The battle was finally over, Yang Tian was seriously injured, if it weren’t for the huge Divine Armor defensive power on him, it would be shattered under the knife of Broad Star.


A wind sounded.

After the death of Kuo Xing, Cheng Wu Xingyang finally let go of his heart, and came to the corpse of Kuo Xing lying on the ground.

The body of Kuoxing is still alive, and the organs within the body are still active, but it is motionless.

With the ebbing of time, this living body will slowly decline in bodily functions until it’starves to death’.

The soulless fleshy body is like a machine without operating procedures, no different from ordinary iron blocks.


Although Kuo Xing is dead, but seeing Kuo Xing’s still alive body, Cheng Wu Xingyang is still full of resentment towards him, raising his hand, moved towards Kuo Xing A palm blasted out of his body.

A mass of flesh and blood exploded, and Kuo Xing’s body was shattered by Cheng Wu Xingyang.

In this way, Cheng Wu Xingyang still did not give up, took out the rune Treasure Item that can release high-temperature flames from the storage bracelet, and instantly burned Kuoxing’s broken body to ashes.

At this moment, in a part of the flesh and blood of Broad Star, which was wrapped in white high-temperature flame, a trace of black gas suddenly appeared, burst out of the flame, hovered in the air a few times, and then moved towards Cheng Wu Xingyang rushed away.

This is the Spirit Physique of Spiritual God that has always existed in the broad star spirit within the body.

This Spirit Physique is incomplete, but it is much stronger than the ordinary cultivator Spirit Physique. It exists in the body of the wide star, making the wide star stronger, and at the same time affecting the wide star’s will.

The broad star is dead, this Spirit Physique can only find a new boarder.


At this moment, the fifteen who was caught in the hand by Yang Tian is still’burning’, and the fifteen who is wrapped in the blade with blue flame, trembles again .

This thread of Spiritual God’s Spirit Physique, before it entered Cheng Wu Xingyang’s body, was’ditched’ by a powerful attraction from Fifteen and pulled it into the blade.

After swallowing this thread of Spirit Physique, Fifteen buzzed a few more satisfied times, and the blue flames released gradually disappeared.

After a brief coma, Yang Tian finally woke up.

Although Yang Tian was in a coma before the battle result came out, but he knew that he could wake up, which means that the final result is that he won.

Yang Tian who came to his senses, his whole body was in pain, as if he had been shaken apart by Kuo Xing’s knife.

Although the pain is unbearable, Yang Tian understands that this is actually a good phenomenon, which proves that although his fleshy body was seriously injured, it can recover.

Little Qinglong wraps Yang Tian’s body with his dragon beard, and under the guidance of Chengwu Xingyang, he enters the pyramid where Kuo Xing was before.

From the outside, this tower does not appear compared to other pyramids except for its larger size. But the interior architecture is the most exquisite of all pyramids.

Countless years ago, the craftsmen of the Promise Temple opened up this space and placed a huge’pumice’ found in the Star Sea here, and then built tens of thousands on this pumice stone. This pyramid-shaped building is used to store important items.

So many pyramids, when placing items, they are always impossible, right?

Here, among the many pyramids, there is a master control tower, where a set of’Tower Charts’ is stored.

The location of all the pyramids and the things stored in them are recorded on the tower chart.

With Tatu, it is equivalent to mastering the treasures of the Promise Temple.

But Tatu is protected by a symbolic array.

After returning to this tower, Cheng Wu Xingyang impatient, walked upward along one of the three stone stairs in the tower. At the end of the stone stairs, there was a large stone box inside. Just put Tatu.

Obtaining the Tatu, Cheng Wu Xingyang can find out the cultivation cultivation technique of the Wu Family clan based on the Tatu records.

There is a lot of space here, and there are a lot of things to place. Although it is guessed that the family’s cultivation technique is here, it takes one by one to find it, and I don’t know how long it will take.

Before Cheng Wu Xingyang reached the end, he encountered the invisible rune energy wall and bounced him off.

After landing, Cheng Wu Xingyang shook the head helplessly. It seems that if you want to retrieve the cultivation cultivation technique of Cheng Wu Family clan, you have to help Yang Tian.

To crack these symbol arrays, it should not be a problem for Yang Tian.

Of course, Chengwu Xingyang not only hopes to retrieve the family cultivation technique, but also has an idea in his heart to take everything here as his own.

Why do the three major temples always have experts in the realm of spiritual travel, so that the three major temples will endure for a long time?

Because of the huge cultivation resources here.

This kind of cultivation resource refers to not only all kinds of energy spar, beast core, medicine pill, but also the most complete cultivation cultivation technique in this world.

Cheng Wu Xingyang believes that if he is allowed to stay here, he can also become a powerhouse in the realm of spiritual travel.

As soon as the idea of ​​greed appeared in Cheng Wu Xingyang’s mind, he quickly abandoned it.

Because, even if Yang Tian is seriously injured, there is still a small Qinglong watching!

Several times, Chengwu Xingyang noticed that Xiao Qinglong looked at himself with a very vigilant look.

Since the idea of ​​greed is impossible to realize, then, Yang Tian can only get better quickly, so that Yang Tian can eat meat, and he can follow him to drink soup.

So Cheng Wu Xingyang pointed to the dense stone grid at the end of the opposite stone steps, and said: “There is a box with some medicine pills in it. There may be good medicine for healing. . “

At this time, Yang Tian had already recovered some strength. Hearing what Wu Xingyang said, he said to Xiao Qinglong: “Small dragon, help me take it over and take a look.” “

The little green dragon is nodded, the dragon tail swings, and moved towards the place pointed by Chengwu Xingyang.


The little green dragon is also The rune energy was blocked, and the body was bounced back.

But what made Cheng Wu Xingyang curious was that Xiao Qinglong did not give up. When it rushed past for the second time, it passed the rune energy smoothly. Dozens of boxes were sucked into the mouth and flew back.

cultivator Because body cells have evolved to a new level, medicine has little effect on their bodies, so, In general, medicine pill refers to something that replenishes energy. It is a concept with beast core.

Alchemist has many geniuses. When refining beast core, he learns from beast core. A special kind of energy is extracted from the nucleus, and it is made into an alternative medicine pill.

After taking this medicine pill, its energy can be absorbed by human cells as quickly as possible, speeding up the metabolism and allowing Repair the damaged fleshy body of the cultivator as soon as possible.

Yang Tian doesn’t have much strength, and Xiao Qinglong doesn’t believe in Chengwu Xingyang. What if this guy wants to poison to death Yang Tian……

So, Xiao Qinglong used dragon whiskers to open all the boxes he found, and swallowed the multi-colored medicine pill one after another.

During this process, Xiao Qinglong really ate a few A poison, there is actually a powerful insect in it. Fortunately, it has a high-temperature dragon flame, and finally burned all these insects to death.

After swallowing more than 30 medicine pills in a row, the little green dragon finally found Yang Tian I got a suitable medicine pill, curled it with a dragon beard, and fed it into Yang Tian’s mouth.

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