…”

The melting ground also made a burst of noise, because there was rune energy separated, it sounded very dull.

This is obviously the sound made when the rune energy lines on the ground are destroyed.

Seeing such a situation, Hei Fujun was afraid for a while, thinking that if he did not leave in time, he would be burnt to slag by the red light at this time.

The range of the red light irradiated by the energy of the rune, most of the heat is accumulated together, the temperature is getting higher and higher, the red rays of light is like a drill, constantly going down.

This rune system is obviously set up by the master of the talisman. It seems that the master of the talisman wants to use heat to burn a deep cave out of the ground.

This design is really amazing.

First, the airflow is made to rotate rapidly to generate heat, and then the heat is collected and transferred downward. At the bottom, a symbolic array of siege energy was set up to gather the heat and prevent it from spreading.

In this way, as long as the airflow above keeps rotating, heat will be continuously generated and the temperature will get higher and higher.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian judged that there must be something under the ground, and the Master Fu built this kind of rune array system, and he must melt the following things into a hole.

Yang Tian feels that the temperature produced by this symbolic array system is higher than that of the Yan array.

Although this symbolic array system is powerful, it also has a limit to withstand. When the temperature reaches a certain level, the heat causes a change in rune energy. Standing outside the symbolic array, Yang Tian can also feel it Scorching energy.

As the three slowly retreated, suddenly, the airflow above finally stopped spinning.

In the space surrounded by rune energy, the black smoke slowly dispersed, and a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared.

“Let’s go in and take a look!”

Yang Tian looked up and saw that the airflow had stopped rotating, and smiled at the Black Talisman Jundao.

Go in and have a look?

Hei Fujun still had a lingering fear about the situation just now. After Yang Tian finished speaking, Hei Fujun took a deep look at Yang Tian and was nodded.

After entering the center of the symbolic array again, Yang Tian immediately used spirit strength to form a shield to protect himself, Hui’e Miaomiao and Hei Fujun.

Although the airflow above is no longer rotating and the red light disappears, there is still a high temperature of more than one thousand degrees. If it is not for heat that can be emitted from above, I am afraid that the temperature will be higher.

Yang Tian came to the edge of the pothole and looked down.

The cave at the foot is dark and lacquered, and you can’t see it to the end, Yang Tian took out a bluestone from the storage bracelet, moved towards the cave and threw it away.

After a second, I heard the sound of bluestone falling to the ground. Yang Tian judged from this, this cave is about four more than a hundred meters deep.

“There must be something below here, I don’t know what it is…” Looking at the big burning hole, Hei Fujun frowned and muttered.

After finishing speaking, he glanced upwards, turned his head and said to Yang Tian: “This place is too weird, we’d better leave.”

To leave here, to Yang Tian In terms of it, it is not difficult. When the sky comes down from the top, it is an exit, which can be done by breaking through the upper layers of the symbolic array.

But if you leave at this time, many questions will not be answered, and if you don’t kill the master this time, you may not have a chance later.

If it is not certain when Formation will start again, Yang Tian would like to go down to the cave to check it out immediately.


As soon as I think about it, the symbolic array is activated again,

The three of them are out of the range of the energy of the symbolic array again.

Sure enough, as Yang Tian had expected, the swiftly rotating airflow produced high temperature again, and a red light shone into the cave that had reached several hundred meters.

Through the start and stop of the symbolic array, Yang Tian roughly estimated that after the symbolic array started, the duration was about half an hour.

After stopping, it will cool down for the same time.

Yang Tian sat down on the ground, intending to wait until this symbol array drilled deep enough to expose the things under the ground.

What can be appreciated by Fuzhu is definitely not Fanpin.

“Yang Tian, ​​the old man is very curious, how did you come to this World?”

After Yang Tian sat down, Hei Fujun also sat down and looked at Yang Tian’s face, indifferently asked.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “I have stayed in that sealed space for so long, and have known the blueprint of the mighty airship. After you left, I copied one.”


