The battle ahead has lasted for a long time.

The broken corpses of the alien beasts spread across the plains, and even if they are far away, they can smell a strong smell of blood.

Some severely injured and undead strange beasts uttered screams before they died, echoing across the plain, looking terrible.

At the end of the war, the island finally calmed down.

“Let’s go! Let’s go and see!”

Yang Tian has changed back to his body, turned his head and said, immediately moved towards the plain ahead and flew away quickly.

So many corpses of strange animals are a huge asset. You must know that every alien beast within the body here has colored spar, which is actually a kind of beast core. Only the alien beasts living in the Star Sea can have this beast core within the body.

In a moment, Yang Tian came to the foot of the mountain, the peripheral zone of the plain.

A whole body of hard armor, the length of the body reaches ten meters, and the shape of a wild boar is somewhat similar to that of a wild boar. The neck is bitten off by other animals, and the huge body is still twitching constantly, Yang Tian took out the blue long knife, chopped it off with one knife, and ended the pain of this strange beast.

With a sound of’poof’, Blade Qi slashed across and chopped the beast’s head in half. The little green dragon jumped up from Yang Tian’s shoulder and rushed into the half of the head of the alien beast. After a while, he held it An irregularly shaped colored spar the size of a football came out.

Little Qinglong is in need of energy supplement, and he is not polite with Yang Tian, ​​his body becomes a bit bigger, his mouth is open, and he swallows this colored crystal into his belly.

The alien beasts that survive in the Star Sea need to consume a large amount of this beast core to supplement energy if they want to continue to advance.

In the dream of the giant god, Yang Tian saw that the giant god once turned into a beast body and swallowed thousands of strange beasts in one breath.

Next, Yang Tian split the heads of a few grotesquely shaped strange beasts and took the beast cores.


Suddenly, a sound of wind appeared on Yang Tian’s head, and a huge animal foot moved towards Yang Tian stepped on it.

Yang Tian takes the beast core here, which is actually the fruit of robbing others. When taking the beast core, Yang Tian has already raised his vigilance.

This is a huge monster with a head similar to Xiaoqing, but with a long neck and a bloated body. It has a body length of over 20 meters and a pair of fleshy wings on its back.

Such a huge body, but it moves extremely fast, fast as lightning.

Yang Tian drew away quickly, with a’bang’, the alien beast’s thigh stepped on the place where Yang Tian stood before, and the hard ground was stepped out of a large pit reaching several meters.

When Yang Tian flashed to the side, he found that the little Qinglong had already enlarged his body, raised his head, and stared coldly at the unexpected beast.

Yang Tian saw the whole picture of this strange beast, and felt a little familiar, and quickly remembered that this is a common beast in Star Sea. Transliterated into Chinese, it can be called’Beilong Beast. ‘.

Although the energy fluctuations emitted by the little Qinglong body are weaker than this Belon beast, it has an imposing manner. It seems that the battle strength is comparable to that of the opponent.

“ao ~”

After the two giant beasts looked at each other for a while, the Belon beast let out a deep roar.

Immediately, Belon beast slowly backed away, and it seemed to be a little afraid of the little blue dragon.

Yang Tian can see that this big guy is extremely clever, perhaps wisdom is not weaker than human beings, it has just experienced a great battle, energy consumption is very large, there are still injuries on the body, this time with Xiao Qinglong went to war, it was definitely it who lost.

Belong beast is indeed afraid of Xiaoqinglong. Apart from just going through the battle and suffering some injuries, there is another reason.

That is, as soon as it saw the little green dragon, it didn’t know why, it gave birth to a sense of instinctive fear.

It’s like, the little green dragon is the natural nemesis of this alien beast.

Seeing Long Beast retreating, Xiao Qinglong took a slow step, slowly pressing up.

“hong long long…”

Suddenly, the ground vibrated, and there was a hong long long sound in the distance.

A large group of strange animals rushed over.

It turns out that the roar of Belon Beast just now sends a signal to the same clan.

Rushing, there are more than 40 Belon beasts, and some are bigger than Yang Tian’s eyes.

The big Veronmon is obviously more powerful.

The higher the realm of most alien beasts, the stronger the battle strength and the bigger the change.

This is not to say that they cannot be made smaller, but that this is a way for alien animals to declare their status.

Just like human beings, they use gorgeous clothes and jewelry to show that they are rich.

Faced with so many alien beasts, and the battle strength of each alien beast is very strong, and the other alien beasts are not only Belon beasts. If they fight, Yang Tian will definitely suffer, not to mention their side He also followed a little green tortoise that didn’t seem to have a strong battle strength.

It would be silly to resist here.

“Small dragon, let’s withdraw!”

Yang Tian glanced at the direction where the beasts rushed, said independently.

“ao ~”

Little Qinglong was a little unwilling to send an angry roar to the opposite Belon beast, before turning his head, and leaving with Yang Tian.

The group of beasts came very quickly, and they arrived just after Yang Tian left for a while.

At this time, Yang Tian and the others have retreated several kilometers away, reaching the foot of the mountain when they came.

Yang Tian originally thought that the beasts would chase them, but didn’t expect them to stop, separated a long distance, looked at Yang Tian with angry eyes.

“Several people, don’t go!”

Suddenly, behind Yang Tian, ​​a very strange sound sounded.

Yang Tian frowned, turned around abruptly, and saw a tall middle-aged man wearing black tight clothes standing on the top of the peak, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

Looking at the appearance of this person, a very weird feeling appeared in Yang Tian’s heart. The sound of such a big man actually appeared so strange.

Furthermore, what this person said was something Yang Tian could understand. It turned out that the language of the mainland world had only a slight change in voice.

“Who are you? Are you human or beast?”

Yang Tian looked at this person, frowned and asked.

The middle-aged man said: “You can call me’Li Nan’. As for a man or a beast, I have long been confused.”

Li Nan’s voice It’s still the same as before, it’s not like it came from a big man. If you didn’t see the daoist and just listen to the sound, you would mistake it for a pseudonym!

After Li Nan finished speaking, said with a smile: “In Star Sea, it is rare to see other humans outside the same race. They are all the same. Why don’t you go and see us?”



Yang Tian did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

The reason why he agreed so happily is because Yang Tian feels that Li Nan is not at all malicious.

If there is, Yang Tian and the others are also impossible to leave easily.


Because those Belon beasts were actually controlled by Li Nan.

Seeing Yang Tian’s painful promise, Li Nan laughed, pursed his lips, and made a sound of’咻’.

Immediately afterwards, in the sky there was a scream.

A huge Belon beast slapped its meaty wings, landed behind Li Nan, and then fell to the ground.

This huge alien beast is obviously Li Nan’s mount.

(Expected, tomorrow three changes)

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