After a leaf gnawed, numerous white insects crawled along the branches and moved towards the other leaves, and soon dispersed.

Seeing these insects, Yang Tian suddenly understood the plan of Fuzhu before.

If Yang Tian kills all these insects for the purple spar, this black giant tree will not be destroyed.

Yang Tian did not stop the white insect from gnawing on those black leaves. Soon, another blade was gnawed out of a gap. In the space of this leaf, a space is also enclosed, some cultivators are closed, the space of the leaves is broken, and hundreds of cultivators inside are free and fly out from inside.

I don’t know what happened in the space of that leaf. As soon as these cultivators came out, they started fighting each other. In a blink of an eye, dozens of people were killed or injured.

Yang Tian didn’t want to be nosy, but soon, someone came to the door.

Hundreds of cultivators are fighting more and more. One of them was fisted by the other. When he stopped, he looked up and saw Yang Tian and opened his mouth loudly. shouted, moved towards Yang Tian and Hui E Miao Miao rushed over.

This is a cultivator of the illusion realm. His eyes are blood-red, like crazy.

Yang Tian did not move, Xiao Qinglong jumped from his shoulders, Zhang Opening the mouth, moved towards the person who rushed out spouted a golden-yellow dragon flame. Long Yan immediately wrapped this person, and burned this person into black powder in the blink of an eye.

The thing that surprised Yang Tian happened. After this person died, a light blue, with Life Aura energy, rushed out of the golden-yellow dragon flame, moved towards the black giant tree and flew away, Submerge in the trunk.

Little Qinglong is already stronger than the cultivator battle strength of the same realm, not to mention that the realm is even higher than Level 1. It is too easy to kill this person.

This is obviously a ray of consciousness left behind after the death of the cultivator, which is the so-called soul.

Yang Tian is the first time to see’Soul’.

Because of being close, a trace of this person’s soul can be seen by Yang Tian, ​​then, for those who died before, their souls must have been absorbed by the black giant tree.

Suddenly, Yang Tian thought of a possibility and couldn’t help being surprised.

This black giant tree seems to need to absorb human souls, and these hundreds of cultivators, with blood red eyes and crazy expressions, are obviously bewildered by the black giant tree leaf space. The black giant tree, or the purpose of the talisman, is to kill each other…

Seeing another leaf bitten by a white insect, hundreds of cultivators appeared again, the situation is the same as before, Yang Tian quickly pulled Hui E Miao Miao back.

At this time, he didn’t want to do anything with these people, so as not to become an accomplice of Fuzhu.

After some distance away from the giant black tree, visually, the black tree has become a bit smaller and you can already see its full picture.

This space is really wonderful, Yang Tian only felt that he had stepped back several hundred meters, as if he had crossed a distance of tens of kilometers.

The leaves of the black giant tree are too many. Almost every leaf has a peculiar space.

Every time a white insect bites a black leaf, a group of cultivators will emerge, as well as a large number of…exotic animals!

Whether it is a cultivator or an alien beast, they are all crazy, as soon as they appear, they begin to kill each other.

Yang Tian condensed his eyes and looked, and found that those dead animals would also have a light soul flying out, throwing into the black giant tree.

In this process, Yang Tian discovered that the more powerful the cultivator and alien beast, after death, the bluer and more powerful the soul energy flying out of the corpse.

“Those people seem to be from the three major temples!”

When another black leaf broke open and a group of people rushed out, Hui E Miao pointed at these people in surprise Tao.

The black robe doorman of the Promise Temple, the blue robe doorman of the Star Temple, and the white robe door of the Tianyu Temple, a total of nearly a thousand people fought together, together with the door, they all fought each other.

Since reaching the bottom of the earth, Yang Tian hasn’t gone out yet, but he can also guess that what happened on the ground must have led a large number of cultivators here.


More and more people and strange beasts came out, Yang Tian pulled Hui E Miao Miao and quickly retreated a certain distance.

For Yang Tian in this situation, he can only avoid it. If he stepped forward and was entangled in crazy cultivator and alien beasts, it would be troublesome.

After staying away for a certain distance again, the black giant tree became smaller in Yang Tian’s eyes.

Seeing the giant black tree with their current vision is like looking at a potted plant. The cultivator and alien beasts coming out of the black leaves are moving points one by one.

This kind of vision gives Yang Tian a feeling of control.

But Yang Tian understands that this is just an illusion that’s all. In order to verify, Yang Tian condense a spirit strength, moved towards the black giant tree rushed away. ,

This spirit strength naturally contains a trace of Yang Tian’s idea.

Sure enough, as he expected, a giant tree that looked very close and very small, when the spirit strength moved forward, the black giant tree grew at a very fast speed, and the surrounding space also expanded infinitely. The feeling given to Yang Tian is like his body shrinks at an extremely fast speed.

When Yang Tian’s spirit strength approached within a certain range from the giant black tree, the consciousness attached to the spirit strength was attracted by a powerful attraction emanating from the giant black tree , The uncontrolled moved towards the giant tree rushed away.

In normal times, consciousness has to be carried out of the body and must have energy.

For example, every time Yang Tian wants to inspect an item, he uses spirit strength to carry a strand of consciousness. If there is no spirit strength, he is also impossible to release his consciousness, otherwise he will dissipate as soon as he leaves the body.

In the current environment, after this strand of consciousness has left the strand of spirit strength, it does not at all dissipate, but rather gathers incomparably.

Yang Tian originally wanted to cut off the connection with this thread of consciousness, but under curiosity, he didn’t do it at all. He wanted to know what would happen after his consciousness entered the black giant tree.

Curiosity will kill the cat, and of course it will kill the person. Next, Yang Tian almost said.

When this strand of consciousness was about to approach the trunk of the black giant tree, suddenly, a powerful attraction was added to Yang Tian’s body, trying to remove his consciousness from within the body Pull out.

Yang Tian’s brain roared, the energy within the body boiled, and the original realm within the body began to vibrate.

Yang Tian couldn’t help being shocked, and quickly cut off the connection with that thread of consciousness.

Fortunately, Yang Tian did it in time, and the connection with that ray of consciousness was broken, and the powerful attraction that the black giant tree added to him immediately disappeared.


Yang Tian was so scared that he couldn’t help but put out a long breath.

At this time, his face was pale, and his body that hadn’t been sweated for a long time was sweating.

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing the strangeness of Yang Tian, ​​Hui E Miao asked with concern.

Yang Tian said with a bitter smile: “I was almost finished just now…”

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