In fact, Hei Fujun had already guessed it, and he asked like this, just to arouse the topic that’s all. Yang Tian said that, there was no surprised expression on his face. As soon as Yang Tian’s voice fell, Mr. Black Talisman said: “This World is not what we think.”

“What do you mean?”

When Mr. Black Talisman said so, it caused Yang Tian was very interested.

In fact, what is this World like? After coming to this World, Yang Tian has only a general impression in his mind.

Hei Fujun took out a rune, drew two concentric circles on the ground, then pointed to the center circle and said to Yang Tian: “This is the world we are in now, and the outside is The Universe World where we originally lived. The this World in the middle is actually the simplest in structure, while the outside this World……”

Speaking of this, Mr. Hei Fu frowned and stopped. .

“What’s wrong?” Yang Tian asked.

Heifu Jundao: “The Universe World outside this circle should be a double space. It contains countless small Universe Worlds. And we came out of these small Universe Worlds.”


“How did you learn?”

After Hei Fujun finished speaking, Yang Tian asked curiously.

Heifu Jundao: “This is a speculation of Lord Goddess. She also said that some of these little Universe Worlds outside are naturally generated, a constant’broken bubble space’, and some are created by cultivators. The energy world that came out, and the storage space.”

Hei Fujun drew two concentric circles, but in fact, the two different cosmic spaces are three-dimensional spheres.

In other words, in fact, both the external space and the internal space are connected by spatial energy.

This also explains why the Storage Equipment in the original world can also be used in this World.

“Can you be sure?”

After Hei Fujun finished speaking, Yang Tian asked.

They both spoke in the language of this World, and Hui E Miao Miao naturally heard clearly. As an’indigenous people’ who was born and raised in this World, Hui’er is a little hard to understand.

Faced with Yang Tian’s question, Hei Fujun took a deep breath and said: “It’s just a guess! But the old man feels that this kind of guess is close to the truth.”

Yang Tian said with a smile: “I’m still afraid that you said this World is fake, and we all live in a virtual world!”

No wonder Yang Tian thinks this way, because he has seen Machine Race The virtual world.

Hei Fujun said with a smile: “Of course not, this is the real world, but it is actually very different. The virtual world cannot use rune.”

This One point, Yang Tian agrees.

“He Luoyangli this person, how did he reach our original world?”

Yang Tian asked again.

Yang Tian believes that Hei Fujun is Xichen’s faintly confidant, and he should understand this.

Xi Chen Youyou should have come to this World for the second time, and the information obtained in this respect must be more than Yang Tian.

Hei Fujun did not disappoint Yang Tian, ​​and said: “He Luoyang is in this World, and he is just an ordinary cultivator that’s all, and his realm is only the Peak Realm of the illusion. You may not I know that the space barrier leading to the outside world is not always closed. According to the old man’s speculation, on the edge of this continent, or in the Star Sea, space channels form from time to time, and the opening time is extremely short. If anyone encounters When you arrive, you can enter and exit through the space channel. The space channel when we came, the position should be moving all the time. Therefore, you and we appear in this World different position.”

Then there is another one Problem occurred.

Yang Tian asked again, “He Luoyangli brought Lord Goddess to this World, how did Lord Goddess go back?”

Heifu Jundao: “This question, old The man never thought about it. However, if the speed of the time in this World is different from the outside, this might happen. After returning, the old man must ask Lord Goddess for advice.”

Yang Tian thought, if this is the case, then, after Xi Chen Youyou was brought to this World, the stay time must be very short. But after I went back, I found that a long time had passed since the original world.

Thinking of this question, Yang Tian can’t help but wonder again, it turns out that many years have passed since that world, then, the group of High Priests in the Super Star God Hall, maybe it will come soon.

This kind of thought makes Yang Tian happy.

Seeing a smile appeared on Yang Tian’s face, Heifu Jundao: “There is one more thing you may not know. That is, this World is much more stable than our original Universe World.”


