Just as Elderly left, other Spirit Physique appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes.

They have already arrived, they are just hiding in the dark, not showing up. Yang Tian actually noticed it when he was talking with Elderly.

“You, go out!”

Just like before, Dahong’s attitude is the opposite of that of Elderly. Most of Spirit Physique hope to get relief, only Dahong, and a small number of Spirit Physique, have hope for the future.

For these Spirit Physique, Yang Tian simply does not put them in his eyes.

Being in this space, perhaps for others, these Spirit Physiques are still a big threat, but for Yang Tian, ​​they are like lambs waiting for him to kill.

Because Yang Tian has spirit strength!

Yang Tian didn’t know that the middle age person who appeared to him coldly shouted was the last Palace Lord Dahong.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Tian moved towards Dahong with a single cut.

At this time, Yang Tian is very upset.


Red’s Blade Qi easily passed through Da Hong’s body.

For Yang Tian’s attack, Dahong simply did not dodge, because he is a Spirit Physique, except for the life rune energy, any other energy has no effect on him.

“It’s useless, your attack has no effect on me.”

Da Hong looked at Yang Tian with a contemptuous expression, indifferently said.

Is it useless?

The knife just now was just a knife cut out by Yang Tian at will, without using spirit strength.

The reason why spirit strength is not used, this is also a kind of temptation by Yang Tian, ​​he wants to know whether the force will cause harm to Spirit Physique.

To know one of the three energies that make up the force, there is spirit strength.

As a result, Yang Tian was a little disappointed.

Seeing the disappointed look in Yang Tian’s eyes, Da Hong sneered, and the illusory body flashed, and instantly appeared in front of Yang Tian.

In this process, Yang Tian clearly felt that the powerful rune energy was poured into Dahong’s spirit within the body.

Yang Tian is not a person of the Promise Temple, so Dahong used the strongest rune energy he could use, and blasted Yang Tian’s chest with a palm.

The speed of Dahong surprised Yang Tian very much. This is faster than the Bai Xingxuan outside, perhaps because Dahong is Spirit Physique!

However, Dahong’s attack needs the energy of the talisman array, so the entire process of attacking Yang Tian is actually slower than Bai Xingxuan.

However, the attacking energy is several times stronger than Bai Xingxuan.

If you don’t dodge and take this palm, Yang Tian’s body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Yang Tian has always been on guard against Dahong.

At the moment when Da Hong appeared in front of him and accumulated energy, Yang Tian dodged towards the side.


However, it was not only Da Hong who attacked Yang Tian. A young Spirit Physique slapped Yang Tian on the shoulder.

The strength of this palm is not very large, which is impossible to compare with the energy accumulated by Dahong, but Yang Tian’s body is still blown into flight.

His body has not yet landed, and he was in the air, and another thin Elderly appeared under Yang Tian’s body, with the fierce light in his eyes.

Some of these Spirit Physiques want to kill Yang Tian so as not to let the existence of Yang Tian affect them, while the faction like Elderly before, stay neutral at this time, they want to get Yang Tian’s Help, let Yang Tian help them to liberate, but at this time they didn’t help Yang Tian.

After death, those who are qualified to come here and continue to exist are the Palace Lords. Before alive, they were all powerhouses in the realm of ascension, confident that Yang Tian could be killed with a single finger.

But now, their strength is still borrowed, and the battle strength is less than 1% of the original. In order to kill Yang Tian, ​​they don’t hesitate to put down their pride and join hands.

Yang Tian, ​​who is in the air, cannot borrow strong power to make his body move in a very short time, leaving the weak Elderly’s attack range.

But he was not worried at the moment, because the little green dragon on his shoulder moved.

The little green dragon not at all turns into a giant dragon, ejects from Yang Tian’s shoulder, opens his mouth, and just sucks at Elderly.

Little Qinglong naturally knows that to kill these Spirit Physiques is to use spirit strength. At this moment, it looks like it is inhaling, trying to suck the thin Elderly Spirit Physique into its stomach, but in fact, it bursts out with powerful spirit strength.

Swallowing a lot of the leaves of World Tree, the spirit strength of Xiaoqinglong has been strengthened a lot. As soon as its spirit strength is emitted, it wraps up the weak Elderly.

The thin and weak Elderly was about to complete the energy accumulation at this time, and then launched a fatal blow to Yang Tian.

But suddenly, he felt a peculiar and powerful energy enveloping him. What made him fear was that when this peculiar energy touched his body, his body It is as if the ice touches the fire and’melts’ at a very fast speed.

Not only that, but the energy connection between him and the talisman array was suddenly disconnected.

In other words, under the action of the psychic energy of the little blue dragon, this thin Elderly can no longer use any power, no different from the Spirit Physique formed after the death of an ordinary person.


The formation of a strong air current rushed into the little dragon’s mouth of the little blue dragon.

The thin and thin Spirit Physique of Elderly is like a plume of smoke in the wind. It was too late to remind his companions, and followed the airflow into the mouth of Xiao Qinglong.

In Xiaoqinglong’s body, there is no condition for Spirit Physique to exist, and it disappears instantly.

This Palace Lord, the Promise Temple that existed a long time ago, finally disappeared completely in this World.

This process is extremely short, Da Hong, and another young Spirit Physique, can’t help turning pale with fright after seeing this situation.

At this time, they finally realized that they were just a Spirit Physique.

Spirit Physique is really too weak and we should stay away from students…

At this time, it is too late to regret.

Yang Tian hasn’t landed yet, he moved towards Dahong and the youngster-like Spirit Physique cut out a knife respectively.

This time, Yang Tian used spirit strength.

The two red Blade Qi is completely different from the Blade Qi used by Yang Tian before.

In the past, in order to strengthen Blade Qi’s attack power, Yang Tian tried his best to condense Blade Qi, but at this time, the Blade Qi that was cut out by him, after leaving the blade, diverged at an extremely fast speed.

Little Qinglong easily killed the thin Elderly, making Yang Tian realize that the Spirit Physique that exists here is weaker than he thought.

So, even if Blade Qi is dispersed, it can cause fatal damage to these Spirit Physiques. Because Yang Tian used spirit strength.

The two Blade Qi quickly turned into a big net, moved towards the Spirit Physique that looked like Dahong and youngster.

Because of spirit strength, these two Blade Qi are also extremely fast.

At this time, Da Hong, and the other Spirit Physique who looks like a youngster, is not far away from Yang Tian, ​​and because Yang Tian’s knife is extremely sudden, the two Spirit Physiques have discovered that Blade Qi is present. Lost the opportunity to escape.

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