Although the front is very lively, Yang Tian just took a few glances and then withdrew his gaze.

From Hui’echanchan, some key information was obtained, Yang Tian needs to sort it out in his mind.

This is a very important thing. Only by knowing the outline, can it be possible to defeat the talisman.

Yang Tian closed his eyes.

Fu Zhu is undoubtedly a Legendary character, so I will infer from the world before he left.

After the Lord of Talisman came to this World, relying on the little talisman in his hand, which is the second-generation rune program, he must have gained a reputation. At this time, the three major temples already existed.

Previously, Yang Tian demonstrated his power on rune by relying on the strange program, and he was taken a fancy to by Kuman. Then, Lord Fu will definitely be recruited by the temple.

Did that Fuzhu agree?

Yang Tian inferred that Fuzhu must have agreed.

At this time, the Lord of Talisman should not have such big ambitions as it is now. After all, life essence is coming soon. The purpose of joining the temple is probably mainly to extend the lifespan.

During a period of time in the temple, the rune master found the natural rune array, and at the same time, he also learned detailed information about the tree of death, and knew that the temple had seeds of the tree of death. After some research, he combined the natural rune array with the tree of death, and he thought of the current wild ambition plan.

If it’s someone else, it’s certainly not so “imaginative”, but who is the Lord of the Talisman? He was the first person who created the rune program, and at the same time had perverted perseverance. It is not surprising that the two combined to create a second unimaginable miracle.

So what’s next?

The talisman must have stolen the seed of the tree of death from the temple and was chased by the people of the temple. In this process, because of the special nature of Machine Race, in the process of chasing and killing the talisman , Has become the main force.

The Lord Fu said to Yang Tian that he came to this World and undoubtedly encountered Machine Race and was chased by Machine Race……

This must be a lie Yes, in order not to reveal the secret.

After escaping from the hunt, Lord Fu came to this World again and started his unimaginable and huge plan.

Fu Zhu said that he had to destroy the first-generation rune program, which is obviously incorrect. Looking at the fate of Xiao Fu, you know that Fu Zhu needs tools that can sacrifice for him, not a life with self-consciousness.

What should I do if the rune program doesn’t listen to Fuzhu when it’s time for Guan Jian?

After experiencing the above things, the master of the talisman returned to this World and hibernated in the natural talisman array. In order to achieve his goal, he set up Mu Clan…

As for the destruction of the Fleshy body…mostly it was the guardian messenger, that is, the mysterious black robe Elderly. He must have known what the master talisman wanted to do, and could not help but attack the master.

Natural rune formation, and the rune master came to this World for the second time. The people in the temple probably knew it. Maybe they realized the rune master’s purpose and felt that the rune master would do something for them. Just pretend not to know the things that are not available.

After waiting, I don’t know how many years, Yang Tian came, and happened to encounter the time when Fu Zhu started planning.

As for why the Lord of Talisman has to lie dormant for so long, one is because he has lost his fleshy body and needs to be’restored’. Second, it must be that the natural rune formation has not yet reached the requirements. He can only wait while taking advantage of At this time, a precise calculation is made.

For others, hundreds of thousands are like a day, I’m afraid they would be crazy long ago. However, in this respect, Fu Zhu is an unparalleled pervert.


Yang Tian analyzed in his mind for a long time, and came to the above process. He is confident, Fu Zhu’s experience, and the result of his analysis, must be pretty close, the difference is just a matter of details that’s all.

Although knowing that those fruits are good things, but thinking that the tree of death has plundered the souls of many people, and these fruits have grown, Yang Tian felt very uncomfortable in his heart and decided not to join in the excitement. .

Looking from a distance, those fruits of death that have been’ripened’ are like tomatoes.

After being red, the cultivator will detach it from the branch with a light palm, and the fast cultivator will immediately collect it into the storage bracelet.

This tree of death is undoubtedly the treasure of Lord Talisman. How can it be destroyed casually?

There are also the three Palace Lords in the temple, who must want to obtain the mature fruit of death, but now they are destroyed, making Yang Tian a little puzzled.

Hui’er Chan Chan doesn’t know this question either.

But soon, Yang Tian knew the reason.

For trees to produce fruits, they also need’nutrients’. Many fruits are ripened and picked, and there will be more energy. Moved towards a small number of obscured fruits of death gather and go with.

Soon, in the place where the branches of death are dense, a blue fruit of death has grown more than double the size of other fruit of death.

This fruit of death was not discovered by the cultivators. The reason why it was not ripened is that it was born in the densest place of branches. Most of the force that the cultivators blasted at it was all covered by branches. Was blocked.

Looking from a distance, the black giant tree is small, but when you get closer, you will find that it is very huge and bears at least tens of thousands of fruits. So many fruits, after several hours of strikes, were ripened and picked, only the largest one was left.

There is less than one cultivator for hundreds of thousands of people, and the last one is naturally looted by everyone.

As a result, no matter how powerful energy strikes are used on it, its color cannot be changed, and it grows at an extremely fast speed, getting faster and faster.

Because the other fruits of death have been picked, the remaining one gets the energy supply of the whole tree, naturally the longer it gets, the faster it gets.

During the rapid growth of this death star, it can be clearly seen that the trunks and tree bars of the black tree are withering at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that the last fruit of death is about to mature.

When the last fruit of death grew to occupy more than half of the black tree canopy, it suddenly lit up.

The Palace Lord of the Promise Temple, Broad Star, immediately waved his hand.

The people from the three major temples were ordered to return immediately.

The people in the temple have withdrawn, but the other cultivators are not giving up. There are still many people staying there, constantly striving.

But when the fruit of death grows up, skin is rough and flesh is thick, no matter how it strikes, it is completely motionless.

The time of Broad Star is very accurate. When the people in the temple evacuated to a safe distance, suddenly, the fruit of death lit up with dazzling blue light, black trunks and branches, in the bright blue rays of light, it turned into powder.

“ha ha ha…”

At this moment, a burst of wild laughter came from the blue rays of light.

Don’t guess, Yang Tian knows that it must be Fuzhu.

After spending hundreds of thousands of years, and after careful calculation, Fu Zhu finally reached the harvest time.

At this time, he has merged with this naturally mature fruit of death.

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