Faced with dozens of Life Source attacks from Kuo Xing, a sneer appeared in Xiao Qinglong’s eyes.

When the energy that penetrated into the body was resolved just now, Xiao Qinglong already understood what the energy that Broad Star wanted to attack Yang Tian was.

It’s actually a mind!

To other cultivators, this powerful mental attack is almost fatal.

A person’s consciousness cannot survive in another lifeform. As the saying goes, the flesh produces the spirit and the spirit nourishes the flesh.

But for a cultivator with spirit strength, this kind of attack is almost the same as tickling, without any threat.

Because spirit strength and so-called mind are the same root and very similar energy. But compared with spirit strength, mind is still a bit worse.

After dissolving a Life Source attack of Kuo Xing, Xiao Qinglong immediately released his spirit strength and surrounded himself and Yang Tian.

If spirit strength is tangible, then at this time, it and Yang Tian will be like being in a bubble. Broadstar’s Life Source attack, no matter which direction it comes from, must break through Xiaoqinglong’s Spirit strength is good for defense.

Although I look down on Kuo Xing’s Life Source attack, Xiao Qinglong didn’t support it. At this moment, it released its most powerful spirit strength.

This time, Broad Star’s Life Source attack is different from before. For the sake of suddenness, his Life Source attack was moved towards Yang Tian straight.

And the attack this time, dozens of “blood light” are like flying Fire Insect, coming from different angles.

However, these’blood light’ are far from Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong and there are several meters, and they encounter a peculiar energy.

When encountering this invisible energy, these’blood lights’ are like ice encountering fire like, and immediately dissipate, becoming a lot weaker.

Kuo Xing frowned, and when he thought of it, dozens of’blood light’ instantly merged together, gathered together, and flew a few times around the psychic energy released by the little green dragon, and then one head Crashed away.


The collision of two energies sounded in the minds of Xiaoqinglong and Broad Star.

The condensed’blood light’ actually pierced the spirit strength defense of Xiaoqinglong.

After all, Broad Star is a powerhouse in the realm of spiritual travel. With Spirit Physique, which is the price of soul injury, the attack is not as easy to resolve as Xiao Qinglong imagined.

However, even though the psychic energy of Xiaoqinglong was broken, the remaining’blood light’ has become very weak, at least 50% lost.

Furthermore, because he rushed into the spirit strength defense of Xiaoqinglong, Broad Star also lost contact with this’blood light’.

Without the control of Broad Star, this’blood light’ was rammed like a headless fly. Xiao Qinglong seized the opportunity and swallowed it in one bite.

After being attacked by Xiaoqinglong again, Kuoxing’s face turned pale, and the energy to resist the black hole’s bondage was also weakened a lot.

Kuo Xing is suddenly weak, which is good for Yang Tian at this time.

Because, when Yang Tian controlled the black hole chain, he worried that after the speed of the twelve black holes slowed down, it would weaken the energy that binds the broad star, allowing the broad star to escape.

The big star who escaped, only needs to be in an instant to kill him.

So, when Kuo Xing used Life Source to attack him and was resolved by Xiao Qinglong twice, Yang Tian has been working hard to maintain the speed of the twelve black holes that make up the black hole chain. The speed of their rotation is increased again, but they cannot be reduced too much.

This process is actually very short, but whether it is Yang Tian or Broad Star, in fact, it is an extremely long process.

The two are equal to a contest on the level of consciousness, and the speed of this process is very fast, making Yang Tian feel that it has gone through a long time.

When the power of Kuoxing’s struggle weakened, Yang Tian also sighed in relief, and he could finally reduce the speed of twelve black holes’ rotation.

As soon as the black hole’s rotating speed drops, the black hole chain also calms down, and Yang Tian can finally transfer most of his thoughts from the energy world.

At this time, of course, Broad Star also knew that the power that bound him was obviously weakened, but he himself was weakened too, and he could no longer break away the energy that bound him.

At this moment, Kuo Xing had to look at Bai Xingxuan with a look of help.

At this time, if Bai Xingxuan launches an attack on Yang Tian, ​​he can be freed immediately.

But what made him disappointed and heartache was that Bai Xingxuan looked very indifferent to his eyes.

Kuo Xing’s heartache is because he really likes Bai Xingxuan, but what he doesn’t know is that Bai Xingxuan promised to be with him before, more out of gratitude, not a relationship between men and women.

These two emotions are completely different.

Love can make men and women blind. Only each other can give everything for each other, but gratitude is too easy to dissipate.

Bai Xingxuan is not a person to forget favors and violate justice, as long as Yang Tian does not harm Kuo Xing’s life, in this case, she will not take action against Yang Tian.

Because of being trapped for so many years, she also hopes to regain her freedom, especially after some memories are restored, this desire becomes stronger.

Actually, if Yang Tian wants to kill Kuo Xing at this time, he really can’t do it unless he wants to perish together with Kuo Xing.

The broad star is like a diamond, and his black hole power is like a rope. The rope can bind the diamond and keep it from moving, but it is impossible to destroy it with a rope.

Now, Yang Tian can finally concentrate on opening the treasure house.

The rune array that constitutes the entrance of the treasure house is not a complicated array, and it is not as subtle as the rune array that maintained the existence of Spirit Physique before.

A few seconds after the entrance appeared, the strange program calculated the cracking method based on the energy it radiated.

It doesn’t take half a minute, even if you can’t get the’key’ in Bai Xingxuan’s hand, Yang Tian can enter smoothly.

But now that Bai Xingxuan gave him the red hexagonal brand, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

Yang Tian held the brand in his hand, exerted a slight force, and a round button touched by the palm sank. Immediately, the symbol array on the brand was activated, and the rune energy that radiated Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong was enveloped in it.

Chengwu Xingyang was very clever, and immediately flew over, Yang Tian did not stop it either.

Soon, the entrance produced a powerful attraction, sucking Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong, as well as Chengwu Xingyang.

When Yang Tian disappeared, the entrance flashed and closed.

Yang Tian still entered the largest and mysterious warehouse in the temple, and immediately can get a lot of energy in it and supplement it. If Yang Tian has a large enough storage space, they can even store the contents in it. Move all away…

Thinking of this situation, Kuo Xing couldn’t help but roar again.

At this time, the energy that trapped him also disappeared because of Yang Tian’s departure.


A whistling sound sounded.

Bai Xingxuan was pinched by Kuo Xing’s neck. In her eyes, Kuo Xing’s face became distorted because of extreme anger.

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