With the vibration of the Wuji Temple, it wraps the Wuji Temple and acts as a rune array that hides the Temple. It loses its function under the control of the strange program.

The people living under the Promise Temple suddenly saw the sky darkening, and a continuous mountain range and great hall appeared in the sky above the kilometer.

The population below the Promise Temple is densely populated. As soon as the Temple appeared in the sky, it caused a huge sensation. Everyone stopped what they were doing, raised their heads, looking at the Promise Temple floating in the sky with shocked faces.

Not only the ordinary person, but even many people who came out of the Temple of Promise, don’t know that this huge temple is actually above their heads.

The Promise Temple that suddenly appeared, amidst the vibration of hong long long, the rocks were dropped, moving towards the distance, faster and faster, just a few minutes later Leaving human settlements.

This makes many nervous people finally sighed in relief.

The feeling that the Promise Temple gives them is too heavy. If it falls, more than half of the people below will die.

It’s fine now, even if it disintegrates in the air, it won’t fall to the ground.

Many people can’t help but wonder how so many strange things have happened recently.

First of all, the mainland has been divided for countless years, and then such a huge building appeared in the sky…

At this time, it is not the people under the Temple of Promise that are most shocked. It is the cultivators in the Promise Temple.

Especially professionals, that is, those talismans.

Many old Talismans also participated in the construction of this temple, although it was only the end of the project.

They are the group of people who know this temple building best, just like Yang Tian knows the Underground City of the Huier family. They didn’t understand if they wanted to break their heads. According to the design, the Promise Temple could only be suspended in the air, without the function of flying, how could it suddenly fly!

Even if the former Palace Lord is so happy, he has a unique idea and makes people secretly change the rune array of the temple. They are impossible to know!

Though thinking like this, the talismans are the first group of people to react. With an order from the top, dozens of people who became the rune division immediately went to various places in the temple to check where the problem was. .

As soon as the Promise Temple moved, the cultivators living here were really messed up.

Of course, this is only relative.

No matter how chaotic the Promise Temple is, it can’t compare to the riots of ordinary person.

Although they are not worried about being killed by buildings, almost everyone comes out from where they live, walks onto the wide streets, or climbs the nearby mountains.

The cultivators who were in retreat were also disturbed by this movement and had to stop their concentration training.

At this time, looking out from the temple, the scene is different again.

The previous scene, under the action of the symbolic array, was almost fixed, but now it is different.

The clouds in the sky are moving fast, the mountain range in the distance is getting closer, and dense buildings on the ground can be seen.

Before, it was only in front of the Everlasting Palace of the Palace Lord that you could see such a clear scene, but now, as long as you climb high, you have the opportunity to enjoy it.

In the temple, the low-status cultivator doesn’t know what happened yet, thinking that the displacement of the temple was done from above.

Those people at the upper level, especially those with heavy powers, understand that the shift of the temple is a major event that is not under their control.

Someone must have gotten into the temple! And this person is proficient in rune……

If several Guan Jian’s conditions are listed, and the temple can fly away from the original position, only the person named Yang Tian can do it!

Before things are clear, this is of course just a guess.

The secretaries who stayed in the temple immediately gathered together, held a short meeting, and passed the heavy news to Kuo Xing by the way.

They also only know what Kuo Xing is doing. They are at the key point and cannot be disturbed, but this matter is really too big.

If the temple is destroyed, it does not mean that the Promise Temple will be famous from this World, but the strength will be greatly damaged. In the future, he will definitely be surpassed by the Tianyu Temple and the Star Temple, falling from the top of the three major temples to the last.

“Didn’t expect Yang Tian actually came to the Temple of Promise…”

Didn’t expect Yang Tian to come to the Temple of Promise. Tian did it.

Heifujun understands better than anyone, not to mention destroying the temple, even if you want to enter the temple, it is extremely difficult.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have tried to please the barbaric.

Then let Yang Tian help!

Hei Fu Jun naturally thought about it, but he understands that the current Yang Tian is much stronger than him, not a nobody that he could kill with just one finger.

With what happened last time, Yang Tian is absolutely impossible and sincerely cooperates. If Yang Tian is allowed to know Lord Goddess’ plan, in the end, that Spiritual God’s brain is likely to fall on Yang. Tian’s hands.

Xi Chen Youyou obviously also understands this truth.

She also needs Yang Tian’s help, but after getting what she wants.

Everyone has been busy this time, Xichen Youyou plan has arrived at Guanjian, and it seems to be successful soon. What didn’t expect was that all of a sudden, the Promise Temple began martial law. Their plan had to be suspended.

And now!

The opportunity is better than before.

So Xi Chenyouyou immediately gathered his men.

After listening to Hei Fujun’s guess, he immediately said: “Whether it’s because of Yang Tian or not, let’s leave him alone and start acting!”

Xi Chen Youyou After speaking, hundreds of trusted followers in the hall immediately left the great hall. Even Hei Fujun also left.

What to do right away, Lord Black Talisman can’t participate because there is a problem with the rune formation in the temple, and all cultivators who know rune in the temple must be summoned.

The above requirement is to at all costs so that the Promise Temple will not suffer major damage.

It is precisely because of his proficiency in Rune Dao that Black Talisman can enter the Temple of Promise. At this time, he will naturally be called to help.

When the Promise Temple moved, before flying far, Kuo Xing received a communication from the Temple.

After seeing the news, Kuoxing still maintained a calm expression on his face, because Yugui and Zhimi were standing in front of him.

At this time, Kuo Xing faced two choices. One was to return to the temple immediately to stabilize his foundation. The second is to stay here and continue with the present thing.

After a short period of thinking, Kuoxing finally chose to stay.

Because what he has to do now is so important to him that the temple cannot be compared with it.

“Yang Tian ran to my Promise Temple, this person is really amazing…”

After thinking about it, Kuo Xing still honestly dealt with what just happened. Mi and Yugui said.

This matter, in fact, can’t hide from them.

Because, between the three major temples, there are people from each other.

Many people know that Yang Tian’drove away’ the Promise Temple, but they don’t know where Yang Tian is.

At this time, what about Yang Tian?

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