Speaking, Hei Fujun drew a circle in the air with the talisman pen, and a blue bubble emerged from the tip of the talisman pen.

After the bubble got off the pen tip, it burst with a pop.

Although Hei Fujun’s statement seems very true, Yang Tian can’t believe it completely, thinking that only after he has cultivated to the realm of Spiritual God, he might understand these secrets.


Qin Fei has been in this world called the tomb of the gods. It has been a while. She didn’t expect to be in this gloomy world. There will be a large area of ​​beautiful environment.

This is a paradise created by defeating the Spiritual Gods in this World by combining their powerful forces with the talisman formation.

Compared with Divine Realm, the Spiritual God of this World is more like a human being than an indifferent Spiritual God.

This piece of “Happy Land” is a square circle with a diameter of about one thousand kilometers, and a giant tree grows in the center.

In this paradise, the Divine Race with several millions survives. It is this giant tree that can survive.

This tree looks a bit similar to the banyan trees growing on Earth. It occupies most of the space in the paradise, and there is a continuous growth of green fruits shaped like eggplants.

When Qin Fei was still Goddess, she had heard of World Tree, and thought that this giant tree was probably World Tree.

Although there is plenty of food, the Divine Races living here are not so comfortable. The mission of the Goddess spirit is to guard the giant tree, because the giant tree will give birth to insects.

This kind of insect is milk-white and is called’lingguo’. It is shaped like a silkworm. The body length of the adult is about one meter. It feeds on the sap of the giant tree for a living and is cooked. It’s delicious food.

Linggu is constantly produced on giant trees. If you do not control their number, giant trees will soon be sucked up by them and die.

This kind of work is very easy, because Linggu has no attack power. You can kill them by piercing their heads with a metal braze, but they move faster.

After Qin Fei was sent here, she was responsible for guarding a branch of the giant tree within the specified time.

On a branch of the giant tree with a diameter of several meters, Qin Fei saw a Lingguo crawling up quickly and pierced the black metal in his hand to his feet.

This is a bug that slipped through the net. With only a chirp, the black drill in Qin Fei’s hand just inserted into its head.

After pulling the black metal drill out of Linggu’s head, the Linggu fell and was caught by a twelve or three-year-old girl.

The killed Linggu can’t finish eating, it will be dried, ground into powder, and boiled with water. It is also a delicious insect porridge.

The giant tree is very big, and there are tens of thousands of women and children busy on it, and the spirit falls like raindrops.

Compared to when she was a servant of Divine Realm, Qin Fei’s life is very easy.

“Xiao Fei, Xiao Fei…”

Qin Fei was patrolling her area intently and heard someone calling herself below. Hearing the sound, he seemed a little anxious.

Qin Fei looked down and saw the next middle-aged woman waving at her. When she saw Qin Fei, she loudly said: “Black Star is seriously injured, I want to see you.”

Qin Fei was shocked when he heard that Black Star was injured. She saw white wings immediately appear on her back, making her look like an angel.

As soon as she spread her wings, Qin Fei flew down the tree.

Black Star was one of the two people who discovered and brought Qin Fei here, and received Qin Fei as an Adopted Daughter.

Women’s work is easy, but men are different. Outside the paradise, there are a lot of’dead spirits’.

If the undead are not killed, they will gather more and more, and finally threaten the paradise.

Black Star is a warrior. He often goes out to hunt and kill spirits. During Qin Fei’s arrival here, Black Star has been injured twice.

Within less than five minutes of swift flight, Qin Fei came to the’hospital’ that specializes in treating the wounded.

Hei Xing has just been sent here, lying on a simple stone bed covered in blood, and has passed out in a coma.

As soon as Qin Fei came, she saw a medical worker shaking her head at a middle-aged man who was riddled with scars. The meaning is obvious, Black Star is not saved.

This middle-aged man covered in scars was a soldier who went out with Black Star at the same time. He was sighed with sadness when he heard that Black Star was not saved.

Even Divine Race will die…

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